
Status Window

(A/N: If ever you wanted to check Vince's status window. Here it is. This is the updated one.)

Name: Vince Stade

Age: 21

Level: 6

Rank: Common

Class: Priest

HP: 300/300

XP: 26/100

SP: 150

Strength: 17

Agility: 15

Stamina: 20

Vitality: 15

Divine Energy: 25

Charm: 15

Innate Attribute: Unconquerable

-The player's stats will be boost by 300% whenever someone try to subdue or dominate you in any way.

-The player's rewards will be boosted by 50% whenever you had a hard time completing a task.


Analysis [A]: Allows you to get information from items, weapons etc.

Healing [S]: Allows you to heal any type of wound. External or internal.

Enhance [S]: Allows you to enhance players, monsters and item's abilities.

*Condition for players: You need to know their class, level and stats.

*Condition for monsters: You need to know their race and level.

*Condition for items(weapons, potions etc.): You need to know their rank and effects.

Last Wish [S]: Allow you to inherit the skills of a marked player.

*Condition for marking: You need to touch them in any part of their body while saying the word 'die'.

*Condition for inheriting: First of all, the player need to be dead. The dead player need to be around your rank, if the player rank higher than you, the succession rate would decrease by 50%. The skill should be about SSS-rank and below. If the skill's rank is higher, the succession rate would decrease by 50%.

Wall of Darkness [S]: A wall made of darkness would be formed when used. The durability depends on the darkness around the target.

Cruel Blade [SS]: Blades made from the player's hatred would be formed. Durability depends on the level of hatred the player is currently feeling.

(A/N: This is what Vince used in chapter 5 that killed the monster. I think I forgot to put a window panel about the skill activating.)

Void Sphere [Legendary]: Allow you to create a small sphere made of void. Anything the hit it would ceased to exist in the world.

Divine Punishment [Mythic]: The target will slowly lose their limbs, their senses and would slowly die by suffocation.

Inherited Skills:

Lightning Manipulation [C]: Allow you to summon lightning element at will. Either to stunned or kill your enemy.


This is Vince's status window. I'll update this everytime he have a power up.

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