
Prays X Human 2

The writers and storytellers: Novel 0: Ideas for daydreaming https://www.webnovel.com/book/ideas-for-daydreaming_19064100005118705 The saga/series of novels: (WebNovel) {2021} The Pray Kingdom. (origins: plant-animal) Novela 1: Prays X-Human 1 https://www.webnovel.com/book/prays-x-human_19156423206617005/ The heart of the Creator, counts its beats in its creation. For years nothing had altered what was created until the angel of good having revealed himself became the angel of evil; thus he was imprisoned in a large cell of "living" minerals from space created especially for beings like him. Inside the cell, he placed three "nutralys" seeds, each seed represented the composition of flora, fauna and the prehuman (XH), practically the condemnation of him was to help improve what was created. The angel should learn to cultivate them and avoid their extinction because it would be the end for him, each seed reproduced in a different season. a season would be equal to a month; and all stations within the time of an earth station. The prophecy tells that he was thrown to the ground, and that a meteor rushed into the earth's atmosphere. A strategic defense of that country, he launched intercontinental missiles, suitable for its great range, height and power of destruction. Shortly before the angel was reached: he ate the seeds, producing an atomic reaction and bodily metamorphosis; that allowed him to take different forms: to be animal, to be vegetable, to be prehuman. The impact was accurate and he destroyed the cell making it dust, the angelic being in contact with the air: he devised a plan to separate into tiny parts and reunite to alter the order of the earth; so while the debris from the meteor spread throughout the world; at the same time, this evil angelic being, managed to hide in between the stellar particles, managing to penetrate the globe. What he did not know that the Creator expected this mutation and disintegration, so that he would never again be complete by himself, nor would he ever operate in evil again, on the contrary, and for the benefit of everything created he would accomplish the improvement of everything created. Human reincarnation and the XPrays purpose. Novela 2: Darkman. WFP #36 Social Activity and Business. Novela 3: BitLove. WPC #160 Apocalyptic origins. Novela 4: 7 Creation Games {2022} The Pandemic War. Novela 5: X-Monk Apocalypse Primate. WPC # 302 The Family Activity (Internal War) Novela 6: Go Home A Like Turtle. WPC # 304 El Gen X Novela 7: Academy Artesan Procreation. WPC # 308

GenXPrays · Fantasy
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The ties and intertwines between Avistrols and Prays continued until the next Luna Orbits.

Thanks to the Almighty who links our destinies to succeed.

Distance from our enemies.

I request on behalf of the future King Prays XHA and the Queen of the Fairies. Permission to live with ...


The ties and intertwines between Avistrols and Prays continued until the next Luna Orbits.

The linked ones are preparing to enter, according to their agreements, some to populate the royal honeycomb, others to coexist in the underground caves. The former will breed new Avistrols H, the latter new Prays XH.

The Military Plane of Prays Leadership, has a 25% loss of self-defense and has left a gap of 75% of the spectrum of the attack field, and the second wave of enemies is also coming, the devourers of nature (the fatal thing would be that a third attack is projected at the same time by the previous enemy that regroups or from a hidden enemy that awaits a disadvantageous context as in the current one) A King Prays XH or level two is required, as his tactical energy is required to counteract a second attack ditto from the enemy category Orugarys.

The domination strategy for the triple achievement objectivity is for level one Prays:

• Look for the multiplier effect that allows the formation of new shoots in New Moon on Wednesday, January 13.

• That the first level Prays learn to tame: Orugarys, and for this they must capture and besiege them in the Lunar Zenith portal of the full Moon on Thursday, January 28.

• Avoid what: the Orugarys, reach the branches and then bite the leaves, and devour the flower caps, with the subsequent loss of the fruits. And that at least half fall into the Prays reverie.

Then, the Olympic Ringing Plan, projected in a row of 5 Alpins trees, whose branches connect towards the center, thus while separating the invader into 5 attack lines, the central line is allowed to advance and devour everything in its path Not being the same for the other four lines, they are given a visual perspective towards the knots of the bark of the Alpins trees, thus facilitating the injection of silk nutrals.

It is the first time that such a Plan has been executed, the advantage: the Orugarys are a domesticable race, and this vassalage began on a new moon and is calculated to end on a full moon, in just 15 lunar days.

Returning to what has been said, the 1 + 4 lines in which the enemy was distributed meant: 20% to 80% of domination failed and achieved; 20% was left to dominate an Alpins tree and consume it, achieving the first injections and future shoots for the Alpins repopulation.

The gain of the battle is now defined in this other 80%, the devouring of leaves and flowers must be avoided at all costs; the injection has to be redirected for new suckers; and activate the "aromys Alpins" which is a dream Prays for fertility times, you have to put them to sleep for their metamorphosis.

The unknown is, the support is achieved in time from Avistrols, who are the only ones who can fly to the heights and subjugate the Orugarys. Did you see that consensus? Was the Avistrols Summoning ceremony performed? Will the Queen of the Fairies come? Will an Avistrols platoon join the battle?

Weapons to govern against reasons of coexistence?

The difference is marked by reasons of coexistence, to be on high alert and even to have the enemy in sight; you better adapt and regenerate at other levels. The Human world advances and the Prays XHuman kingdom: contracts and expands at the same time.

Let us remember that The Queen of the Fairies, "an H Avistrols", personally took flight to inject "avutrals germ" into the only golden flower XH of the now Alpins XH that she helped to sow. We are about to obtain leaves with chlorophyll XHA, and fruits with Avistrol DNA, which strengthens the skin of the second level Prays XH, regenerating them to Prays XHA.

The roots of Alpins XH trees look for reserves of ammonium and nitrate, in the presence of the transporter or "avutrals germ" that regulates XHA phosphorylation. XHA phosphorylation, in turn, triggers changes in the subcellular localization of Alpins XH, which drives changes in the distribution of auxin between the root cortex and the procreative XHA epidermis distributed from the cortex nodes in the suckers whose resulting leaves contain : chlorophyll XHA, causing an alteration in the rate or direction of root growth of the improved Alpins XHA, allowing the resurgence of Prays XHA or third level. (by Science, paraphrase)

We look forward to "the new cycle" in a month, because the next spring of the Prays Kingdom, the Prays XHA of the third level will appear.

Meanwhile the Prays of the poles: south, east and west must urgently migrate to the north pole, which is totally at the mercy of the enemies ...

There is an immigration slogan that, if one of the Prays leave the pole, weaken the pole by 50%; weakness that becomes strength, since the immigrant Prays is a candidate for Prays XH; normally this occurs by the procreation strategy for the double objective of the achievement, this for the Prays XH level two:

• In the metamorphosis phase of Palace Prays level XH (It is known as Hybrd or Human), this in the center of the Kingdom at the opening of the Zenith Portal of the new Moon on Friday, February 12. Or why an enemy managed to pass the first line of defense (Avistrols H case).

• In the Celebration of Nature, this in the ascension of the Queen of the Fairies. The linked ones are preparing to enter, according to their agreements, some to populate the Royal Honeycomb H (Avistrols) others to coexist in the underground caves. The former will breed new Avistrols, the latter new Prays XH; all of this at the opening of the Full Moon Zenith Portal on Saturday, February 27.

To the Military Plane of Prays Leadership, I repeat: "A King Prays XH or level two is required, since his tactical energy is required to counter a second attack and a third attack", which allows: not only to eliminate or decimate or to make strategic alliances; but rather the function, of covering the empty environments or poles by means of repopulation, as in the case it will be required from both level one Prays and second level Prays XH.

Pre Sequel

Gen XPrays: This story is the origin of the Prays.

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