
World of Magic

"Look at that" Ebraham pointed to the Suns.

Alicia could not directly look at the sun, so she partly shielded her eyes with her hand while squinting.

Noticing her struggle, Ebraham touched the 'glass window' and it suddenly turned a shade darker.

Alicia was palpitating in suspense that she could hear her own heartbeat, so she did not have time to be surprised by the small change. What occupied her mind right now was the strangely large and bright sun.

When she got the clear view of it, her pupils constricted and her heart stopped a beat. There were two suns hanging in the sky. They were very closed to each other that they seemed to be as one long oval sun, without proper tools, one could not perceive them as two individual suns.

Time suddenly stopped as Alicia was trying to process the meaning of sun being doubled. The sight was very illogical that her mind just stopped functioning. 'Is this an illusion?' the first thought that crossed her mind was doubt of what she had seen. She looked at Ebraham for explanation.

As if he could read her mind, Ebraham said, "This is not an illusion" while checking her condition and carefully continued.

"Maybe you already had some hunch of it after hearing my explanation… but yes. This world is another world, a different world from the world that you came from. It is called Neo Tetarto"

When fact was clearly stated, Alicia felt like she was struck by lightning. But soon, the small pieces slowly came together and Alicia had no choice to accept that she was not in the same world that she came from.

"Can I go back?" Alicia asked the template question that a lost person usually asked, but instantly regrated it. There was nothing left for her in that world.

"I'm very sorry. That would be close to impossible" Ebraham honestly answered.

When the young woman arrived at this world, he was too occupied by other things that he forgot to check the spatial rift that brought her here. Like most spatial rift, it occurred and disappeared in a very short time period.

Not all spatial rift that occurred led to her world. And there was no indication when will the spatial rift happen.

Finding the spatial rift connected to her world was already very difficult, thus it was near impossible to send her back to her world.

It could only be done by trail and error which involved tremendous power and long period of time. It would be impossible with her current state. It only might slightly be possible if she was stronger.

Nonetheless, when Alicia heard the answer, she was somewhat relieved.

"If it was impossible, then be it"

Ebraham heard no reluctant or sadness in her voice, so he did not explain the possibility of going back if she was stronger and continued to the next topic.

"Here, have some tea and snacks." Ebraham said while pouring some tea to Alicia.

Seeing that she politely accepted the tea and relaxed a little, Ebraham continued.

"I want to show you something. So, don't be surprised. You can enjoy the tea while you look at it" Ebraham produced a holographic sphere while he said that.

"This is the visual record of you, since you arrived at this world until now. Look at it first and feel free to ask any question"

Alicia was surprised by the light sphere that appeared out of thin air, but since Ebraham had warned her beforehand, the surprise was not overwhelming.

And since it related to her arrival to this world, she was also curious on how she came here.

Ebraham started the visual recording when he saw that Alicia was ready.

The holographic sphere started to change colour and showed a 3D scene of a black spatial rift that appeared in the teared sky.

Alicia saw herself emerged from the black spatial rift and fell from the sky. She remembered seeing the bright light and the feeling of falling. Then she passed out, so she was curious of what happened.

The scene after was the occurrences after she passed out.

Her unconscious body fell from the sky but gradually slowed down and stopped mid-air. Then, a spheric ball covered her whole body. Seeing this, Alicia was perplexed as she thought Ebraham was the one who saved her, but she saw no one else in the holographic sphere.

Although she had questions, she still continued to watch the visual record.

Her still-floating body was moved to other place by some mysterious power while still covered in the spheric ball. After some time, she arrived at a gigantic black pillar. Suddenly, the wall of the pillar morphed into an entrance and her body entered the pillar.

In the pillar, there was a glowing dark blue liquid pillar. A drop of it was separated from the pillar and suddenly, the drop of liquid expanded in volume and turned into light blue liquid bubble.

Then, Alicia saw her powerless body moved towards the liquid bubble and submerged inside of it. While her body submerge in the large liquid bubble, part of it that enveloped her body divided from the rest of it.

Instantly, Alicia realized the similarity between the 'water' that she first woke up in and this liquid bubble. 'So that was where the 'water' came from.'

After some time, Ebraham finally made his appearance. He changed the clothes that she was wearing into a white gown and placed her belongings in a chest. Alicia noticed a similar chest inside the room and was relieved.

When she packed her belongings for the escape, she had packed everything that was dear to her. Fortunately, when she entered the dark cave, she had firmly hugged her bag in search for comfort. So, when she arrived here, everything that was dear to her was also brought over.

Then, the maid also made her appearance. Every day, the maid took care of Alicia's body and fed her the Fasting Potion. The maid tirelessly stayed by her side.

As time passed, Alicia's belly also gradually getting bigger. From time to time, the maid would bring Ebraham over to check on her body. The same routine was repeated over and over again.

One day, a change occurred. Many small guests visited her. They flew around the room while looking at her in curiosity. Alicia knew about these small guests. They were fairies that often told in the fairy tales.

After the fairies arrived, a lot of changes occurred in the room; the layout, the furniture, and the equipment. It happened as if to prepare for something. Finally, Alicia understood that her term was complete. They were preparing to deliver her babies.

Alicia was curious as how her babies were delivered.

Alicia looked at the visual record of her body being brought inside a room with a lot of complicated equipment and placed on a table. Ebraham and the maid were also inside the room. She was still unconscious, so how did her babies come to this world?

To her surprise, her belly was cut open by Ebraham and her babies literally came out of her belly. Alicia unconsciously touched her stomach when seeing this.

Numerous operation tools flew around Ebraham when he was doing the operation. His motion was fluid and the operation was completed in a swift manner.

Then, Alicia was surprised once again. The gory wound on her stomach hastily healed itself after Ebraham applied a medicine on it. It did not even scar her skin and appeared normal again.

Alicia was very curious on Ebraham's identity. No common man could do these miraculous feats.

After the delivery was done, her babies were cleaned and placed to her bosom. Then, they were put back in the 'water' and transferred to this room.

3 days later, Alicia woke up and hugged her babies while crying. That was the end of the more than one season record.

The visual record was fast forward when Ebraham played it, especially the part that was not needed to be highlighted. So, the time taken for the visual record to finish was only within one hour.

Seeing the visual record ended, Alicia leaned back and tilted her head a little as to digest the information that she received. She stayed silent while staring at an empty space.

Ebraham let the young mother some silent to digest the information while sipping his tea.

After a few minutes of silent, Alicia asked a question.

"What is that water?" Alicia asked while pointing at the magic liquid.

"That is a processed magic liquid. When you arrived at this world, you were poisoned by the harsh magical energy in the atmosphere as you did not have any magical energy. That magic liquid is to help you absorb the magical energy and gradually adapt with it." Ebraham explained.

"Magic?" Alicia was confused. The term that only used in fairy tales was fluently used by Ebraham as if it was normal.

"Yes. Magic. Now your body have magical energy and could do magic. For example, this."

Ebraham put down the tea cup and conjured a small fire ball on his palm. It made a few spins and extinguished as he closed his palm.

"Or this"

Ebraham touched the glass window and made a swipe. Suddenly, the scenery changed to the above the cloud. Alicia could see the dark sky and the curving horizon.

"This is a magic tool, a branch of magic. So, this screen is also magic" Ebraham made a few demonstrations on magic.

Alicia was astonished that the 'glass window' was actually not a glass window that showed the outside scenery but a magic tool that project multiple sceneries on the wall. She stared at the screen magic tool with eyes full of curiosity.

Ebraham saw Alicia's interest in magic. Knowing that Alicia's line of thought was going on the right path, Ebraham urged her to try using the screen magic tool.

"Try it. I have simplified the console. Anyone with magic, even with a tiny bit of magic could use this magic tool."

The screen magic tool is projecting a scenery of a vast meadow, flowers slowly swayed by gentle wind, it calmed one's mind just by looking at it.

Alicia was no longer afraid that she would fall of the building if she went any closer to the 'glass window', so she bravely moved closer to the screen magic tool and touched it.

The moment she touched it; a tingling sensation ran through her body. She instantly perceived the presence of magical energy in her body. It was a weird feeling, but she did not hate it.

"Do you feel it? That is your magical energy" Ebraham knew that she would clearly perceive the magical energy if she touched the screen magic tool.

Alicia nodded.

She tried copying Ebraham's action when he used the magic tool. When she made a right swipe, she could feel the magical energy in her body moved a little, especially in her finger.

Then, the scenery projected changed to a waterfall. She paused for a moment to enjoy the magical feeling. She then made a few swipes, which changed the scenery to seascape, waterscape, snowscape and so on.

"If you train yourself, you could be stronger, you could perceive the magical energy in the surroundings, you could conjure magic, you could craft things, you could concoct potions. All in all, you could do many things. Especially the things you need"

Ebraham had a positive feeling to this mother of two, so he wanted to help her. Even so, he could only help if she helped herself. His help would mean nothing if the other party did not want to help themselves.

"Take your time to digest the information. If you want to take a walk outside, you can open this door by touching this button."

While taking the maid with him, Ebraham showed how to open the door and left the young woman alone in the room. Giving her privacy was the best help he could give right now.

There were major changes in the chapter, especially in the one third towards the ending part.

Dear readers. Thank you for your support. I'll do my best. Ganbarimasu

Wan_SaatLalucreators' thoughts
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