
Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic

Daemon Rivers lives a simple life with his uncle in their cabin outside of Riverrun, he doesn't involve himself with the outside world. However all that changes when he awakens his aura. While everyone has Aura it is rare to see someone outside the knights and nobility with sufficient training with it, though a peasant who can control his aura once it’s unlocked will have an easy road straight to a knighthood. In this world power means everything and if you have enough of it, even a bastard can rise high. Based a few years before Roberts Rebellion. This is mostly gonna be set in the song of ice and fire world. I don't think I'll be adding characters from HxH, the only thing I'm adding is Nen. But if you guys actually want to see characters from hxh (Idk why?) lemme know on my supporters page. Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or Hunter x Hunter

TheManUnderTheBed · Book&Literature
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29 Chs

Anger & Sorrow

(The Eyrie)

"HAHAAHAHA!" Robert boomed out as he once again sent his friend tumbling to the ground with a swing of his Warhammer. They had not been in the Vale long, but when Jon Arryn had insisted on Robert ending the search for Daemon Silver, the Stag Lord felt he had no choice but to listen. In truth, he rather easily forgot about the man as his plans had been foiled by his cousin Rhaegar and so his betrothal was undamaged. One person who felt uneasy about the situation was Ned, he didn't really understand why Daemon would do such a thing especially when he was such good friends with Brandon and Lyanna.

Robert walked over to Ned and helped the other man up onto his feet "You'll get there Ned, once you stop fighting me like a damn woman!" He said in a joking manner as he clapped his friend on the shoulders.

"You're a freak of nature, Robert, for what the gods have taken away in your brains and table manners they've given you in your skill with aura," Ned said causing Robert to boom out a laugh.

"Let's go again," Ned said as he rolled his shoulders and squared his stance. He knew he couldn't win by trying to overpower Robert, and he knew even if his defence was at his peak he'd struggle to defend against his massive Warhammer. His only advantage would be speed and his smaller frame, but even in that case Robert was dangerously fast for a man of his size and it was enhanced even more when he used his aura. When people said that he would eventually reach the same heights as King Aerys and Arthur Dayne, Ned believed it.

"Ahahah that's more like it Ned, Come on!!!" He said as he released his aura and rushed towards Ned with his large Warhammer held in a single hand. Robert yelled out as he slammed his Warhammer on the ground shattering it and cracking the surrounding stone; Ned had already moved away and attempted to cut underneath Roberts's sword arm with his blade only for for Robert to jump out of the way, using his Warhammer to ground him he swung around it and kicked Ned in the side with an aura infused foot.

Ned was sent skidding back but relatively unharmed as he managed to transfer his aura into the place Robert attacked. He looked up to see Robert swinging his Warhammer at him, sending a shockwave of aura straight towards him. Ned grits his teeth as he weathers the shockwave and holds his ground "I thought I'd get ya that time Ned, like my new attack?" Robert asked with a laugh before rushing towards Ned once again.

Ned avoided the swing and grabbed Robert with his hand, as he did his aura morphed into the visage of a wolf that snapped his claws around his arm. Ned then flung him over his shoulder where he hit the ground hard, the entire courtyard seemed to shake as Robert and his wife Warhammer hit the ground.

Robert moved over as Ned swung his sword down, he then channelled aura into his elbow and struck the flat of the blade snapping it in two. "Hells Robert you said you wouldn't break this one," Ned said with exasperation as he blocked the punch that Robert sent from the ground.

"Alls fair in war Ned," Robert said with a chuckle as he stood up from the ground swinging his warhammer around like it were a bundle of flowers. Ned kept low to the ground watching as his friend approached him with his Warhammer swinging, however to his surprise Robert did not attack him and instead threw the Warhammer straight at Ned who fell off balance avoiding it. He couldn't avoid the kick that Robert sent to his chest sending him tumbling across the ground and into the courtyard wall.

"Ahahahhaa it seems this is another one for the Storm Lord!" Robert laughed out as he watched Ned get up.

"Hell it never hurts any less getting kicked by you," Ned said as he approached his friend who clapped him on the back.

Before Robert could reply they were interrupted by their host Jon Arryn who came walking into the courtyard with a solemn look on his face. "Ned... Robert, I've received a letter and I thought you should know about it right away," He said in a voice that worried both men as they had never heard him sound this way before.

Jon Arryn approached Ned first and handed him the letter. Ned took the offered item and began to read the contents, as he read it his face became more and more grim until his eyes started to water and tears streamed down his face. "Ned? What's happened? Jon what does the damn letter say!?" Robert asked as he saw his friend sink down to the ground.

Jon Arryn sighed "Rhaegar Targaryen along with his Kingsguard Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent kidnapped Lyanna and Lysa while they made their way to Riverrun," he said bluntly shocking Robert.

"Brandon and Rickard both travelled to Kings Landing to demand answers but were summarily executed in a trial by combat," Jon Arryn continued.

"The King has demanded that I send him both of your heads for proof of my loyalty to the crown and to make sure the Starks or Baratheons do not rebel," He finished.

Robert stood there for a moment clenching his fists so hard that blood started to pour from his hands. His aura started to pour out of his body and Jon Arryn felt the hairs on his arm stand up and his nostrils filled with the same kind of smell you'd find in a storm. Jon could even see parts of Robert's Aura spark with lightning; then abruptly Robert let out a deafening howl of rage so loud that the entire castle must have heard it. His rage was so intense that those who didn't have aura found themselves collapsing unconscious at the sheer hatred being projected by Robert.

In contrast, Ned withdrew into himself as he blamed himself in any way he could for the death of his family members, berating himself for not being there with them, and for not being there when Lyanna needed him. He sat on the cold stone floor and let tears fall freely from his eyes while he maintained a stoic face, oblivious to Robert who was taking his rage out on anything he could in the courtyard. It took a while for Jon to calm Robert down but when he did he ushered both of them into the castle where he took them to his solar.

Ned did not feel like talking and sat down on the seat that he was directed to, not interested in what anyone had to say. "It is clear what must happen, but I need to know if you two are ready for what must come," Jon Arryn said with a serious expression on his face.

"I'LL BE DAMNED IF I LET THAT SILVER-HAIRED FUCKER GET AWAY WITH THIS, I'LL KILL HIM WITH MY OWN HANDS!!!" Robert booked out as he crushed the wooden armrests beneath his grip.

"Robert calm down!!!" Jon shouted back.

"You need to be calm and smart about what happens next, this is rebellion we are speaking of," Jon chided.

"My betrothed has been kidnapped, and my greatest friend brother and father have been killed and all by a single family, I will not be calm and I will do this damn rebellion by myself if I have to!" Robert yelled.

Jon sighed "You won't be alone Robert, you know that, between us, we have the Vale, the North and the Stormlands, the Riverlands would no doubt join us as Rhaegar kidnapped Lysa, but Hoster may want Ned to take the place of his brother." Both men looked over to Ned who was still staring at nothing.

Ned was thinking about the last time he saw his brother and sister, the last time he saw his father. His father had smiled at him and told him how proud he was at how strong he had gotten, he hadn't seen his family for so long, he had been so happy spending time with everyone at Harrenhal and to think now that his father and brother were gone and his sister condemned to an unknown fate —though it wasn't hard to think about what Rhaegar would be doing to Lyanna.


Ned snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to Jon who had called his name. He wiped his eyes before breathing out heavily "I'm sorry, what did you ask?" He said.

"I said will you be willing to marry Catelyn Tully to bring the Riverlands into the rebellion?" Jon asked.

"Whatever it takes to get Lyanna back home and to avenge my family," Ned said resolutely.

"Then I'll call the banners, you two send ravens to your lands, and we will have you travel back to your lands by Gulltown," Jon Arryn stated.


Daemon sat with Howland outside in the camp. He was currently teaching the young boy the value of meditating and how increasing one's aura quality can put them leagues above another aura user. Howland found it easy to meditate as he often liked to relax in the swamps of the neck, he enjoyed the swaying of Greywater Watch as it moved through the swamp.

"I am interested in how an increased quality of aura would affect your ability, perhaps it'll enhance the magic already present in your blood," Daemon said as he sat in front of Howland. While he didn't train as intently as he did before Daemon made sure to keep meditating, he'd be foolish not to keep increasing the quality of his aura, especially when it provided such benefits.

"I was hoping you'd be teaching something more... combat-oriented," Howland said with a sigh.

Daemon chuckled "It's important to focus on your foundation before going into anything advanced, having large amounts of powerful aura will make your abilities even stronger, and make you able to create abilities with fewer restrictions," he explained.

Howland nodded at his reasoning and began to focus back on mediation again. Meanwhile, Daemon stopped and stood up, it had been an awkward time spent at the camp since he defeated his sister in the duel. The Golden Company had quickly come to accept him as their Captain-General both for his power and blood, but Serra did not take well to this and still did not believe that Daemon was who he said he was. She had spent the entire time ever since their duel staying in her tent and would only let her personal servant in to bring her meals.

Daemon took a deep breath as he walked away from Howland. He had tried to remain positive for the sake of his squire but it was hard. He missed Lyanna, Lysa and everyone else, his heart yearned to see them again, but he also felt a large amount of guilt surrounding his sister and how difficult her life must've been. He wanted to make things right and that's how he found himself walking to her tent.

"Serra..." Daemon said softly as he walked into her tent. While it was around noon her tent was dark; Daemon could see her lying facedown on her bed and for a moment he was worried that there might be something wrong.

"Serra..." he said again as he walked closer to her bed, but she did not reply.

"Leave..." her voice echoed out sending a slight chill through the tent. Daemon sighed and sat down on the bed but made sure to give her enough distance.

"Serra, we can't be at odds with each other, we are the only family we have left," Daemon said a little pleadingly.

Serra sat up from her bed with a scowl on her face "I don't know what spell or ability you have everyone under, but you are not my brother! My brother is dead!" She snapped at him sending pangs of pain through Daemon's heart as she did.

"What makes you so sure that your brother died years ago!? Who told you!?" Daemon yelled unable to contain his emotions any longer.

"If my brother was alive he wouldn't have left me alone!!!" She yelled as she pushed him back, her face was contorted in rage but Daemon could see tears making their way down her face. Daemon didn't know how to respond to that, especially when all the guilt he felt came crashing back into him. She had been waiting for him to save her and yet he didn't, he had spent his time living in luxury while she was going through who knows what.

Daemon knelt by the bed that Serra was sitting on "I hoped for so long that my brother would come for me, but he never did..." Serra said softly.

"I realised one day he would never come and I would have to get strong by myself, my brother never would've left me had he been alive I know this," She said resolutely as tears fell down her face.

"I'm sorry Serra, I always planned to come and find you, but I wanted to do so when I was strong enough, then I just kept getting put in situations that made it difficult to leave," Daemon tried to explain, but any words that fell from his mouth felt meaningless, he would never be able to make Serra feel better about her situation.

"We are twins you know... Aegor told me before he died," Daemon said switching topics as he released his aura.

Serra wiped her eyes and tensed as Daemon did so but did not move away. "They say those who share the womb have a connection beyond this world." He gestured for Serra to release her aura. She didn't want to at first but it seemed as if Daemon wouldn't give up until she did so she acquiesced to his demands and released her aura. Daemon then took her by her hand and allowed his aura to wash over Serra's.

They both gasped as their auras connected to one another. Daemon and Serra both felt as if they had been half empty their entire lives and only now were they completely; the realisation that they had gone through life so empty made them both laugh as tears made their way down their faces. Daemon was tackled to the ground by Serra who embraced him in a tight hug as she started weeping "Brother..." she whispered into his ear.

Daemon smiled contently as he rubbed his hand over his sister's back. "I'm here..."


Serra had hugged Daemon for the entirety of the day refusing to let him go and Daemon let her. He was as happy if not more so than Serra at finally reuniting with her, they had been separated for their entire lives but in that moment he knew he would never let it happen again.

"Serra, there is something I want to give you," Daemon said as he —with a little effort— moved Serra off him and sat up in the end they were sharing.

Serra not happy at being pushed away sat with her arms crossed. "What is it?" She asked with slight annoyance in her voice.

Daemon brought out a small journal that he carried on his person. He carried this journal everywhere since he was first given it, and he had read it from cover to cover more times than he could count. "This is our ancestor's journal, the first Daemon Blackfyre," he said. Serra's face quickly switched from one of annoyance to one of awe as she looked at the tattered journal.

"It details his life, the way he trained, his advice for training aura and even his first trip to Sothoryos where he mapped the western shore," Daemon said increasing Serra's excitement.

"But Daemon disappeared during his trip to Sothoryos, how did he write about it in his journal," Serra asked.

Daemon shook his head "That was his second trip where he attempted to map the eastern shores and go further inland, he hoped it would provide him with the means to conquer Westeros," he explained.

"You're just giving this to me? Something so important?" She asked with a confused look on her face. Daemon Blackfyre was a warrior of legend, in his time there was no man that could equal him, no the dragon knight, not Bloodraven and not even Bittersteel, he was the warrior in human form. A book filled with the way he trained his aura and advice for how to get stronger would be a treasure worth a keep maybe even a whole province, and Daemon would give it freely to her.

"You are my sister, he is your ancestor as well as mine, it is not mine to give it to you. You have the right to read it," Daemon said as he handed it to her. He was rewarded with another hug by Serra who took the book eagerly from her brother and began to read it.

Daemon chuckled before kissing the top of her head and heading out of the tent "Where are you going!?" She said a little worriedly.

Daemon turned around and smiled "Checking on Howland, he will probably be wondering where I went off to," He replied before heading out of the tent.

As he walked outside it was a new day, sometime around mid-morning. Daemon started heading towards where he left Howland to find him but it seemed he didn't need to look very far as his young squire was running through the camp raggedly "Howland! What in seven hells are you doing?" Daemon asked with a laugh catching the boy's attention.

Howland heard his voice and immediately ran towards him. "Daemon! You have to come! Letter! Westeros! The king!!!" Howland said in a panic not making much sense.

Daemon slapped him on the back of the head "Calm yourself, lad, now what's this about a letter," he asked as he walked with him.

Howland took a minute to compose himself before clearing his throat.  "The spymaster has brought you a letter and news from Westeros, it's urgent and involves the king," he said much more clearly.

Daemon nodded his head and quickly made his way to the command tent where he walked inside. All of his officers were there and they stood up out of respect as he walked in, Daemon gestured to them to sit down "What's the letter you have for me," Daemon asked

Lysono Maar the company spymaster brought the letter from his sleeve and placed it on the table in front of him. "This so from one of my contacts in the Red Keep, it seems he was present during a very interesting event that occurred," He said in a soft tone —almost feminine in the way he sounded.

Daemon sighed 'What has the king done now,' he thought to himself as he opened the letter.

Myles, Balaq, Harry, Lysono and Howland all watched in silence as Daemon read the letter, no one made a sound. Then abruptly Daemon started to chuckle, and that chuckle soon turned into full-on laughter. The rest of the officers started to laugh nervously as well.

"Daemon?" Howland asked with a bit of worry in his voice.

"I am such a fool... gods help me for being such a fool."

Daemon's aura exploded out of him in its entirety ripping the entire tent apart with how malicious it was. Daemon sat there reading the leather over and over again as his aura ran out of control. Nearly every man in the camp passed out from the sheer overwhelming feeling of anger and sorrow projected through Daemon's aura. Even seasoned aura users struggled to remain conscious and fell to the ground barely able to defend themselves. Daemon's anger only increased as he read the same sentence over and over again.

*Rhaegar Targaryen, Kidnapped Lyanna Stark and Lysa Tully*

"You played me for a fool Rhaegar..." Daemon said to himself as tears fell from his eyes and hit the page smudging the ink.

"I will kill you..."

"Daemon!" Serra shouted at him which snapped him out of his outburst though his aura was still out of control. Serra was the only one in camp able to withstand the pressure of his aura, though even she was in awe at how powerful it was.

"Calm down Daemon!" She said as she pressed her head against his and connected her aura to his in an attempt to calm him down.

Daemon didn't want to be calm, he wanted to go back to Westeros and kill everyone responsible for his anger. He wanted to kill Aerys for killing his friend and he wanted to kill Rhaegar for betraying him and kidnapping his love.

"You must calm down!" Serra said again a little more forcefully. Daemon with great effort drew his aura back into himself. The officers at the table took a deep breath, their bodies were covered in sweat, it felt like they had been drowning for hours and they had finally taken a breath for the first time.

"Daemon, tell me what has happened?" Serra asked with concern but Daemon's face was blank and stoic. He stood up from his seat and walked over to Myles Toyne.

"Get the men ready to move out, we set sail for Westeros as soon as we are ready," Daemon said tonelessly.

"Your Grace... we have... No ships," Myles said as he tried to push himself up from the floor only to fall down again.

"Myr has ships, we will use those, tell them of my decision," Daemon said before turning around and heading back to his tent with Serra hot on his heels.

(AN: The Rebellion is starting and players are being arranged. The war will play out a little different than in canon. The Kingsguard will have a bigger role to play than they did as I feel like they were underused. I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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