
The Start

" " - Normal Conversation

' ' - Thoughts

[ ] - All Might

/ \ - Sunshine


After the little occasion in the training area, nothing of a worthwhile moment had come these past few days. It was a regular class even though they are training to become a hero.

Izuku with Momo and Uraraka are in the cafeteria eating their lunch. It has been almost a week and they got comfortable with each other although they are at ease they never went on a first-name basis.

"Ochako, can you pass me the ketchup, please?" Momo casually said to Uraraka.

"Sure, Momo." Uraraka casually passes it to Momo.

"You call each other in first names now?" Unknown to Izuku they have been talking about him these past few days and so. Women have secrets of handling after all.

"Yes, Izuku. Momo is a really kind girl." Momo looks at Uraraka with a soft gaze and Uraraka felt shy about it.

"You guys should be on a first-name basis too. We have been hanging out for quite some time and you don't need to be distant too much." Momo says casually as she enjoys the lunch. It seems she always eats high-class ingredients and is really excited to eat in a cafeteria. She almost has this "fuwa fuwa" feeling coming from her.

"U-uhh… Izuku-kun.." Ochako looks so nervous when she said it.

"O-Ochako-san." Izuku stumbles upon his words. They are seated because Izuku is in the middle while both Ochako and Momo are both on his sides.

"Izuku.." She whispered through the air.

"Uraraka." He answered as he looks at her. There was a weird tension between the two as Momo finally notices something is off as she was off in her own world eating the delicious cafeteria food she interjected.

"Ehem! We should eat lunch now guys and prepare to go back to the room." Momo looks liked she regretted something and looks at Izuku with a pouting mouth. Izuku noticed it and pressed the cheeks of Momo.

"You are cute, Momo." Izuku flashed a smile at her and Momo went red and hid her face through the food.

"Izuku.." He felt someone tugging his clothes at the back and Uraraka has the same face as Momo earlier.

Izuku looks like he is lost as he does not know what to do. Earlier, he felt like doing that to Momo but he and Momo are already close. He let his instinct took over he used his hand to pat Uraraka's head. She looks so pleased and while they are in their own world, the school's fire alarm is activated.

Uraraka's Point of View

These past few days were different from the experience from the others in schools. I always take my positivity everywhere but I go quiet when in front of him. Izuku was unlike any other. It was fun as we tell stories from our experiences and I got to know Momo too. Whenever we go, the eyes are always on us or more precisely it was on Izuku. I never knew a person can be this dense.

'I think it is more of his confidence about himself when he presents himself to others.'

When it comes to fighting I believe that Izuku was second to none. His natural talent, his reaction and his quirk. A terrifying combo and when we went to these training grounds that we went through him made me realize that our difference in strength is high. Momo knew martial arts as she created weapons based on her quirk and we combined our strength but it was for naught. It seemed impossible to win. He will certainly conquer any fighting contests here but he is still humble despite that and made notes of our quirk and how to use it.

'During our spars, Izuku never used his quirk even once just his pure fighting ability. I can't even touch him.'

Despite that he was willing to be close to me. At the cafeteria, we said our first names thanks to Momo and I am grateful to her as I can say what is on my mind when it comes to Izuku. He said my name and I said his. I was drawn towards his eyes and we were getting close.

"Ehem!" Momo coughed and we both were surprised then Momo pouted and Izuku pressed her cheeks and complimented her. I can hear sighs here and there. I am sure those voices came from Izuku's smile as I felt something different and my hand was already holding the end of his sleeves.

'Why do I do this?! He might hate me for acting like this. Wa-waait! This is a headpat!! Auu… This feels soo good…'

Izuku was smiling warmly as I feel the heat all over my body. The fire alarm rang and suddenly students were running towards the exit.

"Wait! This does not make sense. This is inside of U.A and the most protected establishment in Japan." Izuku started mumbling.

"Maybe this is a drill for new students?" Momo suggested and I nod as I agreed both on their ideas.

"Look at the exit. It is crowded and might hurt other students, most of all someone might be planning this." His eyes became sharp whenever a danger appears Izuku becomes a different person.

"We need them to calm down." There are so many people here and I looked up above. 'I know what to do.'

"Izuku hands up!" He raises his hands and I applied my quirk to let him fly.

"Nice job, Ochako." Momo said. We gave Izuku a thumbs up and he went on his way.

Izuku flew and he had so much fighting experience in mid-air so handling Uraraka's quirk was quite easy. He flew to the top and when he was on top of the students he looked at them and explained things to them it did not work. They were not listening and panic is in their eyes.

"Everyone listen!!" Izuku shouted at the top of his lungs. People were looking at him and he stood his ground. He experienced much worse than this—pressure from all sides and the greatest of warriors.

"Listen, this institution has the most security in Japan. This might be a drill from our professors to see how we will react to this situation." Some students began to understand his words.

"Besides, the media is just outside and it will bring disgrace to the U.A. if somehow we did something out of line as of now our heroes are outside and doing their job. We can react better and look at our surroundings. We are going to be heroes." He poured his heart out and it worked as students calm down.

Izuku went back to the place of Momo and Ochako as he goes there he saw Itsuka Kendou waving at him and he waved back. She beckoned him to come and he did.

"Kendo-san! How are you?" Izuku greeted her and shook her hand.

"You seem different, Midoriya-kun." Kendo looked at Izuku closely.

"No matter, how've you been?" Kendo asked him a question as he answered the past few days that happened before.

"That seems pretty intense. Midoriya-kun, can you accompany me to my classroom? I would love to introduce you to class B." As she grabbed his hand they stopped. Momo was in their way.

"Hello, Kendo-san." Momo was smiling but Izuku felt something behind his back.

"Hello, Yaoyorozu-san." They shook hands firmly and stared long at each other.

"Izuku, why do I see lightning and dragons behind their back?" Ochako seems to go to his side as he can see she is afraid of what is happening.

"I am not sure, Ochako." He held Ochako's hand tightly and she answered with her hands too.

The two tigresses saw the event and looked at both Izuku and Ochako with fierceness, which made them tremble. Izuku knows what to do.

"Use your quirk on me!" Izuku ordered Ochako and she did.

Izuku jumped so fast and flew to the air like a bullet as he carried Ochako in his arms.

Ochako giggled and Izuku laughed as they heard the voices of the two from afar.

It did not last long though when they went to the classroom and Momo was there she scolded the two for being reckless and might hit other people using that speed.

After a while and when they are going back to the house. Momo pulled Izuku and let her princess carry her on a private sidewalk that almost nobody uses.

That night, Momo had one steamy dream.

1428 words. Sorry for late release kinda busy with school works and stuff.

THYRLOScreators' thoughts
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