
first meet

Lina was sitting on a bench from were she can see a beautiful beach near her. She was very upset because she had a heartbreaking breakup with her boyfriend and wanted to get rid of her past, So she went on a vacation on country s staying on a hotel x which is located on a beach.

She was sitting on a bench from early morning. While she was sitting quietly she saw a man standing on the beach with his back towards her. He stand their for a long time and Lina was watching him. He match with the scenery of the beach and create a pleasant scenery for her and after looking for awhile she saw a group of men walking towards him and they surrounded him. she can't hear what they were talking about, she was a little bit far from them and after a minute they started to fight.

The group of men start attacking that men. Lina was startled and was just about to called police when Lina saw that he beat up all of them on a cool way , she was impressed by his fighting style seem like he was a pro on fighting and she was lost for a minute while looking at him, at that time that man turn around towards her, they were looking at each other for a while and that man was the first who broke eye contact with her and went away.

And again silent cover the beach. Lina saw a something shining on the beach where that man was standing and she walk near that shining thing it was a cellphone, Lina took that phone and went to her room in the hotel x, she fresh up herself and just about to make a called to the police station to hand over the phone when she saw someone calling on that phone.

she pick it up

Lina :- hello??

unknown man:- this is my phone can you return it ?

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