
Chapter 175: The Bitter Cost of Arrogance

The screen was filled with a grotesque image of a stomach, gnarled and infested with cancer cells. Li Jingshen stood in silent contemplation, the world around him muted into an eerie stillness.


"Is this the inside of Shen Zhichu's body?" 


"Mr. Li, if you still harbor doubts, if you believe these medical records are counterfeit, these images fabricated, then ask yourself, have you ever witnessed Mrs. Shen writhing in such excruciating pain that sleep eludes her?"


"Have you ever seen her spew blood?!"


"Have you ever seen her faint from the agony, rushed to the hospital in a frenzy?!"


"Ordinary stomach ailments don't induce such bloody vomit!"


The nurse's relentless interrogation detonated like a bomb in Li Jingshen's mind, sending his world into a chaotic spiral. A chill slithered up his spine, rendering him speechless, his usually stoic countenance now betraying signs of panic.


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