
Priest of Death

At the start of the year 3000, the people were shock when blue portals appear everywhere in the world. The people became wary of this portals but since it's harmless, they decided to ignore it with the government trying to figure out what is it. But they are unable to enter. The portals change it's color, from blue to orange to red. And in a week, the portal turned red, the people just ignored it but monster came pouring out of the portals causing death and chaos to the world. In the midst of chaos, people with magical abilities appeared. They are called [Players]. They killed the monsters and became the heroes of the world. At the same time, constellations also appeared together with them. Vince Stade, and orphan that work for him and his two siblings suddenly awakened. He awakened as a priest! A rare class that focus in supporting and communicating with their Gods. They received power from them and was connected to them. But then, he found his skills very weird. They're not focus in supporting, giving buffs but attacking instead. As he was confused and wondering about what's happening, a black hologram screen appeared in front of him. [The God of Death is looking at his Priest with joy.] - A/N: The main character is a little naive at the beginning but I planned to develop his character so don't worry. Please bear with it for now. PS. This is a BL novel. I repeat this is a BL novel.

crowned · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Meeting the Pope

Tomorrow morning, Vince woke up early just like usual. Elaine were already awake and cooking breakfast. It's monday today, however, because of the outbreak, the claasses had been cancelled. The two will spend their whole day inside the house today.

But Vince decided to visit the Mercenary Guild. He searched to the internet last night, and there's a branch near their place.

"Oh? Are you going somewhere, brother?" Elaine asked curiously.

He nodded in affirmation, "I'm visiting one of the branch of Mercenary Guild near here. I'll look around and try to apply as a member."

He searched in the player's website ealrier last night about the process of applying to the Mercenary Guild as a member. He found out that they weren't extremely picky on their members.

One just need to show their license ID and fill up some information. After that, you can already become a member.

However, they will signed a contract about keeping the information of their mission a secret. As long as it's not a desperate situation, some things inside the Guild shouldn't be let out.

Since Mercenary Guild will take any kind of mission, like assassination, stealing information, and kidnapping people. Members of this guild usually do anything as long as there's money or any reward on it.

"I'll be back. Take care of Von and the house," he kissed his sister's forehead before heading out of the house.

"Bye, brother! Take care!"

He waved his hand in return with a smile before he continue to walked towards the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive.

It's still early but there are already people waiting there. It only took five minutes of waiting before the bus arrived. Vince and some other people entered after some people left the bus. He saw a vacant seat in the middle and chose to sit on it.

He smiled as he leaned back on the headrest of the seat. It's really nice to travel early in the morning. There are less people and traffic.

He closed his eyes, wanting to sleep a little while traveling. However, when he opened it so he can find a comfortable position, he felt that something was off.

Creak- Creak-

Like a robot, he mechanically turned his head on his left. There he saw a young man with a jet-black hair. His eyes were close and he looks like he was sleeping.

'Wow, so handsome.' His first thought after seing him. However, he immediately snapped out of his daze. 'No, what am I thinking?'

He quickly turned his gaze away, looking straight. But in his peripheral vision, he could still see the man. His eyesight seemed to have improved as he could see him clearly.

In the end, his eyes turned towards his side without moving his head, trying to take a quick peek. But the man has already opened his eyes and was staring right at him.


He was shocked silly. Vince have no choice but to awkwardly smile when their gaze met and fully turned towards him. Vince bowed at him before looking away, outside the window, he watched the scenery.

Cold sweat started to formed in his back, gulping, his pupil trembled.

'Why... Why are you looking at me?!'

He was crying inside in fear, panic, and confusion. In the reflection on the glass window, instead of the scenery, all he could see was that man's gaze, lazily staring at him. He was leaning back with his feet crossed and arms placed on the armrest. His demeanor casual and lazy.

With his impeccable visiual, it's a feast in the eye. But Vince couldn't admire his beauty.

'Is he mad because I stared at him earlier and he was getting even? How petty!'

'Why would he even sit here of all the vacant seats inside the bus? There's so many!'

He have no idea what this man want from him. 'What if... he's a robber?!' His eyes widened in shocked. 'Do I even look rich?'

He secretly looked at himself then sneak a glance towards the other.

He's wearing a simple blue and white tracksuit, his shoes were obviously used and a little worn out. While the other was wearing a simpe black turtle neck paired with kahki square pants, and black leather shoes.

...forget it.

The idea was immediately shut down.

'Then why did he sit with me? Wait. Am I overthinking this?'

He was too occupied thinking about it that he didn't noticed that the man was already leaning towards him.

His lips were near his ears, in a low voice, he whispered, "I didn't know I'd meet someone who serve the God of Death here."

Vince flinched when he heard that.



His head quickly turned around to meet the man's ruby eyes, "How did you know?"

Then he only realized what he said after he saw the man smirked, "So you do serve the God of Death."

It wasn't a question but an affirmation.

Vince bit his lower lip, nervously. He was deceived! This guys is dangerous.

The man chuckled in amusement after seeing his reaction. He leaned back to the seat's headrest, "Don't worry. I also serve Him," he casually said.

However, Vince was surprised when he heard this. This is the first time he met a priest and they even serve the same God!

"Really?" he curiously asked. The man nodded with a smile.

"I'm the one and only Pope, by the way," he casually added. He cleared his throat and his demeanor was saying, 'It's no big deal at all.'

"What? Are you serious?!" he excitedly asked. He've done a lot of research last night, especially about his class, "You're a Pope? Should I kneel?" he asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

The man burst in to laughter, "No need. There's only two of us anyway."

"Two of us? What do you mean?"

The man sighed with a blank expression on his face, "There's only two player who's currently serving the God of Death. The first one is me..." he pointed at himself then at Vince, "...the second one is you. So let's get along well. Well, you have no choice anyway."

Then he sighed once again. Vince knowingly nodded his head. The God of Death must be a minor God since he can only support the two of them. A power of God was shared to his followers after all.

"Anyway, I only came here to meet you because he kept asking me to," he smiled at him but he could feel a hint of irritation on the tone of his voice.

Vince felt like he found a comrade who could finally understand him. "Is he also being annoy— I mean, talkative to you?"

The man looked at him with a smile. 'He's just about to say 'annoying', right?'

He gave him an understanding look. "He's also annoying you, huh?"

Vince eagerly nodded. That God doesn't even seemed busy as he always send a message to him. None of them make sense though. He felt more like a no(i)sy friend than a respectable God.

"So you do think he's annoying."

"..." 'I thought he wanted to get along?77'

After seeing Vince's blank look, he chuckled. He decided to stopped teasing him now.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, right? My name is Orpheus. You're Vince, right?"

He nodded in affirmation, "The God of Death told you?"

"Yep. He always talked about you these days. He seem to like you a lot," Orpheus grinned at him. His smile seemed to be mocking him making him sigh.

"That's a good thing right?" he double-checked.

However, Orpheus just shrugged. "Dunno. Too lazy to bother," he waved his hand dismissively.

"..." He seemed unreliable.
