
President Li, Her Ladyship Doesn't Deserve to Die

Jake was sprawled on his bed, scrolling through social media feeds that seemed to blur into a monotonous stream of memes, selfies, and food pics. His cramped apartment was dimly lit, the flickering bulb doing little to lift the gloom that had settled over him.

Leevi007 · Urban
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318 Chs

Chapter 284: Rest Easy. I'll Carry on for You

The morning after a rain, the sun peeked through the clouds, casting a soft glow that painted colorful halos through the glass.


Shen Zhichu's mind buzzed as her soul gradually merged with her body. She abruptly opened her eyes, first feeling her own heart. The steady "thump-thump" sound was puzzling. Wasn't she supposed to have died in a massive fire? Why could she still feel her heartbeat? And her hands...


Her hands were intact, beautiful, with long slender fingers, similar to her own, but definitely not hers.


She got up from the bed, following her hands down to her legs. She pinched herself in disbelief. It hurt. She wasn't dreaming.


Shen Zhichu took a deep breath, nearly choking on the strong smell of gas.


She quickly opened the doors and windows, followed the smell to the kitchen, and turned off the gas stove.