

(Women) The word is very small but its sweetness extends ..The mother entity is hidden in every woman; When a woman is young, she lights a bar In Hinduism, women are addressed as targets.Moreover, in the Muslim religion, it is mentioned that a woman gets her father's paradise ...Bengalis say that women's power should be awakened. From time immemorial, women have contributed to take our country forward ... Once a girl was walking down the streetHer name is Rafia. She lived with her uncle. Her parents died in an accident. She was one year old.Uncle Auntie took over his responsibilities but there he had to grow up in neglectUncle and aunt had two sons and a daughter.Aunty always loved her sons and daughters.He would take care of them. But Rafia didn't love a mill at all. Rafia used to do all the housework. Rafia wanted to study. She saw her brother and sister but her aunt would not let her.When Rafia was fifteen, her aunt became desperate to marry herBut Rafia decides in her heart that she will not get married.Then on the night before the wedding, Rafia fled He started working as a housemaid in a big house..from his monthly salary he went to school and started studying with his mind In this way, Rafia struggled for her life and one day she finished her studies and got a government job And his inner life is filled with that happiness.From this story we can understand that girls can do everything they want.