
Chapter 265: Even the Most Tenacious Life Has an End

"Mr. Li, your wife... she..." Mrs. Liu's voice broke into sobs, and she tried to continue but couldn't find the words. Her mouth quivered, and even her breaths were choked with emotion.


"What happened to her?" Li Jingshen asked cautiously, as if he was touching a mirror cracked into a spiderweb, fearing that the slightest pressure would shatter it into pieces.


"Your wife... there was an accident. The villa caught fire, and she was trapped inside... She was burned alive... The first floor collapsed, and she was pinned under the debris."


Li Jingshen's eyes glazed over, and he stumbled backward. The biting cold wind hit him as he staggered outside, almost freezing him to the bone.


He looked up at the sky, snowflakes falling into his eyes, melting into hot tears that streamed down his face. His expression twisted in agony, his eyes bloodshot.


Shen Zhichu is dead? How could she be dead?


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