
Chapter 10: Rescue

"So warm..." Lyanna said as she felt a warmth begin to fill her body, replacing the coldness that had previously threatened to take her.

As she felt the warm hand on her head she looked to the source and saw a young boy with black hair and a black suit with a sigil she had never seen before with his eyes closed as he touched her head.

She studied the young boys face, knowing that he was saving her life, tears of happiness began to roll down her cheeks. She was scared to die, she had felt deaths cold touch and it had scared her. She didn't want to die, she wanted to be with her son, to watch him grow into man. She had lost all hope.

Just when her hope had left and she accepted her fate, as she tried to burn the image of her sons face into her mind, everything had changed.

The boy then opened his eyes, Lyanna then saw those deep blue eyes look back at her, then to the baby in her arms.

"Hello little brother." Aiden said as he touched the baby's head gently.

"Your okay now Auntie. Thankfully I got here in time. What's his name?" Aiden asked in a gentle manner.

"Aegon. Aegon Targaryen." Lyanna answered with a smile.

"Wow, I now have two brothers named Aegon. Can I hold him?" Aiden asked excitedly, he always wanted to hold one but he was too small before.

"Of course...um?" Lyanna said but hesitated cause she didn't know what to call the mysterious boy.

"Aiden. My name is Aiden." He answered as he accepted the baby from her.

"Aiden.. Thank you for saving me." Lyanna said sincerely.

Then she noticed the Kingsguard then her brother who she hadn't seen in a year.

"Ned? Is that really you?" Lyanna said surprised.

Ned quickly made his way to Lyanna after Aiden moved away as he enjoyed holding the baby.

"Yes Lyanna it's really me. Thank the Gods you are ok." Ned said as Lyanna gave him a hug.

Gerold and Arthur then approached Aiden and began to discuss what was happening while Lyanna and Ned also spoke.

The reunion was short lived however, when Aiden finally said they needed to leave. He was feeling a darkness coming, something evil was heading in this direction and Aiden didn't want to risk anything with his new baby brother around.

"My sister is coming home, as is her child, she is a Stark. She belongs in Winterfell." Ned retorted, he had been searching for her for so long, he wasn't about to not take her home.

"Not anymore she isn't. She is Targaryen, her and Rhaegar officially wed by both the Old Gods and the New. So no Lord Stark, she will not be returning with any rebel." Gerold Hightower said sternly.

"Ned. What he says is true. I won't be going back. Robert will kill my son, he is the true heir to the throne. I won't return until Robert is dead. I will be joining my true family. Not one who fought against my husband." Lyanna said with a little anger laced in her voice.

Ned's face went from a varity of expressions all at once. Shock, pain, anger and sadness.

"They killed father and Brandon!" Ned exclaimed.

"No THEY didn't, that was Aerys alone, my step father had nothing to do with that and neither did my mother and grandmother you stupid fool. If anyone is at fault its you pieces of shit. You sent a monster after my mother and siblings. They were going kill my baby brother, so no I will kill you and all your men if you try to take her." Aiden said angrily, his eyes began to glow red like a demon, causing Ned to shudder.

"No Aiden please. I know my brother wasn't involved in that. He would never harm a innocent child. Right Ned?" Lyanna quickly said, not wanting her brother to die.

"No I didn't. I didn't even know about such things. I was told they were sent to only capture them." Ned responded, he was appalled by the accusation.

"I was there when that mountain guy came bursting into the room. I saw what he planned to do not just to my brother but also to my sister and mother. Rather than tell you, let me show you." Aiden said as he was trying to maintain his anger.

Everyone had questioning looks as Aiden grabbed Neds head, Aiden mimicked what Sho had done and focused hard on projecting what he saw that day.

Due to his anger and inexperience what Aiden didn't realize was it wasn't just Ned that he projected the images too, rather everyone in the room including the Maester and midwife, Ashara, Howland Reed, the Kingsguard and Lyanna.

They witnessed Gregor Clegane grabbing baby Aegon from Elia's arms and bashing his head against a wall, then he ripped her clothes and forced himself onto her while Armory Lorch stabbed little Rhaenys hundreds of times, killing the little four year old slowly and painfully.

These images shocked and angered everyone in the room, Lyanna and Ashara began to shed tears as the Kingsguard tightened their hands on the hilts of their swords.

"That is what would have happened had I not been there to put that monster down. So no Lord Stark, I won't leave my family with a army willing to go that far. I used to hear all the time how Stark's were honorable men, as was many of you northerners, now I don't believe it so. You may not have given the order, but you fight on their side. You and the north are just as guilty." Aiden said as he slowly calmed down since he realized he was holding the baby.

"Aye, the boy speaks true. Take your men and leave Lord Stark, while I still can hold back my anger." Gerold stated through gritted teeth.

Gerold's voice had snapped Ned out of his stupor, all his own anger and hatred vanished instantly. Now he felt regret, he had now come to realize that the war wasn't what he had thought it was.

He believed he was doing what was right, he was getting justice for his family, but after hearing that Lyanna was actually married to Rhaegar and what Tywin had planned to do at Kings Landing, it wasn't hard to realize that the war wasn't about justice at all.

Ned turned to Lyanna with a sigh and gave her a kiss on her forehead, "I am truly sorry, I really had no idea." Ned said to her, but he also said it loud enough for all to hear.

Ned then stood and walked towards the door and stopped by Aiden. He looked down at the baby in Aidens arms with a complicated look.

"You can say goodbye." Aiden said with a sigh, he felt the sadness and regret within Ned, he felt bad for the man cause he knew he was just as much a victim as many others in this war.

A war that started due to a lie, had the lie not been spread, Brandon would've been in the Riverlands and getting married to Catelyn Tully, it was him hearing the rumors of his sisters fate that caused him to deviate from going to his own wedding to instead go to Kings Landing.

Ned left after he held his nephew and burned his image into his mind, he wanted to remember him, he wanted to be able to recognize the boy should he see him again, even if it was ten or twenty years from now, he wanted to recognize his family.

Seeing that they left Aiden closed his eyes and felt for that darkness, once he found it an image of a black raven flying to towards this place flashed across his mind, he felt evil intentions from this bird which confused him greatly.

He didn't understand how a bird could give off such an evil aura, then he remembered the images his real brother showed him,

'It's not a bird at all. It has to be one of those really bad guys brother warned be about. I need to get everyone out of here, something is telling me that thing is way more dangerous to the others.' Aiden thought as he turned to look at the Kingsguard.

"We have to go, and I mean quickly. There is some kind of bird that isn't a bird coming, although I don't feel danger myself from it, my instincts tell me that if we are here when it arrives, something bad can happen to one of you." Aiden explained.

"Aye, I trust you Aiden. But we are going to have us a nice long talk when we are safe, you understand?" Gerold Hightower said as he looked at Aiden.

Leaving all their supplies they began to sit on the small boat that Aiden had dropped down onto the ground earlier. This had greatly confused Lyanna and Ashara since they didn't know Aiden could fly, while the Kingsguard had already figured out what the boat was for.

Seeing that they were all aboard and settled in, Aiden bent down and lifted the boat up startling most on board. Aiden then dashed upwards at extreme speeds, causing even the grown men to scream like little school children in a haunted house.

What shocked them the most was they didn't feel the wind too strongly, even though they were flying at incredible speeds.

Unknown to even Aiden himself, his own powers where wrapped around the occupants, protecting them from being tossed around or blown off the boat as he carried it thru the air.

It was something all kryptonians did subconsciously, they generated their own bio-electric fields which gave them abilities that far surpassed just super strength.

It allowed them to spread their strength over the entire surface of the object they lifted.

It was how Kal-El could catch a falling plane without it crumpling into pieces from his suddenly stopping it, or catching people who fell from heights without snapping their necks or even bruising them.

Aiden's bio-electric field was keeping them in place as well as allowing them to breath easily. Gerold Hightower directed Aiden to where Jaime had marked on the map he had sent along with Aiden.

Lyanna and Ashara quickly began to enjoy the flight after seeing that everything was safe, they were seeing a sight that hasn't been seen for a little over a century. Even then only a select few got to see it, only dragon riders got to see such sights.

Aiden's speed was much faster than it had been on his way to the Tower of Joy, not just because he was getting better, but because he was a little worried. He was beginning to see that this world wasn't anything like he had imagined it to be.

He was worried for those he considered a family, something dark was trying to swallow this world, he had to investigate and do something.

As Aiden made his way to Pentos, back at the Tower of Joy, a large black Raven with three eyes landed on the window sill of the room Lyanna had given birth in. It looked into the room, it smelled the room which had a metallic smell, a clear sign of blood, this had matched what it knew was supposed to happen, but also something felt off.

The raven let out a caw and flew north, after a few minutes the raven came upon seven riders, now it knew something wasn't right. Only three riders were supposed to leave the tower alive; Ned, Howland and the wet nurse from Dorne.

However that is not what it saw, not only were there seven men instead of two, their was no body of Lyanna Stark or even a baby in Ned's arms.

Also they should be heading to Starfall first before heading back north, wanting to know what happened, the raven flew closer to the group of riders.

The raven then picked out the easiest of the minds to enter, after landing on a bush not far from the group, the three black eyes clouded over as the mind controlling the bird entered the mans mind.

Theo Wull didn't even detect that his mind had just been invaded, his most recent memories were reviewed, thats when the entity saw Aiden. He watched what happened with both fear and anger.

He needed Jon Snow in the north, he needed him to join the Night's Watch, he was the only one who could distract the Night King away from himself, allowing him to have more time to enact his plans.

As the raven searched thru Theo Wull's mind, Howland Reed felt something was wrong, he was a Warg himself, though he wasn't a powerful one, he was still sensitive to others magic.

Howland turn back to investigate the source, when he saw Theo's eyes he immediately reacted, throwing a special dagger whose blade was made of obsidian and the handle from a branch of a Heart Tree, the dagger pierced Theo's shoulder stunning the other men.

Theo screamed, but what really shocked everyone was two distinct and seperate voices were heard in that scream, one was Theo's voice while the other was a completely new one.

The black raven that had landed on the bush earlier flew off as it cawed repeatedly, rushing to escape, he couldn't let this familiar die or he would need a lot of time to recover from the injury to his magic abilities that would be damaged if such a thing happened.

"By the Gods, what was that?" Ser Willam Dustin said, as Theo slumped over his horse.

"My Lords, we may have trouble brewing, let us depart quickly. I will explain more in detail once we make camp." Howland said as he removed the knife from Theo.

"That is a strange dagger, may I?" Ned said as he felt a strange connection to the dagger.

"Actually my lord, that dagger belongs to you." Howland said as he handed it to Ned to examine. "I was given it by a Greenseer, they said I would know when the time to return it would be. Now is the time."

Ned, surprised by what Howland said, took the dagger in hand and admired the hilt that had a wolf head at the end of the hilt. The shaft of the hilt had a intricate carving of a Weirwood tree with a child carving a face upon it.

Ned felt something inside him awaken, his eyes slowly clouded over, but quickly vanished, as if his body already knew what to do, he cut his palm and smeared the wolf head with his blood.

To everyones shock the blood was absorbed by the hilt, information flooded into Ned mind. Ned then knew the purpose of the dagger. Rather than being a weapon, it was a tool, used to awaken the magic within the Stark bloodline.

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