12 Chapter 12 - Revelations

Izuku's popularity exploded overnight. His performance during battle training spread like wildfire. Nobody could understand how he had become so powerful, despite not having a quirk. More than once, he was approached by other students challenging him to a match. Izuku always declined. He had more important things to do.

The students had returned to their classes and were enjoying a much needed break before returning home. Izuku took the time to study what he learned of his classmate's quirks during the training exercise. Despite his feelings for All Might, he had good insight on hero work, even if he wasn't very good at teaching it.

There was a strong tension between All Might and Izuku. He could feel that the Pro Hero was trying to connect with him in some way and would address him directly, and would often purposefully direct most of his questions to him. However, Izuku preferred to avoid him as much as possible, and would often times feign ignorance to avoid answering his questions. There have been a couple of times that All Might had attempted to corner him in the hallway for some reason, but Izuku had always managed to evade him, either by pretending not to hear his booming voice, blending into a crowd of students, or outright disappearing entirely, something Izuku was very adept at, thanks to his training.

He had a feeling that he wouldn't be able to dodge All Might forever, and eventually would have to face him. But he would deal with that later.

The day after the battle training, his classmates had voted that he be their class president. He had politely declined. He didn't want to be a leader and had no patience for bureaucracy. Instead, Iida and Yaoyarozu were given the job of President and Vice President, respectively. Izuku was pleased with this result, as he felt he was already in the spotlight too much already. This was especially so after what happened after the battle training, when Kirishima returned from the treatment with Recovery Girl.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima said as he burst into the classroom, startling the class. He rushed towards Izuku, who instinctively tensed and reached for his utility belt. Kirishima, however, stopped at his desk, his face beaming.

"That was so cool!" He said excitedly. "You were like a total ninja in there!" He flailed his arms around, making karate gestures in the air. "Where did you learn to fight like that? Could you teach me?"

"Er," Izuku said, blushing slightly.

"Yeah!" Said Mineta. He and Kiminari both approached Izuku's desk with Kirishima. "You took down three of the strongest students here! Where did you learn that?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?"

The class turned to Tokoyami Fumikage, who simply sat at his desk, arms folded and eyes closed, as if in thought. Tokoyami was a strong, silent and brooding student. He rarely spoke and preferred to keep to himself. His crow-like appearance and dark demeanor only enhanced his already terrifyingly powerful quirk, Dark Shadow. "I noticed it when he completed the Gauntlet. Include that with your armor, your weapons, your fighting style, and the answer becomes quite clear." He looked directly into Izuku's eyes. "You were trained by the Dark Knight himself. Am I mistaken, Son of Batman?"

The class went silent, all eyes turned to Izuku. As he pondered his answer, he could almost hear his heart beating in his chest. Batman had a mixed reputation in the hero community, and he was concerned about how others would react to the knowledge of Izuku's connection to the Dark Knight. He supposed that he couldn't keep it a secret forever, and would have to face the inevitable eventually. He gave out a heavy sigh.

"You're correct," replied Izuku. The class erupted in unified amazement.

"The Batman?!" Said Kirishima excitedly.

"Isn't he a vigilante?" Said Yaoyarozu.

"I thought he was a myth," said Hanta Sero.

"No, he's real, he works with the Justice League," said Tsuyu Asui.

"No, he's a founding member of the Justice League," said Tokoyami.

" For real?!" Said Kaminari. "Have you met Superman?!" He asked Izuku.

"What about Wonder Woman?" Said Mineta, drooling slightly. "Is she just as hot in person?"

"Everyone, please!" Shouted Iida over the noise. "Don't badger Midoriya!"

"Besides, I think we're all missing the biggest question," Said Mina. "No one knows who he really is. He keeps his identity secret."

"That's true!" Said Toru Hagakure, the invisible student. "Who is he under that mask?"

Izuku swallowed hard. This was exactly why he didn't want people to know his secret. The class were all staring at him, excitedly awaiting his answer. "Well," Izuku said slowly. "He's Batman."

Everyone looked at him, confused. "I don't say that facetiously," said Izuku hastily. "What I mean is. . . the more time I spend with him, I've learned that the person underneath the cowl is actually a mask, one he wears for the public, or those who don't really know him. He's an important guy, so he has to keep up appearances. When he takes off the cowl, he becomes a different person entirely. It's only when he becomes the Batman is when he is his true self."

"That," said Kirishima, a slight tear dripping down his face. "Is the manliest thing I have ever heard."

Izuku was busy packing up his things, ready to call it a day. He had been hounded by questions from his classmates about Batman and the Justice League all day, until he was finally saved by Iida again, who chastised them for harassing a fellow classmate with inane questions.

The sun was already setting. As he began his trek home, Izuku took a minute to bask in the beauty of the dusk. He was always so busy with his studies and training that he never really took a moment like this to reflect on how far he had come, and how fortunate he was to be where he is. Fate had finally smiled upon him, and he -


Izuku immediately recognized that bellowing voice, and knew his momentary hesitation had cost him dearly. He had barely had a chance to react before he felt a heavy pair of hands resting on his shoulders.

"I am here!" Said All Might triumphantly. "To finally talk to you!"

Izuku sighed. "About what, sir?" He asked, not bothering to hide the irritation in his voice.

"Not here," said All Might. "Let's go to the teacher's lounge!"

"I'm glad we can finally have this talk."

All Might, having reverted to his de-powered form, poured a cup of tea and passed it to Izuku. This was the first time Izuku had seen him in this state since their first encounter. He looked almost dignified in his striped-yellow suit, which fit over him as if he was a pole supporting a circus tent. He smiled politely at Izuku as he sipped at his own tea.

Izuku sat his tea down on the coffee table in front of him, his face passive. He had correctly assumed that All Might would want to speak with him after getting into UA, but he had nothing to say to the hero. A long silence stretched between them, which All Might broke by awkwardly clearing his throat.

"I want to thank you for keeping my secret," said All Might cheerfully. Izuku still said nothing, his face passive, but his eyes a blazing glare. All Might coughed slightly.

"Look," Said All Might. "I know I may have come across as harsh during our chat on the rooftop. It wasn't my intention to come across as such. I didn't want to crush your dreams." All Might sighed, leaning back on the couch and looking at the ceiling.

"I have been at this for a long time," He continued. "I've faced a lot of villains. This life looks glamorous on TV, but the nature of our work is anything but. What people don't understand is that there is always someone out there who is stronger than you. Most people lose sight of that fact during their progression. They don't understand that this hubris costs lives. I've seen heroes stronger than me . . ." He paused for a minute, as if the words were caught in his throat. "Heroes who were a lot stronger than me die because of someone with a quirk that was stronger."

Izuku listened, his face unchanged. "With this fact in mind," All Might said. "It's even more difficult, if not impossible, to fight against those quirks without one of your own. It's not fair, it's just the way it is. But that doesn't mean that you can't make a difference in this world."

"With respect, All Might," Izuku said finally. "But do you have a point?"

"My point," said All Might. "Is I don't want to see you get hurt, or worse. Bruce may have trained you well, and filled your head with God-knows-what kind of ideas about heroism, but he's leading you down the path of destruction. Everywhere he goes he leaves pain and misery in his wake, and I don't want to see that happen to you, not if I can stop it."

Izuku's glaring gaze intensified. "Like you stopped the sludge monster from murdering my friend?" Izuku said quietly.

All Might blanched. He looked as if Izuku had physically struck him, but said nothing. Izuku continued to glare at the hero, his clenched fists visibly shaking. "You've been my hero for as long as I can remember, All Might," Izuku said, breaking the silence between them. "I've studied everything about you. I used to think that you were unstoppable, that nothing bad could happen so long as you were smiling. But now I know better." Izuku stood up, straightening his uniform.

"Young Midoriya," began All Might.

"You're redundant," Izuku snapped. "A one-trick pony living on borrowed time. Bruce may be complicated, but he's taught me more about being a hero than you ever will." Izuku turned to leave, but stopped at the door. "I'm not here for fame or glory, All Might," he said. "None of that matters. I'm here to avenge my fallen friend, to continue the Batman's legacy, and to prove you and this entire quirk-obsessed society wrong. I will become a hero, a better one than you could even imagine. You can count on that. Sir. " He spat the last word out as if it were poison, and left, leaving All Might at a loss for words.

All Might stroked his chin absently. That could have gone better, He thought sadly. That kid. He's sharp, but he's headstrong. He let out a deep sigh, resting his head on the back of the couch. Teaching is hard.

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