
〖Tree House〗

The forest was very abundant with many fruits, so along the way, Mira was picking some while Chaos had already stored the Wildcat's corpse inside his storage magic, which he had forgotten to use earlier.

Mira moved closer to him and said. "I never thought you could use magic."

"It was nothing. Its only use is to store things." Chaos humbly said. He didn't want to brag around his abilities to others as he is not like that.

"What do you mean its nothing. With that magic you will be able to carry a lot of things, you will not even have to worry about carrying things." Mira said with excitement. There were stars shining in her eyes, and she seems to be thinking about something.

"Well, I guess so." He said.

After a minute of walking, they have finally arrived at the location where the tree house should be, but what was in front of them was the polar opposite of a tree house.

On a large tree, there were logs attached which formed a square-like platform. Its floor was made of thin wood planks stack to each other. The only support the platform had was the vines which were tightly tied to the tree.

The only thing that made them realize that it was a tree house was the large signboard hanging on the platform. It was a wooden board, with words roughly carved on its body which is written - Tree House.

Chaos' mouth twitched as he looked at the so-called tree house in front of him, Mira's expression was not far from his expression as she was also watching the tree house with a very strange expression.

Chaos turned to look at her, as he didn't want to hurt her feelings, he can only say. "It looks unique."

Mira also turns to look at him and smiled. "They have a unique taste?"

She was also not sure of what to say, she expected something more but what can she expect from nine and eight-year-old kids?

They then saw two kid running towards them with large smiles on their faces, it was a boy and a girl. The girl had a short white-hair, wearing a somewhat similar white dress like Mira. The boy, on the other hand, had a well-built muscular body, but on his expression was innocence like that of a child. The appeared to be very timid while the girl was very cheerful.

The two were Lisanna Strauss and Elfman Strauss, Mirajane's brother and sister.

"Sister~" Lisanna came running towards Mira as she jumps to her embrace.

Mira was already ready as she caught her, she then hugged her tightly as she spins around. After a few moments, Mira stopped and let Lisanna down.

Elfman was at the side smiling at their interaction, while he also steals some glances at Chaos, his timid behavior didn't give him the courage to introduce himself.

Mira went towards Chaos, with Lisanna holding her hand. Lisanna was looking at Chaos quite curiously as she saw that he was very good looking.

-He looks so handsome. I wonder what his relationship with a sister is.

"Chaos, this is my brother and sister, Elfman and Lisanna." Mira took the initiative to introduced them to Chaos.

"Nice to meet you two. My name's Nicholas Chaos." Chaos said to them.

"Nice to meet you too." Lisanna and Elfman greeted together in unison.

Lisanna then went closer to Chaos and looked at him with her large blue eyes.

"What are looking at? Is there something on my face?" Chaos asked her. But Lisanna just kept on looking at his face as if she didn't hear his question.

She looked at him for a few minutes, Mira was also looking at Lisanna strangely but did not stop her, while Elfman had his head lowered as he was looking on the ground but his eyes can be seen also looking at Chaos.

After she was satisfied, Lisanna finally spoke to Chaos.

"Can I call you Nick?" Lisanna asked. "Because calling you Chaos will be quite weird, although I think that it is a good name but Nick is much more suitable to call you when talking."

Chaos also thought about it and can't help but agree to her thoughts, he was just rashly making a name to himself that he didn't think about how will it sound. Calling him Nick was much better than calling him Chaos.

"Yes, you can," Nick said to her with a smile.

Hearing that he agreed to her, Lisanna smiled. "Then Nick, what do you think about our tree house? Isn't it great?"

Nick looked at her smiling face, then turn to Mira who had a face as if saying 'say something good'. He then looked at the tree house they built that looks like it could fall at any moment.

"It looks unique if I say so," Nick said.

Lisanna smiled happily as she began to brag about their tree house, saying how beautiful it was and how hard they worked to make it. She also said that it was all her idea and she had the biggest contribution to making it.

Mira was listening to her story with a face that had remained her smile, while Nick was also maintaining a smile on his face. Elfman was also smiling but it was more sincere than there smile as he was really happy about their tree house.

Just as they were talking, their treehouse suddenly issued a loud creaking noise and then the vines used to tie it all snapped. Then after that, with the work of gravity, the whole tree house collapsed and fell on the ground.

Since they were quite near where it would fall, Nick carried Lisanna who was near at him and jumped away, Mira and Elfman also managed to get away from it before it fell on the ground.


It produced a small whirlwind which made all the dried leaves around it flew on air, then when it started to fell down it now looked like it was raining with leaves.

Lisanna was looking at their so-called tree house which had collapsed with her mouth wide open. She did not expect it to collapse, their hard work was all in vain as it was destroyed, she felt like crying but held it in as she was a big girl now.

Nick looked at Lisanna's almost crying face, he releases a sigh as he thought that she really looks pitiful. He then walks towards to ruins as he gathers his magic.

Although there are still no actions, please bear with me please for now.

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