


Did this Crab just called me money?

Noticing my confusion, the Crab got up and looked at me closely.

"Hmmm... you aren't money. Do you have some? I like money" He said seemingly obsessive to the term "money".

I have no clue what he was talking about, I mean, I've never been here in my whole life before; would I have the currency in this town?

Before I even said anything, he tried to smell me once more.. *sniff*

"Hm... my nose can't be wrong..." He looked at me once again, and as if he did nothing happened, he continued speaking: "Anyways, I'm Mr Krab and welcome to the Krusty Krab, Home to the best burger in the world, come on in!"

The Crab then went behind Sandy's and my back and started pushing us in the direction of the restaurant. Spongebob, on the other hand, tried to get his attention,

"Mr Krab, Mr Krab! Look at me! I'm a circle now!" Spongebob said excitedly

"Spongebob! I ain't paying you to play dress up, get to work and serve our two lovely customers, oh and Patrick's inside already." Mr.Krab said as he looked at Spongebob.

"Aye-aye captain!" Spongebob said, still as happy as a clown. 'Is Spongebob always so gullible?' I thought as he went into the restaurant.

Within the restaurant itself, there were tables shaped like a pirate's ship steering wheel, whereas the cashier was a boat.

'Ah, of course, that must be Squidward.' I thought as I saw him in the boat looking lifeless, even as Spongebob was bothering him; probably about his new-found body shape. Mr Krab then sat us down on the table where Patrick was. He looked like he already ate some food. "So what will you be having," Mr.Krab asked as he paid more attention to me than Sandy while showing a list of all the food here. I recalled Spongebob's skillset of cooking a burger. "I'll have one of the Krabby Patty with Cheese please!" The SSS class skill was enticing my stomach.

Sandy followed suit and ordered the same thing. "Alright, 2 Krabby Patty with Cheese coming right up!!!" Mr Krab said as he disappeared to the Kitchen.

"Heya, Rai, so what is this gravity thing you mentioned before?" Sandy asked.

"Oh..." Hmm. I guess Sandy is a scientist, so I bet she'd be curious about the phenomenon that happened before. Well, since I already did mention about it, might as well just tell her.

So I explained how gravity was a force that keeps us down to the centre of the earth and some extra details that I know about it.

"Woah..." She said while thinking, "so why did it suddenly happen to us, when it never happened before?"

"That was my fault... This magic thing I said, I still don't know how to control it, and it might have created that gravity effect in this world" I replied.

As we talked more, we reached the point where she asked me,

"So if you know nothing about it, why don't you try some more of it here?"

That was a good point. I might as well try it all. But surely, I'll do so after the meal! The food is here, and I'm starving!

My long-awaited burger has finally arrived. Meanwhile, Mr Krab still smiling and looking at me as I was about to eat the burger.

"Let's eat!!" I told Sandy and Patrick, who ordered another piece of burger. Sandy told me how to eat through the suit, by entering it in a secret compartment, and just eating it inside the suit. I could not smell the burger previously, but as I entered it in the suit, it was the most lovely smell you'd imagine. Quickly, I positioned the burger, right into my mouth.

As I bite the burger, the tenderness and juiciness of the burger patty started entering my mouth. Vegetables, which I usually dislike, tastes slightly sweet along with a very soft-cloud like texture. The sauce within the burger, I can't even describe it. Holy crap, I can now understand why Plankton would want to steal the secret formula, one of which was the sauce, of this burger.

Like water, the burger quickly went in my stomach. I felt like I could easily have multiple servings of the same thing. I glanced at my two companions. Sandy was still enjoying the meal, while Patrick has already finished the food even faster than I did.

Noticing that I finished, Mr Krab rushed right to the table and asked if I want some more. The burger tempts me, but I shouldn't since Sandy was paying.

"No, I'm fine, thank you!" I said,

"Alright, you three are together right, let me combine the bills for you," Mr Krab said as he moved to the cashier, and whispered something to Squidward.

After a few minutes, Sandy too finished her meal; just in time as Mr Krab came back to hand over the bill to me with a smile.

'****' I thought as I saw the final figure of the bill.

I showed Sandy the same bill, and she was shocked too.

"JEEPERS, Mr Krab! This isn't funny!" She said as she argued with Mr Krab.

"What do you mean it isn't funny? $1000 was the exact amount you three ate in total," Mr Krab retorted, explicitly looking at Patrick.

It turns out, Patrick has been eating before we came, with the additional burger supplies that Mr Krab always keep when Spongebob isn't around.

"You ate over 300 burgers just now, Patrick!?" Sandy asked, looking like she was about to beat someone up

"Uh... no?" Patrick replied, "I only ate five today, and the rest of those are burgers are burgers I haven't paid since two weeks ago!" He said, seemingly proud that he justified his food consumption.

"I don't have that kin'a money!" Sandy shouted at him.

It was right then when an idea hit me. I told Sandy, "Maybe I could try to use some of my magic to create money?"

Yet, the first one to popup and replied me back was Mr.Krab.

"CREATE MONEY? You can do that?" Mr Krab said... trying to act surprised.

"Yes, I could try," I told him.

It feels like he knew this was going to happen, and I could've sworn before he acted surprised that he was saying something along the line of "thank goodness my nose has not failed me" under his breath.

What an interesting Crab he was.

Thank you for reading it guys :) I'm truly enjoying the community so far and I'm glad you all like this currently chill series.

In regards to upload schedule, if any of you are wondering, I have no fixed time whatsoever. I upload when I enjoyed seeing what I wrote :) So sometimes, I might upload twice a day, but there might eventually be times when I won't upload for a while if my schedule is hectic IRL or if I don't like what I wrote.

<3 Thanks, everyone!

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