
True Ultimate Power

Ebraham was mesmerized by the scene before him that he suddenly had a glimpse of enlightenment.

After Human – Spirit War ended, humanity was tormented by a challenging question. Is there a true higher being? The creator of this world? Or just a powerful being playing god? As the Great Sage, Ebraham was the leading thinker for this question.

"This… This is the work of God" Ebraham affirmed his argument before. Is it a coincidence? No. Impossible. This was an act of God that came into play. An absolute authority over all in the universe. This was his meaning of ultimate power. This was his meaning of God. He acknowledged the existence of God. Everything that just happened as if validating his faith.

Oh f*ck! How can this be?! No!! Don't!!! No!!!!...

Ebraham ignored the fading wailing voice and focused on engraving every single thing happening in his surroundings into his soul. What happened was just the beginning.

The suns retained a fixed distance against each other. The barycentre was perfectly in the middle, so the suns orbited on the same orbit. In that fraction of a second, they had reached an equilibrium. The combined suns gave out a lot of heat. Although it burnt the blue planet, the heat was a life-giving heat for a certain planet.

The fifth planet from the sun was previously a frozen sphere of ice. But now it thawed and uncovered the life beneath. Ancient primordial beast roamed the land. Towering ancient trees covered the earth. Deep ocean water filled the gaps of the world. All kind of life thrived the planet once more.

Ebraham unconsciously stroke his imaginary beard in interest. He moved the Blood Obsidian for a closer look. He realized that the world was much more mysterious than he imagined.

"Fascinating. I need to have a closer look"

Afraid of missing the finer details that rapidly happening, he teared six huge chunks from the Blood Obsidian and sent it close to the planet's atmosphere.

As if stacking stones, Ebraham carefully aligned two parts to the north and south axis of the planet. Then he anchored their routes relative to the axis of the planet. He used Magic Sense that covered the area and made some calculations. After that, he carefully positioned the remaining four parts equally distanced from each other at the equator of the planet. And again, he anchored their routes relative to the equator of the planet. With these six axes satelliting around it, he could create Domain that covered the whole planet.


After no anomalies was found, Ebraham heaved out a sigh of relief. Why? Because, even though they were chunks of Blood Obsidian, they were 10 kilometer (km) in diameter. That was higher than most mountains. Sudden introduction of such masses was bound to disaster if not handled carefully. The operation was also done when the planet was moving, which required even more extra care to complete it safely.

When Ebraham focused to the planet again, he noticed that it was filled with ashes. The ashes trailed back from the blue planet. Even before he was confused, Ebraham was shocked once again.

"The legendary rebirth!"

Rebirth! Life was brought back from the ashes. The ashes merged and produced life as if phenoxies reborn from the ashes. Animals, insects, plants, fungus. They were the inhabitants of blue planet.

They were once burnt to ashes by the heat radiation, but now, were put back together to continue living in fifth planet. Now, they migrated and integrated into the fifth planet.

Ebraham sighed in wonder. He had truly believed that this was the work of God. Modus operandi of God should be direct and without deceit as He was not afraid of His own creation. Everything that happened and even yet happen was already within His calculation. He gave enlightenment to anyone He prefer and in any means.

Currently, Ebraham was graced by such chance. He was really grateful to learn this insight even at the latter part of his life. At least he was still alive when he learnt it.

However, Ebraham still wondered. The malicious unclean thing was conveniently purified after this event.

He felt that he gained a complete monopoly over Blood Obsidian and even the power inside. The quantity of that power was million times more than his original energy. And its quality was also at the higher league.

Why did all of this happen? What was the purpose of showing and giving him all of this?

As if answering his question, another spatial rift occurred and a person arrived. The spatial rift was small, accompanied by a light tremor. Since the rift opened in the sky, the person dived towards the ground.

Ebraham activated his Domain's feature and caught the falling person. He had noticed earlier that the person was unconscious. Appeared before him was a young woman, in early twenties and more importantly she did not have even an ounce of magical energy.

Additional power, habitable planet, and troubled person.

Ebraham connected the signs and easy enough understood his mission. Before he died, he needed to watch over this person. Be it hell or high water, he will protect this person. With the clearly defined mission, he suddenly felt motivated.


Ebraham activated an advanced magic barrier to protect the woman. He then searched for a suitable place for a base. This should be an easy glance since the planet was within his Domain. However, he found none. The world was filled with harsh weather and natural disasters. Ancient primordial beasts were powerful as dragons. Ancient plants were poisonous and carnivorous. So, it would take some serious effort to build the base.

Frowning, he shifted his focus first.

Magic Sense was used to sense the details in the surrounding beyond the limit of eye. Currently, although Ebraham could not see, he could sense that the debris in the outer space had gained momentum and moving like a tide. They were influenced by gravitational force of the new suns and heading towards the nearest planets. This included the fifth planet.

Fifth planet mesosphere could handle the small debris and burn it to ashes. However, it would be in deep trouble if a large debris hit. The largest debris nearest to the planet was an empty vessel made of complex metal and spanned up to 10 km. If any Earthling saw the vessel, they would immediately recognize the high-tech alien spaceship. Sadly, there was no one there to witness it.

Ebraham's soul was still within Blood Obsidian. He controlled it and followed the fifth planet on its orbit at a distance. Though Ebraham first described Blood Obsidian as a rock, it was more accurately classified as an asteroid. A 200km-sized asteroid. So, separating a few kilometer chucks was not a problem.

"Should I use that?"

In preparation for the impending danger, Ebraham planned on using his signature barrier, 'Four Stakes Four Directional Barriers.' So, he separated four stakes from Blood Obsidian. And another four after some contemplation.

The eight stakes were 20 km long and two kilometer in diameter. Its tip was carved in a drill-like shaped. They loomed over the planet in orderly fashion. Ebraham first connected the six floating axes with tangible Magic Thread. The planet was divided into hemisphere for three times at three different positions; vertical, horizontal and side way, which resulted into eight quarter of hemispheres.

Ebraham positioned each stake at each quarter of hemisphere. Four stakes in Northern Hemisphere and other four in Southern Hemisphere. Each tip was pointed towards the core of the planet. Forming eight corners of a cube. When they were right in the centre, he rotated them while slowly descended towards the core.

The crust was firm and stable. Ebraham did not forget to collect the excess materials while he drilled through the crust. He only stopped when it was sixty percent buried. With all preparation completed, he conjured the barrier.

"Celestial Vanguard: Vega!"


The stakes hummed as magical energy flowed through. Although it was invisible to the naked eye, a Celestial-Class barrier was successfully activated.

It was an upgraded version of 'Four Stake Four Directional Barrier.' This magic barrier could manipulate the magical energy within the planet and create a perpetual planet-sized barrier to defend against extra-terrestrial force. It would straightaway incinerate anything classified as 'Aggressor'.

Now that the home base was protected with the barrier, Ebraham could deal with the debris without worries.

"Fire Ball"

A magic circle was instantly produced and a moderate-size ball of fire was conjured. Ebraham was satisfied with the result since it was just a casually made magic technique. Then he shot the 'Fire Ball'. It zoomed towards the empty vessel and directly punched a hole on its hull.


A large explosion ensued scattering broken fragments all over the space. When the debris touched the barrier and incinerated, twinkling lights were visible in the sky if seen from the ground. It would take for a while for the debris tide to finish but that would not affect the life on the planet.

Ebraham had yet to notice that the moderate-size 'Fire Ball' was actually one kilometer wide. His perception towards proportion was deeply distorted because of his current size.

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