

Instead of the usual dead silent mornings, today was a bustling one. Every disciple and every priest in the priesthood had heard that the witches were being kicked out after just a day. And that had delighted them to no extent. They were guests of the priesthood before so no one talked back, but now the jealous disciples didn't have to watch themselves around that useless group anymore. And since they didn't want to miss the good show, everyone assembled with sneering smiles, outside the Hall of Priests waiting to ambush. The hatred they held for their witch 'guests' could finally be let out. They wanted to spite them and watch them fall from their high horses. As soon as the youths exited the hall, insults and scoffs echoed within the crowd. No effort was spared to embarrass the group that had came here with the intent to offer help. But no one seemed to care about their generosity all they cared about was the enmity between priests and witches. The goal was clear- Utter Humiliation!

"Who did they think they were to come and 'help' our priesthood? Like witches can do any good at all."

"Even ten of such so called 'Top Covens' won't measure up to the soil of our priesthood."

"If our High Priest wasn't humble enough to let them try, dorks like them could never even have stepped in here."

"True. Do they even know how tough it is to get in here? And they just got to walk in like that with nothing to offer. What a waste!"

Ashwin couldn't take anymore and was about to knock some sense into a snickering teen ahead, when a priest noticed him eyeing his disciple. He immediately came to stand in front of him, "Don't even think about it."

This angered Ashwin further but before he could jump in, Shaurya stopped him. He gave Ashwin a warning look and turned to the priest with a malicious intent before turning to push Ashwin forward. This pleased the arrogant priest to no extent, he felt proud to have scared away the witches. As the group made their way through the crowd, countless insults were thrown at them. But they seemed to have put on a thick skin as they ignored it all, shocking the disciples. They wanted to crush these witches who had barged into their serene and peaceful territory, but when they didn't get any violent outbursts as they had expected, it enraged them even more and their comments got even more ruthless. The group's careless attitude had lit a fire inside them.

"They're quite a shameless bunch. Anyone else would've left in the dead of the night to save face."

"They must've thought that begging our High Priest might change his mind. Even if he is kind, he isn't going to let a useless bunch to freeload."

"They're just trash who came to suck up to us. I'm glad we didn't give in." said one of the lower priests.

But the group continued to ignore their attacks and made them look like annoying flies that were just being waved off. Their insignificance to the group was evident in their actions. The disciples of the priesthood had always lived in a peaceful atmosphere and were not that highly confident about their physical strength. Hence, no one dared to touch the scary looking youths. The only thing they could do was insulting from afar. The show that everyone was so excited and eager to watch never happened. They felt disappointed and were about to disperse when the gates to the Hall of Priests opened and made them turn back. The High Priest stepped out with the First Priests following behind. He didn't have his warm smile today nor the usual happy glow around him. He seemed to have aged a good few years in just a night. The First Priests behind him didn't look any better either. Their eyes seemed hollow and empty as their pride didn't let them look down. They'd never stand with dropped heads in front of their disciples.

"My young children, I have an announcement to make." High Priest said with a heavy heart and everyone attentively looked at him. The disciples and lower priests could feel the gravity of the situation.

"All of you have made me proud in being your High Priest. It was an honor I never thought I deserved, and I still think the same." he let out a dry laugh. The First Priests felt their hearts ache as they saw their highly respectful High Priest so helpless. High Priest could see the confusion in countless eyes as he continued, "You kids had made this lonely man's days brighter and given him a purpose in this worthless life. For that I will forever be grateful and remember it to my last breath. I love this place with all my heart and it pains me to tell you that due to some unbeknownst circumstances, the Hall of Priests has decided to disband this priesthood within next three days till further notice. I know this place has been the only home to most of you. And I'm ashamed to have not been competent enough to keep it standing. As soon as we secure the area completely, it'll stand again as tall as ever. I hope, I'll be sending out letters inviting you back soon. I apologize for not being able to protect this place that is loved by you all."

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