
PRIME PRIMORDIAL: Apocalypse Return Of The Undefeated Strongest

1,500 years of being trapped in a godforsaken land. Ken Kanzen spent his life day and night fighting and fighting. This repetitive action continues for 1,499 years non-stop only resting when his beyond exhausted or when his undergoing experiments and studies to find a way to returned back to Earth. In the days he had spent in this godforsaken land Ken Kanzen created his personal power systems similar to that of magic and martial cultivation system but seemed to gazed at a different path altogether. On his last day Ken Kanzen was surrounded by numerous enemies in all sides wanting to end his pitiful life. Countless powerhouses that possessed power similar to that of a nuclear bomb back on Earth. Unfortunately, for them, in front of Ken Kanzen who possessed the strange new-found power system in him easily overpowered them. Unfortunately, in return for building a mountain peak of enemy corpses and ocean of blood Ken Kanzen's life was sacrifice. He regained his consciousness, waking up to his familiar room back on Earth before he was sent to that godforsaken land. He thought he regains his peaceful life. However, something he didn't expect happened. The supposed to be peaceful life he just got back became a hell comparable or far worse than what he had encounter in that godforsaken land. Origin Limitless Order, an unknown entity appeared out of nowhere this entity that played like a system change the very structure and laws of the world. Apocalypse descended… How supposed peaceful life thoroughly change in a 360-degree point.

FairyChaos · Games
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24 Chs

Undefeated Strongest [3]

The changes in the surroundings terrified everyone, they looked at the little two-meter human in front of them like he's some kind of apocalyptic monster.

[Twin Star Chaos Destruction Swords]

1st Sword – Life and Beginning

2nd Sword – Death and End

Kanzen used the second sword, the Death and End, he targeted the world's very origin ego cutting a part of its existence tormenting it to the point of affecting the inhabitants of the world.

Had they not offend the fellow things wouldn't have turned out like this? Unfortunately, there's no medicine available for regrets, one should take responsibility for the actions they've committed. None of them have the capabilities and power to turned back time. So, they could do nothing but wait as the very laws and origin world they lived in crumbles.

Seeing and feeling the abrupt terrible changes in the surroundings. The Dragon Empress of the dragon race, the current monarch and the strongest dragon of this present era. Her face turned solemn all the color on her eyes deemed, she couldn't fathom what's going on. As one of the strongest creatures of the current era, she could feel the world screams of pain and agony. The world's very ego was suffering from a terrible pain, this pain spreading like that of a wave signal being transmitted to every inhabitant of the world.

Her gaze fall to the human they've set out to purge, the little human who've returned to the rock sheathing back his sword to its scabbard was nonchalantly munching a beautiful-looking fruit.

"You bastard… die…" The dragon monarch scream, diving straight towards Kanzen. She bare her sharp claws coating it with a tick amount of dragon essence he looked at the culprit of their world's agony, both her serpentine eyes bloodshot in anger.

Two kilometers, One kilometer 500 meters, 300 meters, 100 meters, 50 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters.

The dragon monarch closed the distance of two kilometers in a matter of a few millisecond appearing on Kanzen's back. She slashed her enhanced and enchant claws aiming to cut the blasphemous human in front of her into pieces.

However, just as her claws reached a 50 centimeter mark a strange force seemed to have intervened blocking her path, her claw attack slowing down multi-million times to the point one might think that she have purposely stopped her attack.

"Congratulations, you almost got me." Kanzen said clearly sneering the dragon monarch as a wide smirk was express on his face.

'How can this be?' the dragon monarch questioned dumbfounded beyond madness. Seeing that her attempt was pointless she began pouring every bit of her strength and energy to her claws that seemed to have paused. Giving up didn't surface on her mind, regardless of what the enemy never one's she had given up, her pride as the current Dragon Monarch is far too huge for that to happen.

"You know that your efforts were useless, yet you continue to persist, that's something commendable… then let me give you a painless death in honor for your unyielding spirit." Kanzen said. His voice echoing throughout the battlefield.

Hearing this everyone's already solemn and dark complexion worsen to the point where the majestic sculpture figures and faces of the powerhouses that surrounded Kanzen turned ugly beyond unrecognizable.

The dragoness herself felt shivers running down her dragon spine. Kanzen's few nonchalant words terrified her to point where her prideful unyielding spirit tremble in fear. Her instincts started screaming in alarm for her to run as far and as quick as possible.

She tried pulling back her claws, but to her dismay, a strange unknown force she never one's encounter seemed to behave like a glue and a mucus sticking on her claws then spreading quickly reaching her shoulder. She began struggling hard, she sent massive waves of mana and dragon essence to shook off the strange force holding her back. The dragoness even tried shooting destructive dragon breathes in point black towards Kanzen. But to her misery, the person was unharmed. 'Impossible' those we're her thoughts seeing that man is clearly in perfect condition.

"Our queen run… everyone assists the queen." A blue dragon seemingly a high rank official one at that roared as he shoots his body straight to the hateful human.

Sensing the approaching army of dragons numbering in hundreds of thousands Kanzen sneered. Using the strange unknown invisible force holding the dragoness he pulled her body closed. He readied his fist and like that of a punching bag he delivered a heavy punch, the pure physical punch ignored the dragoness unbelievable defense that should have ignored every basic physical attacks. The punched was directed to her reverse scales, the origin of and very weakness of dragons.


With a loud explosion like that of a cannonball the dragoness body flew straight towards her dragon army. Before anyone could react, the dragoness gigantic body that as big as a normal size mountain crashed onto the dragons, the unlucky and weak one's of the dragons that blocked the dragoness straight path blew up into blood mist. The dragoness body being the strongest and the monarch of dragons naturally possessed an unbelievably strong body enough to be invulnerable to those below her rank. In a matter of an instant, more than tens of thousands of dragons were turned into blood mist.

The bustling battlefield that been silent for a while but was interrupted returning to its silent state, whatever the race every single creature in the vicinity was silent.

"Home run! TSK…! The attack isn't too great maybe 8 out of 10, it's all because of those damn insects that the performance points were a bit low." Kanzen said in a down voice.

The dragoness body dropped to the ground flat, her fall created a humongous crater. Everyone looked at her direction in fear and horror, everyone could sense that the might dragoness, the dragon monarch's life force isn't present.

Amidst the eerie silence a voice resounded "Oh ho, she died just from a single normal punch from this daddy, how weak the mighty winged lizards had become." Kanzen shook his head acting frustrated clearly insulting the dragon race.

"No…no, no that's might not be it, it's just that I am… Too great indeed...! Hahaha that's must be it. Surely I'm too great…" Kanzen said with a wide grin the same time puffing out his majestic chest for everyone to see.

The ridiculously unbelievable words and egoistic playful nature of him was in full display. Every creature present who've heard his nonchalant shameless remarks almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

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