
Power within me

The story begins at the kidnap of Kiara. "Mistress,we have brought her to you"said the demon."Hope you weren't seen while taking her away"Circee said with a cunning smile."Yes mistress"the demon replied and left. Kiara finally woke up and found herself in a strange environment. Kiara is a girl who stays in a town far from the city.She gets kidnapped by a witch named Circee but little did she know that this kidnap will bring a whole new adventure and discovery about herself. What changes will it bring to her? Will she be able to handle it all?

Awaleeyah · Fantasy
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5 Chs


After picking flowers with Lucy,Kiara went back home to prepare dinner before everyone came back. She made tater tots and apple pie.

Everyone came back and settled down for dinner. They started discussing about how their day went, then Kiara's father said "Kiara , I have something important to tell you". Kiara replied"Okay father what is it about"

"Will's father and I met today and we discussed a lot of things,one of which was you and Will's marriage"Kiara's father said. The whole table suddenly fell silent until Kiara finally spoke and said "Marriage!! Dad I can't marry him when I don't even love him besides we are just friends and am sure he didn't agree to this"."But he loves you and he agreed to the marriage" Kiara's father said."What?? How could he?? Without even knowing what I feel or without asking me" Kiara said with a annoyed look."Kiara,you have to get married to him,you are not getting younger and am also in support of this marriage because I know Will is a good man"Kiara's mother finally spoke.

"Listen Kiara,we have never forced you on anything, can't you just grant this one request of your parents,you know we would never wish bad for you"Kiara's father said with a gentle tone."Give me time to think about it father,I need to go to bed now. Good night Mom, Good night Dad"Kiara said and left for her room.

She entered her room, closed the door and heaved a deep sigh. She laid down on her bed, thinking of the marriage. 'Marriage is such a big decision but my parents happiness means a lot to me' she said in her mind and heaved a long sigh, it was such a hard decision for her. She kept sighing and thinking till she fell asleep.

Kiara had that same dream again,she woke up and was sweating profusely but the awkward thing was that her legs were dirty like she just finished running outside barefooted."This is weird, But I didn't come out of my room,Oh God or is it my brother playing tricks on me. He will get it from me tomorrow" she said to herself. She cleaned her legs and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Kiara woke up looking so worked up like she had done something hectic overnight." You look like you ran a race overnight, didn't you sleep at all,your face looks so weary"Her mother asked with worry."Mum, I'm fine,I even slept like a baby"Kiara said.

"Okay,go and get cleaned up and come and have your breakfast"Kiara's mother said. When Kiara left her mother's side,her mother said"I hope she agrees to this marriage, because it's all for the best".

The whole family sat on the dining for breakfast. The whole table was quiet while eating until Kiara finally spoke and said "Father,I have made my decision regarding the marriage,I am ready to marry Will".

"Oh my darling,you have just made this old man of yours very happy"Her father said."Father, mother, you know my happiness lies in the both of you so anything that makes you happy,am happy with it too"Kiara said."So I'm going to have little nieces and nephews very soon"Will teased Kiara."Stop it Will you are making her blush"Their mother said.

"Kiara you have to get back home before evening,we will be inviting Will's family over for dinner" Kiara's father said and continued "We will send invitations to our family and our close friend,it should just be a simple wedding".

"Mom, Dad do it anyhow you wish to do it as long as everyone is happy" Kiara said with a beautiful smile. The atmosphere of the family breakfast was suddenly changed into a cheerful one. Kiara's eyes started to brim with tears,she was contented with how everything was then she suddenly thought on how much she will miss them after the marriage.

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