

Lander Macho has the superpower to be able to increase and decrease ANYTHING! Join his adventures in the world of superheroes in the DC and Marvel universe!

SoberFist · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


Lander Macho stood on the balcony of The Castle of Infinity, his newly created fortress on the red planet Mars. It was a sight to behold, a towering structure that reached towards the heavens, the icon on the tower glowing with an ethereal light. He gazed out into the vast expanse of space, watching as the stars twinkled in the darkness. He had always been fascinated with space, and now he had conquered it in a way that no other human had.

The castle was a medieval style structure, complete with turrets and a moat, but with a modern twist. The hybrid metal alloy that made up its walls and structure was a testament to Lander's technological prowess. It was a perfect blend of ancient and modern, a reflection of his vision for Macho Hacienda country.

As he stood there, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had always been underestimated, always seen as an immature adult, but he had proven everyone wrong. His ADHD had been a challenge, but he had learned to harness it, to use it to his advantage. And now, he had created something that was beyond anyone's wildest dreams.

The news of The Castle of Infinity had spread quickly across the galaxy, and people from all over were flocking to see it. Vloggers and bloggers had made it their mission to showcase the castle, and Lander had become a sensation overnight.

But with fame came scrutiny. There were those who questioned his motives, who wondered why he had spent so much time and resources on something as frivolous as a castle. They accused him of using it as a way to generate tourism and boost his country's economy.

Lander brushed off the criticism, knowing that he had a greater purpose. The castle was not just a symbol of his power, but a way to inspire others to reach for the stars. He wanted people to see what was possible, to dream big and achieve even bigger.

As he made his way through the castle, he was met with awe and wonder from those who had come to see it. He spoke with visitors, answered questions, and even took some time to show off his armor, the one that had sparked such intrigue and fascination.

But amidst the excitement and wonder, there were whispers of dissent. There were those who felt that Lander had gone too far, that he was playing with things that were beyond his control. Some even feared that he would become a tyrant, using his power and resources to dominate the galaxy.

Lander knew that he had to tread carefully. He couldn't let his ambition get the best of him, couldn't let his dreams turn into a nightmare. He had to find a way to balance his desire for greatness with his responsibility as a leader.

And so, he made a decision. He would use The Castle of Infinity not just as a symbol of his power, but as a center for education and innovation. He would invite the greatest minds from across the galaxy to come and share their knowledge, to help push the boundaries of what was possible.

It wasn't just about building a castle on Mars, it was about building a better future for all. And Lander Macho was just getting started.


As soon as news of the Castle of Infinity's completion spread across the internet, the world was once again abuzz with rumors and speculation about Lander Macho and Macho Hacienda country. But this time, something different was happening. People were being invited to see it for themselves.

Triennial Hawke, who was secretly Lander Macho himself, sent out invitations to selected individuals from different parts of the world. The invitations were very exclusive and came with strict instructions to keep it a secret.

One of the chosen guests was a well-known vlogger named Jade. She was famous for her travel vlogs and her followers were excited to see where she would go next. When she received the invitation from Triennial Hawke, she couldn't believe her eyes. The invitation was handwritten and signed by him.

Jade was thrilled and decided to bring her camera crew with her. She thought this would be an incredible opportunity to show her followers a place that no one had ever seen before. She packed her bags and headed to the teleport portal point in Macho Hacienda.

When she arrived, she was surprised to see other guests who were also invited to see the castle. They were all from different parts of the world, including some famous personalities, politicians, and bloggers.

Triennial Hawke welcomed the guests and explained that they were about to embark on a journey to a place beyond their wildest imaginations. He also emphasized that they were about to witness the power of Macho Hacienda country and the incredible achievements of its Supreme Leader, Lander Macho.

The teleportation portal was a sight to behold. It was a circular platform with glowing symbols that seemed to have been carved from the metal itself. The guests were a little hesitant to step on it at first, but Triennial Hawke reassured them that it was safe.

One by one, the guests stepped onto the platform and disappeared in a flash of light. Jade was nervous but excited at the same time. When it was her turn, she took a deep breath and stepped onto the platform.

In an instant, Jade found herself standing in front of a magnificent castle. The Castle of Infinity was even more impressive in person than it was in pictures. The castle was a medieval-style fortress with towers, turrets, and a moat. The entire structure was made of a hybrid metal alloy of adamantium and vibranium, making it impenetrable to any form of attack.

Triennial Hawke led the guests inside the castle where they were greeted by a group of people dressed in medieval clothing. They were led to the throne room where they were introduced to Lander Macho, who was sitting on his throne wearing his golden and red "Infinity Cosmic Gem Armor" with a black cape and a helmet that only showed his glowing red eyes.

Lander Macho welcomed them to the Castle of Infinity and explained that this was just the beginning of Macho Hacienda country's journey to greatness. He spoke of his plans to expand the teleportation portals to other parts of the world and create new trade routes that would benefit everyone.

Jade couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had never seen anything like this before. She knew that this was going to be the most incredible vlog she had ever made. She asked Lander Macho if she could record their conversation and he agreed.

As she recorded the conversation, she felt the weight of history on her shoulders. She knew that what she was recording was going to change the world forever. She felt grateful for the opportunity to witness it firsthand.

After the tour of the Castle of Infinity, the guests were led back to the teleportation portal. Triennial Hawke thanked them for coming and gave them a parting gift, a small piece of the metal alloy used in the construction of the castle.

"This is a token of our appreciation for visiting the Castle of Infinity," Triennial Hawke said. "We hope that you will spread the word about the wonders of Macho Hacienda country and the advancements we have made."

The guests were all grateful for the gift and promised to share their experiences on their social media platforms and other forms of media. As they stepped through the teleportation portal, they were transported back to Macho Hacienda, where they were greeted by a group of Macho Hacienda citizens, who welcomed them with cheers and applause.

As the guests made their way back to their respective countries, they couldn't stop talking about their experience. The vloggers and bloggers created videos and blog posts about their visit to the Castle of Infinity and the wonders of Macho Hacienda country. News personalities also shared their experiences on their respective shows, sparking even more interest in the country.

Meanwhile, Lander Macho was pleased with the success of the visit and the positive response it generated. He knew that this was just the beginning of his plan to put Macho Hacienda on the map and make it a world-renowned country. He had many more plans in mind, and he was determined to see them through.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Macho Hacienda continued to grow and prosper, with Lander Macho at the helm, leading the way. The Castle of Infinity became a symbol of the country's strength and advancement, and people from all over the world flocked to see it.

As Lander Macho looked out over the castle from his throne room, he couldn't help but smile. He had accomplished so much in such a short amount of time, and he knew that there was still so much more to come. He was determined to continue to push the boundaries and make Macho Hacienda the greatest country in the world.

The end was nowhere in sight for Lander Macho and Macho Hacienda. Their story was just beginning, and they were determined to make it a great one.


As soon as the visitors of the newly terraformed Mars returned to Earth, they couldn't wait to share their experiences with the world. News channels, social media platforms, and online podcasts were flooded with interviews, video logs, and podcasts about their trip to Mars and the Castle of Infinity. The world was abuzz with excitement about the stunning landscapes, breathtaking views, and the majestic castle that was the stuff of legends.

"I've been to some amazing places, but nothing compares to the experience of being on Mars and seeing the Castle of Infinity," exclaimed one of the lucky visitors in an interview with a popular news channel. "It was like stepping into a fairytale, but one that was so real that I couldn't believe my eyes."

The visitors shared their experiences of stepping through the teleportation portal, arriving on Mars, and being greeted by Triennial Hawke, who led them on a tour of the Castle of Infinity. They described the grandeur and magnificence of the castle, its towering walls, and the intricate details of its design. They also spoke about the advanced technology that powered the castle, its state-of-the-art facilities, and the advanced robotics that maintained it.

One visitor, a famous vlogger, created a video log of her trip to Mars, which quickly went viral. In the video, she described her awe at seeing the castle for the first time, walking through its halls, and standing on its ramparts. She also spoke about the technology that powered the castle, such as the teleportation portal and the advanced energy systems that kept the castle running.

The visitors' experiences sparked a wave of interest in Macho Hacienda country and its leader, Lander Macho. People wanted to know more about the country, its culture, and the man who had made all of this possible. Social media platforms were filled with discussions about Lander Macho's mysterious powers and abilities, his achievements, and his plans for the future.

Some people were skeptical about the whole thing, believing that it was all just a publicity stunt. They speculated that Lander Macho was using the castle and the terraforming of Mars as a way to generate interest in his country, attract tourists, and sell more products. Others dismissed these claims, arguing that, so what if its used to spark interest to their country.

They reasoned out that its an effing country with no tax on the average citizen, by attracting visitors and tourists, it will generate more income---hence more funds to help the populace.

Regardless of what people believed, there was no denying the impact that the visitors' experiences had on the world. The trip to Mars and the Castle of Infinity had captured the imagination of people around the globe, inspiring them to dream big and believe that anything was possible. It was a testament to the power of human imagination, determination, and innovation, and it was a story that would be told for generations to come.