
C-2 First Friend

**Chapter 1: A New Beginning**

Hi, I am Khushi Flower, the protagonist of this story. Tall, beautiful, but not one to fuss over attire or status. Join me as I recount the colorful journey of my teenage years, filled with unexpected twists, unforgettable encounters, and cherished memories.

I hail from the small town of Poly in the country of Ice, born into the modest Flower family. Since the age of three, I harbored a dream of attending Prestige Crescent High to pursue my studies in management and become a successful manager. Determined to achieve this dream, I honed my skills, embracing self-reliance, fiery temperament, and an introverted attitude.

On the first day of college, I found myself embarking on a new chapter of my life. As I sat in the cafeteria, asserting my claim to a seat amidst a crowd of onlookers, an unexpected encounter set the tone for the day. A fiery exchange with a fellow student left me feeling triumphant, as the cafeteria fell silent in awe of my defiance.

Eager to attend a guest lecture by a renowned figure in the corporate world, I made my way to Auditorium No. 4. Along the way, a chance encounter led to an unexpected friendship with Tina Miller, a fellow freshman. Despite our contrasting personalities, Tina's bubbly demeanor and genuine warmth quickly endeared her to me.

As we navigated the corridors together, Tina's chatter provided a welcome distraction from the chaos around us. However, our plans to enjoy the lecture were disrupted by the presence of a group known as the Pretty Purplies, renowned for their gossip and intrigue. Unfazed by their reputation, I made a silent vow to steer clear of their influence.

With the lecture behind us, Tina and I retreated to the cafeteria, where she convinced me to indulge in some forbidden junk food. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself enjoying her company and her infectious enthusiasm.

As we discussed the looming decision of which community to join, I couldn't help but admire Tina's sincerity and resilience. Despite her privileged background, she remained humble and down-to-earth, a quality that endeared her to me even more.

And so, as we embarked on this new journey together, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. Little did I know, the path ahead would be filled with unexpected twists and turns, shaping the course of our destinies in ways we could never have imagined.

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