
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
118 Chs


Tenebrea stood in the arena, surveying her opponents while they also did the same. They did not dare underestimate her, even though they outnumbered her by three people. They had seen what her disciples had done to the ones that the fallen regarded as prodigies; just imagine what their master was capable of.

Dave readied his gigantic club and flew, keeping the club in a defensive position.

He was acting as the tank. Dave was known to always jump headfirst into any battle with no regard for his life, but now he was actually being cautious by blocking, but it was not for nothing as Lucius was already taking his position behind Tenerbea. He was a swift attacker, and he was going to be their short-range damage dealer.

Tenebrea swung at Dave immediately after he reached her attacking range. He thought her swing would make him fly away or destroy his block, but it was actually an attack he could take. Except for the attack pushing him back two steps and a grunt, there was nothing else. Seeing that Tenebrea was distracted by the attack in front, Lucius was already behind, readying his attack.

"Light slash" A long vertical beam of light slashed in Tenebrea's direction, who slashed her scythe backward and formed a dark red horizontal slash of her own, and she immediately focused on continuing the attack on Dave.

The light slash attack was canceled immediately by Tenebrea's chaos slash. Several light arrows flew at Tenebrea, and a shield of blood formed in front of her, blocking everything. China, who had shot her arrow, gritted her teeth, and her short bow started to expand until it became a proper long bow. The arrows had also grown to look like mini spears, and she began firing them like she was a gatling gun.

Despite the speed of all of them, Tenebrea kept up, albeit barely. As Lucius slashed several times per second, Dave also managed to get a few swings in while blocking, China shot her spear arrows, and only Sylvia had not attacked.

There were already cuts appearing on Tenebrea's body when she laughed.

"Do you know why it is dangerous to get a vampire injured?" She asked. Dave and Lucius felt something was wrong, so they immediately tried to retreat.

"Because our strongest attack attribute is our blood." Sharp tendrils swarmed out of Tenebrea. It pierced straight through Dave's defense and caused some minor cuts on Lucius because of his timely dodges. China was not spared despite her distance, as she was met with blood spears.

A shield of light blocked the attack that was most likely heading towards Sylvia. Tenebrea had turned the tides of the battle, and she was not going to give up the upper hand she had just gotten.

The blood tendrils separated and formed three masses. They then started to shape themselves until they looked humanoid. Each of them held different weapons. Two flew into the sky to face Sylvia and China, while the third jumped forward to attack Lucius.

Tenebrea looked at Dave and smiled. "We are finally alone. Let's dance"

She dashed forward with her scythe, which Dave blocked once more before he could even process the thought of another attack. She had retrieved her scythe and was attacking again.

It happened in less than a second. She attacked, he blocked, and she attacked again. This time around, the scythe cut deep into his shoulder. The giant fell and yelled, nearly shaking the entire arena.

He smashed Tenebrea with his club, which she blocked, or at least she tried. She seemed to have forgotten her fleshly body had been downgraded. The club hit her, and she was sent flying upward into the air. Dave held the scythe and forcefully took it out of his body, throwing it on the ground. His wound started to heal.

He noticed the scythe was shaking like It had a seizure. Confused, he walked towards it, about to pick it up, when the scythe went bolting into the sky. He followed it with his eyes, and that was when he saw Tenebrea descending like a meteor with the scythe in her hands, clearly ready to cleave him into two.

This was a coliseum, and death was definitely not against the rules. He tried to dodge the attack, but he couldn't move.

He was now paralyzed as the scythe was descending. He saw his own life flash before his eyes.

Tenebrea had a crazy spark in her eyes. She did not mind killing after all; it was a battle. As she was about two inches away from penetrating his head with the scythe, a light arrow and ball connected with her torso, sending her flying to the wall of the coliseum.

Sylvia had managed to defeat the clones, also saving China in the process, and they were about to go help Lucius when they saw Dave was about to be killed, so they chose to save him instead. The blood flowed back into the tattered body of Tenebrea.

Her neck hung like it was broken, her limbs were twisted, and there was a hole—I mean, holes—all over her abdomen. Her body healed like clockwork.

Crack Crack Crack

That was all the audience heard as they saw her bones literally rearranging themselves. The three went in to continue their attack, but they were obstructed by a blood dome that covered Tenebrea.


A giant beam of light was released from the scepter in Sylvia's hand, causing the dome to crack, but it immediately fixed itself. She got angry and redirected the beam at the bloody humanoid facing Lucius. The bloody humanoid was vaporized into oblivion. At least this way, it was not going to return to this annoying vampire.

Tenebrea was done healing, and the blood dome went back into her body. She looked at the four as they once again surrounded her.

"I have to finish this soon. It's just ten more minutes, and the effect of the bracelets will end."

"It's been a while since I used this form, but sure, why not?" A red curtain of miasma poured into the sky and receded almost immediately back into the body of Tenebrea, but it was no longer Tenebrea standing there. It was a 2-meter-tall demon with two semi-curved long horns and smaller horns all around; it had four red eyes and four arms with long bloody claws; it had two pairs of wings on its back; and its entire body was covered in scales.

This grotesque being was Tenebrea in her Vampiric form. It still wore the bracelet, so the transformation was not complete, but this was enough for her.

The four fallen were shocked for a second and quickly snapped out of it, but it wasn't fast enough as Tenebrea appeared in front of the invisible Sylvia and smiled. It swung its hands, and Sylvia was sent flying to the ground. Her ribcage was broken, poking her heart and making her lose consciousness.

China immediately fired a barrage of arrows, but they bounced off her armor. She spat dark red miasma like a beam attack at China, who didn't even bother dodging as it seemed impossible.

After the miasma fog cleared, a half-skeleton, half-fallen person hovered where China was before; China now fell down too.

"Remaining two" She landed facing both Dave and Lucius, and two of her arms turned into swords made of bones and scales.

Slashes, stabs, and parries all happened as Dave and Lucius found it hard to keep up with the devil in their presence.

With one slash, Lucius arm came off his body, and then with a stab, the sword pierced through one of his lungs and through his back. He went unconscious soon after, while Dave had his body slowly paralyzed due to the poison in Tenebrea's blood. He just laid on the floor staring into space, and finally the bracelet's effect timed out and her full strength returned.

She had already returned to her vampire form, and with a smile for the crowd, she walked backstage. The mages immediately flew into the arena and administered healing spells all over the bodies of the four people that had just fought Tenebrea.