
Essence Absorption

It was called, Experiment 084. Created when the Magi fused the genes of spiders and their unlucky slaves. Being one of their first creations and the naturally weak spiders, these 084 were the weakest among the experiments.

The incompatibility of the combination caused it's lack mobility and intelligence, cursed to be at the constant state of disorientation. Only the Magi knew what horrors caused their screams, but the pure agony behind it was enough to arouse the imagination of the many players.

But not Crid. He often preyed upon them each time he was frustrated with completing the quest. Annoyed by their crying tantrums.

Now he was at it's mercy. Crid felt humiliated, now he was the prey and they were the hunter.

He closed his eyes, visualizing every single step of the experiment. The grip he had on his dagger loosened for a moment, with his body completely relaxed. Keeping tabs with it's screaming.

"First scream. Second scream. Third!" Crid opened his eyes, he was like a ghost as he pounced the monster. His dagger easily tearing through it's vocal cords.

After every third scream, it would stay still as it gasped of air. The perfect opportunity for Crid. He also purposefully slit it's throat, as the sound of it struggling might attract more monsters.

He afterall, he took pride at his title as the PK God among millions of players.

"Phantom Steps. Phantom Steps!" He screamed inside his mind, but nothing happened. It was when he remembered, "Damn! I no longer had that skill."

He didn't know weather he should laugh or cry at his stupidity. But seeing the slender giant infront of him, it would probably be the latter.

Crid slowly stepped backwards, he had to kill this experiment right now. If not it will attract more monsters. Though he knew he could do nothing, he still decided to think for a plan.

084 raised it's leg, positioning it to strike. It was at that moment Crid felt like certain doom weighed his heart. So this is what it feels like, he thought.

"Here goes nothing." Crid dashed towards the monster. Dodging the sweeping attack it made with a duck.

With every step he said to himself how dumb this was.

When he just a few feet away from it, Crid slided to close the distance and to avoid another attack. Using the razor-sharp dagger given to him to tear open it's stomach. It's intestines and blood splashing on the floor.

But even after cutting it's throat and opening it's stomach, it was still able to breathe. Crid gasped heavily, slowly coming forward to the struggling monster beneath his feet.

Skillfully opening it's chest, a jewel glistened at him. Having killed them countless of times, his butchering skills grew. The jewel was so fragile that Crid destroyed it with his palm.

He didn't knew what these Magi were trying to achieve, but to kill their creations, he had to destroy a ruby-like jewel located where their heart is. If not, then given enough time, they will completely regenerate.

Crid felt every fiber of his body become exhausted, leaning on a wall as he sat. Only when he was given time to think did he realized the feat he just accomplished.

"Ha. Hahaha." Crid tried hard to supress his triumphant laugh. He always believed that he was talented, now he had something that proves he is.

This was the Broken Isle! These monsters were enough to tear rookies with Skills into shreds. Yet he, someone without a single Skill, survived it.

Crid fiddled with his dagger, even when it contibuted to his success. He still believed he could have killed the monster without it.

Even after calming himself down. The look he had suggested he was still intoxicated with himself.

The System Window flashed.

[Essence Aborbed: 116]

Though Experience was changed into Essence, it still served the same purpose. After his transmigation, he was asked to pick a Class. To which he chose Assassin. With that, he could only use the Essence he gets on upgrading Skills of this Class.

In the game, players discovered Skills through various sources. But they can only learn them through spending experience points.

Now that the game became their reality, a new way was added in learning a Skill. That is through practicing it. Unlike in the game, even if Crid spent an eternity practicing Phantom Steps, he will never truly learn it. But now he can.

Crid smiled, the amount was enough for newbies like him. Certainly better than the one digit Essence he would gain at the rookie areas.

Even after regaining his confidence and pride, he decided that he wouldn't go out killing these experiments. There were still too many variables to consider, one mistake would be enough to take his life.

Besides, he was smart enough to prevent pride from clouding his judgement.

After resting, Crid immediately continued. Having forgotten that he was no longer a top Assassin player, he keep on doing foolish things. He had to finish the quest as soon as possible. Because of his little stunt, the other experiments will be alarmed.

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