
The connection

Sakura was heart broken and devastated after a terrible breakup with her boyfriend Yuki. Confused and lost with no desire left, did not know what to do. In order to help, her friend suggested to join the online dating sites where she could communicate and meet new people. As she was bored she took the suggestion and joined one of the sites. She found a handsome young man, a gamer with a nerdy personality. She saw that he mentioned hookups in his profile along with short and long term relationships. She thought to herself that he is too good looking to be true. She dropped a message saying 'hello', just to try her luck. He responded which was unexpected. Her profile had the location of a different country KOLIDA which she liked, instead of LONGKIDA where she lived. The mysterious handsome young man's name was Haruto. He belonged to a different country LOLANDO. Sakura thought he responded because she gave the location KALOGI so she did not reply to him for a month. One day after her exams were over and she was bored so she responded to Haruto just to try her luck though she was pretty sure that she would be rejected as she didn't have confidence. Sometimes things doesn't always go according to our imagination as he happened to show interest and their conversation started to speed up and continue for a few days. Sakura got really excited and asked him if he could join her in any social media. He gladly responded and added her to his whatsapp account. Here came the time to confess. She never told him that she was actually from 'Longkida' and not from the location given that is 'Kalogi'. When Haruto added her to his what'sapp, he found out that the country and the phone number shown was Longkida and not Kalogi. He didn't want to offend her so he said in way not to embarrass her by asking her the country timing so that he wouldn't disturb her by texting at the wrong time. That was actually a pretty good trick to find out what's the the real thing. Sakura embarrassingly confessed that she is actually from Longkida and she thought he won't talked to her anymore, the end. But unexpectedly, Haruto had no problem with that instead he continue to have the conversation.

Haruto seemed to be quite shy and introverted in real life. Less friends and not easily compatible. He was more of an indoor person. He was a computer engineer and game otaku(obsession with games) in his free time. But he got along with girls well in the sense of being friends. But love came slow to him and hard to get attached. Once attached and again it was hard to let go. Haruto was going through a terrible break up and had been dumped by his love. He thought she was the one but there is always a twist in the stories. After that incident he was just trying to move on and do his work. He was very optimistic in nature and tended to do one thing at a time. He was the only son of his two parents, as his mother and father had gotten divorced when he was very young and now he lived with his mother and step father. His father got married as well so he had a step mother .

Sakura on the other hand was outspoken, cheerful, outgoing and easy to get along. She had four siblings with one brother and mother and father. Though Sakura was not that optimistic as Haruto, she could be pessimistic Sometimes and take things very negatively. But she had the ability to move on very fast and overcome things easily. She could get attached with things easily but again let go easily.

I and Haruto-chan got along very well since we are now connected to what'sapp. After I had terrible break up with my last boyfriend who was an ass-hole. I couldn't think for more I had lost faith in relationships, my heart was empty. I thought I can never fall in love anymore. I lost all hopes and told my parents to find an arranged marriage for me . Indeed with this empty heart I still long for a partner. Finding Haruto in an online website was an impossible dream. I still believe it to be untrue. Haruto and I chat everyday talking about things we like and dislike. I don't know when but I started falling for him. He brings smiles to my face and my heart beats faster when I talk to him. I never knew i could find love again.

Haruto being heart broken from his previous relationships, he wants to take things slow and deal with one thing at a time. He wants to focus on his career more than anything right now. He was not ready for commitment though he enjoys the company of Sakura. Sakura on the other hand falling hard for Haruto more and more day by day. Her empty heart was filled with the feelings of love,lust and excitement. The heart was no longer empty but it was filled with Haruto.

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