10 #10


“Oh!” cried Cruz. When Ava was like a mad dog She pushed her body against him, and she immediately buried her teeth into his bare shoulder in a way that Cruz didn't even realize. Eve's arms wrapped around his neck, and her legs wrapped him around his waist with all her might. which Cruz could not shake off Ava. She also buried and bit more and more forcefully into her shoulder until the red liquid in Cruz leaked out.

Cruz clenched her teeth. Endure the pain and he presses his body and her underwater again. She descended into the deepest part of the pool at a depth of two meters to force Ava to release her fangs from his shoulder. Not even a minute, Ava couldn't stand it. She freed his shoulder blades from her teeth. This caused the red liquid to clearly change the color of the water in the pool area. But Ava was unable to emerge from the water. when Cruz holds her body Ava was about to suffocate because she was no different from someone who was being depressed. But Cruz pulled her closer. His face approached hers. He covered her mouth with his lips to live for her. For a few minutes Cruz allowed both him and her to breathe in the air above the water.

Ava, who actually met the air She breathed in so her lungs could work for less than a minute. The surrounding darkness immediately crept into all of her consciousness. Cruz picked up Ava's unconscious body before she was submerged again.

“Ava, please die! You survived by fainting at me right now,” Cruz growled angrily. Because his body wanted Ava to be responsible for her actions. He was awake and wanted to release. But he didn't want anything to do with a woman as unconscious as a corpse. That's not a mountain range.

Cruz moved up from the pool. His condition with Ava was no different. both naked Cruz placed Ava's body on the poolside bed. and walked to a pile of his own clothes, he was wearing only pants outside and inside As for the t-shirt, he put it on Ava before holding her in his arms, walking inside, leaving the bedsheets in the pool.

“Go pick up my thick, long-sleeved shirt and follow me into the room,” Cruz told a female employee who had just walked past. And he walked up the second floor to Ava's bedroom, where he had limited her space. Cruz slowly laid her down on the cleaned bed and the sheets had been replaced. “Set it up I don't want you to get sick,” Cruz said again to the same female employee who followed him in the shirt that Cruz ordered. When she nodded in understanding Cruz immediately walked out of the room.

“Bang!” The sound of the door to the room that Cruz didn't care about. He walked over to the bathroom. and stared at his shoulders red and drenched in blood rushing down his forearms. Cruz reached for a small towel and covered the wound and pressed it on. His face was slightly hesitant. Because he suffered quite a bit from the wound that Ava had given. And now Cruz is deciding to let go of all his emotions. Furious, wanting to quell the body's needs with a woman he can think of right now. Or collect and be patient and then go back to Ava with compound flowers to let you know that he is not the person you think you want to do easily.

"Knock, knock"

"Mister," a leading knock accompanied Paolo's call. causing Cruz to drop the towel and walk to open the bathroom door. Paolo stood with a first aid box in hand. Cruz walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the long black leather sofa in his bedroom. Paolo followed and sat down on the side of Cruz's injured shoulder. "Ava, you're going to take it easy," Paolo said as he wound up. The marks that appeared undoubtedly indicated that Ava was determined without hesitation. And she must have used a lot of strength. Because Cruz is not a young man with sensitive skin. On the contrary, his body was full of beautiful, well-maintained muscles.

“Like a mad dog It's no different from a mother dog. Just teasing about Damon. The spirit of the mad dog immediately possessed her.”

“Honestly, I want to see Damon soon.” Cruz smiled.

“Believe me, I'm no different from you. I want to meet and know my only son Will he be like my mother or like me?”

“But of course, Damon looks exactly like you,” Cruz smiled at Paolo.

“Ava has changed a lot from seven years ago. Her quirks I didn't even know before. But now I can tell you that she's evil stronger than I expected She's smart and predictable. And I'm sure Ava knows exactly where Damon is.” Paolo nodded in agreement.

just a short time Ava regained consciousness wearing only a dark long-sleeved shirt. Ava slowly moved out of the bed. Bare feet walked towards the door.

clink doorknob causing the brown eyes to widen even more The two little feet did not hesitate, running down the stairs, the exit door was not far away. No one interfered with her. You must leave here. go without hesitation

“No!” Ava cried out in disappointment. When the door to her freedom was locked

“Did you think I would leave without saying goodbye?”


“Ava, I warn you. that don't talk to me If you can't speak like an educated person Then shut her mouth.”

Heh heh, Ava laughed in his throat. ready to withdraw the lotus line for Cruz Ava's sarcastic demeanor Encouraging Cruz to rush towards the thin figure in a dangerous manner, Ava immediately retreated to avoid Cruz as well.

"Why do you run away? You're so good, you're always good at it.”

“People like you are good but will bully people who have no way to fight.”

Ha ha ha Cruz laughed in a situation that wasn't even the slightest bit funny. “Did you know that too? You won't be able to fight me… so should you be a little more modest?”

"Don't come in!" Ava shouted loudly. When the Cruz didn't leave a threatening gesture at all

“Choose to go back upstairs or if I can catch you. The place where you will live is the basement.” Ava pursed her lips tightly. His eyes gradually blurred as the tears in his eyes began to overflow. The man in front of him was clearly Satan in the form of an angel.

"You don't have the right to do this to me," Ava snorted.

“Ava, Ava, why are you repeating and repeating so boringly? Or is she now cornered and sloppy? Come and claim your rights with me, will you?”

“I won't let Damon, you hear me, let me die here. Damon must only be mine.” Ava's tone began to change. and behavior as well Dark eyebrows furrowed together. when I started to understand that thought

Plang! Grab! Fang! Thump!

Cruz clenched his jaw. When Ava begins to destroy everything she can reach. Ava's actions prompt Cruz to find Damon. He probably wouldn't be able to let his child live with a woman like this any longer.

Grab!!! Cruz dodged something that Ava approached him, almost as close as his head. A smile appeared on Cruz's face. When Ava couldn't move away from him. When the floor where she stood was littered with broken glass vases.

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