
[12] My reasoning

Sera trailed behind me, her steps hesitant and unsure. She was clearly still reeling from the unexpected turn of events. But as I continued to stride away from the jeering crowd, she quickly caught up.

"Chang..." she began, her voice filled with confusion. "What was that about? Why did you let him belittle you like that?"

I didn't break my stride, my gaze fixed on the path ahead. But I heard her question and I understood the confusion behind it.

"What more do I need to say, Sera?" I replied, my voice calm. "The words already speak for themselves."

"But he insulted you! He..." Sera's voice trailed off, her outrage faltering under the weight of my serene acceptance. She sighed and ran a hand through her silver hair. "I just don't understand, Chang."

"Insults are like arrows, Sera," I said, turning to look at her. My gaze was gentle, my smile reassuring. "They can only harm you if you let them."


"Sera," I interrupted her gently, "he wanted a reaction. He wanted me to lose my temper, to attack him. But I didn't give him the satisfaction. And in doing so, I denied him the victory he sought."

"You're a weird one, Chang," she muttered, shaking her head. "A real weird one."

I just chuckled, patting her on the shoulder. "Well, Sera, I did say this would be an interesting adventure, didn't I?"

She just rolled her eyes at that, though the faint smile tugging at her lips told me she wasn't really annoyed. And as we left the laughing crowd far behind, I knew that no matter what they said, I had already won.

Suddenly, there was a rustling in the undergrowth, and the boisterous laughter of the crowd abruptly turned into horrified screams. An enormous figure lunged from the tall bushes, its roar reverberating through the air. It was the Numerian Lion.

Its fur was the color of the night, and its eyes glowed a fiery orange. Its claws, sharp as swords, ripped through armor and flesh like paper, tearing off limbs in a spray of crimson. The crowd scattered in fear, leaving the wounded behind in their desperation.

Sera and I locked eyes for a brief moment before we both sprinted forward. Despite her normally prickly demeanor, Sera was still a skilled blood mage, her eyes flashing with determination. As for me, despite my outward guise of a 'F-tier adventurer', I was more than ready to face the beast.

The lion was quick, pouncing on a pair of adventurers trying to drag their injured comrade to safety. Without thinking, I pushed my power limiter up, just enough to reach the speed of a 'B-tier adventurer' and intercepted the beast.

My sword clashed against its claws, the impact sending shockwaves throughout my body. But I held firm, my grip unwavering. A low growl rumbled from the lion's chest as it tried to overpower me, but I stood my ground.

Sera was beside me in an instant, her hands glowing with a red aura. "Blood lance!" she shouted, throwing her hands forward. A blood spike the shape of a lance shot from the palm. But when it hit the Numerian lion's skin, it did nothing.

Then from the corner of my vision, the previous B-tier adventurer, his confidence drastically reduced from his earlier boasting, engaged the lion. He moved with the grace of a seasoned fighter, his sword swinging in wide arcs and his every step calculated. But the Numerian Lion was a different beast altogether.

Despite his power and technique, the adventurer was simply outmatched. The lion was faster, stronger, and its attacks had an unpredictable savagery that was impossible to counter completely. With each passing moment, the adventurer was forced further and further back, his defenses breaking down.

In a final, desperate attack, the B-tier lunged at the lion, aiming for its heart. But the lion was quicker. It swung its massive head, catching the adventurer's arm in its jaws.

There was a sickening crunch of bone and armor, and a scream filled the air. The adventurer stumbled back, his arm ending in a bloody stump where his hand used to be. The lion spat out the severed limb, turning its fiery gaze towards its next victim.

I suppose I don't have much of a choice...

I adjusted my limiter to A tier.

Q: Would you save someone who wronged you?

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