

I put my

Pants on one leg at a time

That's if I

Even put my pants on at all

I'll barely

Even leave my house for long periods,

I'll often wear some sweats just to hang out at the mall

So I'll tiptoe down the yellow road to Pharo space

Never pay attention to the ground that I am walking on

My confidence depending on the number of my confidants

I'm honestly so conscious that they all don't wanna talk a lot

Like is it really want or can't?

I just step on broken glass with every

Single pause I take it's feeling like an ampersand


Honestly, the fear of growing up has got me crawling on my knees

Sometimes to live a life is simple

And often never that deep so let me go

Looking at the freaking story arcs,

They got me feeling sorta lost without seeing the Moriarty,

The master the marionettes that carry every little seam piece,

A Marie Antoinette seeming the only one to party,

Like it's obvious I don't know what's the start of the inning,

But every time that I wake up it seems it's simply the beginning

So I

Guess to reassess the message I'm trying to get across,

Don't fear change enough to stop receiving whatever life's giving


It's not that good, but it's just alright

I'm living every day just for the night


If it's really hard we'll treat the day like it's damentals

Every single hour was written thoroughly by pencils

And even though it's crazy we'll say that it's all so simple

This time I find the will to write a verse 2

Just so I can spit all of my virtues

And it isn't lessened by the second time we took strength in by

Double efforts with,

All of the savvy punchlines I can muster let's begin


I thought I lost my sun unless they're all the same just gray and

Dull until I realized colors change,

Right, when you have a place to go or

How I slept so well one night

I never slept on time again,

I now need pills to go to bed or wake up around 6 pm

It's easy really

Easier when you think about it like this

I like to

Simplify hours into 24 drum hits,

And everything that's in-betweens another line that I live

So I'll wake up everyday tryna make a freaking hit

With a different kinda rhythm for a different kinda week

Optimism finds itself on other genre type beats

So I'll stick to my logistics,

And the friendships that I have,

And someday soon it'll be so natural, my happiness and laughs


It's not that good, but it's just alright


I'm living every day just for the night

If it's really hard we'll treat the day like it's damentals

Every single hour was written thoroughly by pencils

And even though it's crazy we'll say that it's all so simple


It's not that good, but it's just ok

I'm living everyday haunted by my brain

Locked inside this box and I can't be framed from losing all this

Oxygen to fire up the kindles,

Someday soon I hope that life will be oh so freaking simple

Next chapter