
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

Sykocyrus · Movies
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78 Chs

Chapter 17: Relocation

All the Dothraki turned and pulled out their own Arakh's, they would confront whoever dared to disturb their Khal in his dual.

Visarys turned around as his body was uncontrollably shaking.

What he saw stunned him, he saw a grown man in a black suit with red boots and cape, a large S adorned on his chest.

The Dothraki charged, their Arakh's held high as they swung them down after nearing him. Aiden didn't even move, his eyes were trained on Drogo who had a smile on his face.

He thought the man dead as he too pulled back to behead Gerold who looked at the man who just showed up. Shock and confusion was evident on his face.

"Aiden?" Gerold said horsely as he watched the blades come down on Aiden, they were trying to cut the man to pieces right from the start.

Gerold recognized the suit as well as his eyes, but that was as far as his recognition went.

The Dothraki slashed, but instead of the cutting the man before them into pieces, their Arakh's broke, some where even killed or injured by the shattered blades that ricochet off Aidens body.

Drogo's eyes went wide at seeing what happened, Aiden stepped over the fallen men who were just as shocked at what had happened, at least those still alive.

As Aiden stepped closer he released his grip on his aura, Viserys was the most affected by the overwhelming pressure Aidens body gave off.

Viserys screamed in fright and fell backward, he was of a chaotic evil alignment now due to his madness, so he was feeling a dread like no other.

Drogo too felt pressured, however he was more aligned with chaotic neutral. Drogo obeyed the laws of his people and did take care of his own khalisaar. So he wasn't bad per say.

Aiden watched Drogo, then in perfect Dothraki he said to Drogo, "I can see you care for your people, so I will give you one chance. Get away from my people and you can take your dead and injured and leave. But that one stays." Aiden said as he pointed to Viserys who was beginning to question his decisions.

It was part of what Aiden's and Sho's aura did, it made people reflect on their faults, even if Sho or Aiden wasn't there to fight them.

If Aiden or Sho walked on a crowded street, anyone who was aligned with bad in anyway would feel the aura more than anyone else which would cause them to doubt themselves.

Drogo, surprised by Aiden's fluent Dothraki responded back in his own language, "I was promised a bride. A dragon riding bride, I will have what is mine."

Aiden shook his head and answered, "You took a deal from someone with no right to make such a deal. I can see your not too bad a person even though you rape and pillage. Know that if I see you doing such acts as that or dealing in slaves your life is forfeit. You get one chance, make your choice. Leave now and live, or stay and die, your choice." Aiden said as he waited for Drogo to make his decision.

As Aiden waited a womans shout was heard from inside, "Aiden!!"

Hearing that voice soured his nose a bit as he had missed his mother so much, thru his x-ray vision he could see her rushing to the door.

"Mother stay inside for now. Let me get rid of these men first. Uncle Gerold, can you walk?" Aiden asked.

Before Gerold could respond Drogo had a menacing smile, "Mother? Maybe I should mount her instead first, make her my mair to breed strong warriors instead. I will have what is mine!"

Drogo went to swing his Arakh to behead Gerold who closed his eyes thinking it was his end. Aiden wasn't very close, so he would die before Aiden could reach them, or so he thought.

"Wrong choice of words." Aiden said in Dothraki, his figure vanished and appeared in front of Gerold.

Grabbing the curved blade with two fingers, he snapped the blade and grabbed the sharp tip and drove it into Drogo's chest with ease.

Drogo couldn't believe what had just happened, even Arthur and Jaime who was watching couldn't believe how fast Aiden moved.

"A warriors death is all I can give you, know that this wasn't what I wanted. You had potential to change your people's ways, but your pride and greed was your downfall. I will return your body to your people so that you can be buried like the Khal you are." Aiden said in Dothraki as Drogo fell to the ground, his face frozen in shock and bewilderment as the light faded from his eyes.

Next thing Aiden knew a brown haired beauty dashed into his arms crying, she was hugging him tightly as she cried.

"I missed you too mother. Sorry I was gone for so long."

Aiden said as he hugged her back, soon the others began to walk out of the house, both Jaime and Arthur with looks of relief while Lyanna came crashing into Elia and Aiden giving them both a tight hug.

After a few minutes Elia finally took a step back and got a good look at Aiden, "Well now, didn't you fill out all handsome like. Oberyn would definitely approve."

Aiden shuddered, he knew his uncle Oberyn's tastes, he was fond of both men and women and was known to sleep with both regularly.

"No thanks. I think I'll pass." Aiden said as he checked everyone for injuries.

Aiden's hand began to glow a golden color as he healed Gerolds legs. As he healed Gerold Aiden asked, "Is what you said about Grandmother true? She died because of him?"

"Aye, she died of a broken heart. After you left, Viserys got bolder as his madness worsened. He threatened to kill your siblings and tried to kidnap his sister to sell her. When he failed, he attacked with a group of bandits which cost Ser Oswell and Ser Willem their lives as well as several others." Gerold explained what had happened as Aiden also saw the truth.

His anger boiled when he looked at Viserys and saw his deeds and even his thought process. Aiden also saw the darkness within Viserys mind.

"You think yourself a dragon? You even stole the eggs father retrived for my siblings, you sacrificed innocent people to try to hatch them. Uncle Gerold is right, you don't deserve the name Targaryen. Allow me to show you a real dragon before I send you onto your next life. Flamebird roast him." Aiden said as he looked up.

Everyone followed his eyesight and saw nothing at first, but then a roar resonded across all of Tyrosh.

Viserys eyes widened in fear and disbelief, "No! Impossible! You aren't a Targaryen, you can't have a dragon. It's mine! I am the dragon!" His spirit broke the moment he saw a large beautiful and elegant golden-red dragon land within the courtyard.

The ground shook as she landed, Flamebird thru her bond had also seen Viserys deeds, her anger bubbled forth in the form of a golden flame that began to build in her mouth.

The Kingsguard and two women were shocked and stunned by the sight of an actual dragon.

Flamebird released the breath of fire which was so hot Viserys turned to ash even before it hit him, the dirt turned into molten sand in a line that went on for several yards.

After she dispatched Viserys, she shrunk herself down and flew over to receive a petting for doing a good job.

Seeing the dragon shrink down to the size of a house cat stunned them even further since this was a never before seen ability of a dragon. Never in recorded history of dragons could they shrink or grow like that, they grew with age and that was it.

"Is that a real dragon? Where did you find him?" Lyanna said with sparkling eyes.

At her question Flamebird screeched at Lyanna in protest.

"Yes, SHE is a real dragon. Her name is Flamebird." Aiden answered as he pet Flamebirds head.

Not seeing his siblings he scanned the house and then saw them in the floor, he could see they were sleeping and then he felt horrible. He could tell they were trying to sacrifice themselves to try to save the children.

"I'm sorry I didn't get back sooner. If I had just came back sooner, Grandmother would still be alive." Aiden said sadly.

"Don't do that to yourself. You made it here in one piece, she lived a hard life, she is at peace now. She wouldn't want you blaming yourself. Now come, we need to leave this city before anything happens. There is a chance the Dothraki may retaliate as well, they may raid this city." Gerold said comfortingly as he placed a hand on Aiden's shoulder.

"About that... I have a place you can go where you will be safe. It's just kind of a desolate city right now since I just got it. But hey, you won't have to be constantly alert to try to protect everyone." Aiden said as he thought about Kandor.

"You own a city?" Elia asked incredulously.

"Well its a city from my home planet according to my brother. He said its a replica, but he said that it is fully automated and has droid servants so you won't need anything." Aiden said, then he noticed the strange looks he was receiving.

'Shit, I forgot that most of those terms are completely foreign to them, man that is going to suck having to word things differently so people here will understand me.'

"Wow, my son has his own city and servants. I would love to see it, I will finally get to see your world." Elia said proudly.

Aiden released a awkward smile, which was noticed by Lyanna.

"Whats wrong?" Lyanna asked hesitantly.

"Nothing.." Aiden didn't want to say that his world was pretty much no more.

"Come on, I will bring everyone there. But first lets wake my siblings and Aunt. Where is Aunt Ashara? Did she not stay?"

Elia laughed, "She stayed for a few years but returned to Starfall a few years ago. Her father has been trying to find her a husband but she hasn't been making it easy.".

"So how long of a journey will it be so I know how much supplies to bring for the trip?" Arthur asked.

Aiden gave a mischievous grin, "Don't worry about supplies Uncle. It won't take long at all."

After retrieving the children from their hiding place, Aiden used his power to burn away the sleeping tonic from within their bodies waking them up.

Rhaenys was the only one to recognize Aiden right from the start. She was the oldest out of the others so her memory of Aiden was the best.

After everyone got over the excitement of Aiden's return, he began to hand out braclets to everyone.

They looked at the simple blue metal bands that had the sigil of house El engraved on the top. Once they all had it on, Aiden then spoke up, "Alright Kelex, begin the transport."

To everyone's amazement a golden light emmited from the bracelet and then they found themselves in a beautiful and elegant room that was atop the largest spire.

The scene they saw took the adults breath away, while the children let out their own exclamations.

Although the city was contained within a bottle, the bottle was special, it allowed Aiden to choose what people inside saw when looking out.

Right now it showed Planetos in all its beauty.

Aiden couldn't help but laugh at the expressions on everyones faces, especially after they met the service droids.

Jaime and Arthur both attacked out of fear but quickly learned the droids weren't helpless. They were both quickly defeated by a single droid.

Rather than feel downhearted, both saw an opportunity. They didn't see a service droid, what they saw was a training partner, a way to improve their skill.

The tour went just as well, especially the zoo and multiple attractions such as various amusement and water parks for the children. The training facilities were a big hit for the Kingsguard. The spa's and various hot springs were big on the two women.

"All this is yours, Aiden?" Rhaenys asked with sparkling eyes.

"Not just mine. Its ours. It will be your home for as long as you want it to be. The only thing is, for now you can't leave freely back to the planet below. I have to set up a receiver on the planet in order for Kelex to be able to send you back and forth."

"Really! You really mean that I can stay with you!" Rhaenys completely ignored his other words.

Little Daenerys tugged on Aiden's cape to get his attention. "Me too?" She asked sheepishly.

"Of course you too. Also I have a present for you four." Aiden the pulled out a data pad that had various animal pictures.

There were various cats, dogs, birds and reptiles.

"Pick which animal you want as a companion." Aiden said to which all four began to search thru the list.

Rhaenys chose a Flerken, which was from the Marvel universe, she loved cats.

Eagon chose a Protean, a race of telepathic shape-shifters from the planet Antares, in their original form they were small clay humanoids that can change into any creature as well as read surface thoughts.

Daenerys chose Krypto, which was a kryptonian dog.

And Aegon, Lyanna's son, chose a direwolf in dedication to his mothers house.

Aiden then had Kelex clone the requested animals and to bring them into Kandor once they completed.

After settling them in and having to explain various things such as who Kelex was and about his own home planet, they finally allowed him to leave after promising to return after he handled a few things, Aiden flew back down to the planet along with Flamebird who loved traveling the new world.

Aiden decided to retrive the three dragon eggs that Rhaegar had gotten for his children. Not wanting Daenerys to be left out either Aiden went searching for a fourth egg for her.

It wasn't very difficult to find the eggs, and with Flamebird who was a god of dragons she was able to help inform him of which eggs were able to hatch and which ones were duds.

Not every egg laid by a dragon will hatch, so this made locating all the good eggs left on the planet easy.