18 teen year old Shi Jing gets beaten up in an ally way, this is the story of how that changed his life.
"Shi Jing get over hear right now!" Shi Jing heard the voice and ran, it was one of the dogs of a gang leader he had offended, a moment later he felt a pain at the back of his head their was more that one gang member, as he was hit in the head and pulled into an alley and beaten to the brink of death and left to die, then he heard a voice echoed in his head.
[User- Shi Jing]
[Health [3/100]
[Stamina [8/100]
[Magic Power-Incalculable]
[Magic Affinity-Necromany]
[1.Get to Hospital,Priority]
"Who said that?" Shi Jing had started to get up and walked to the nearest hospital it was close by so it was easy even in his condition, as he walked he felt pain everywhere his knees shaking, so he had to used the walls as his support, he was covered in blood and bruises but still put up with the pain as he ran to the hospital.
When he got to the hospital he collapsed in the lobby and was rushed to the Emergency Room and once again the voice in his head spoke
[Mission 1 Completed]
[Level Up]
[Reward-Advanced Healing Technique]
[Bonus Reward for Speed of Completion-Instant knowledge of Any Specified Skill]
[2-Unused Skill Points]
A few days Shi Payed for the medical bills and left the hospital and was thinking about the voice he heard "System?" Shi whispered to himself wondering if it was real or not.
[Hello User-Shi Jing]
Shi Jing was startled with the voice realizing that it was not a dream but reality!
[For System Information Say System Status]
"System status" Shi Jing once again whispered
[System Name-Power House System]
[System Purpose-Make User The Strongest]
[Practice Advanced Healing Technique]
[Do 10 Push Ups]
[Do 10 Sit Ups]
"That's it?" Shi walked home and went into his apartment "Okay lets do this."
[Missions Complete 10 Sit Ups and 10 Push Ups]
[Mission Reward- +2 Strength and Plus 3 Endurance]
[Plus 1 Skill Point]
"System what are skill points?" Shi didn't know anything about the system so he had to get a run down of the capability's.
[Skill Points are Points to Raise a Skills Level Ex Your Advanced Healing Technique Is a Level 1 But Since You Have 3 Skill Points You Can Raise The Level to 4 Making The Ability More Effective]
"So that's how it works it's like a game, how do I practice the healing skill?
[You Need To Move Your Qi To Your Injured Area And Use Your Qi On The Selected Injury To Regenerate At High Speeds, It will Heal Faster Depending On The Level Of The Skill, The Levels Are From 1-10, 10 Being The Max Level]
"Is their any other way to level up an ability?"
[Their Is, By Completing Certain Missions You Can Gain Power Points Witch You Can Use In The System Store For Different Items, and Constant Use Of Skill]
"Can I buy skills with power points."
[Yes But For Better Ability's You Will Need More Power Points] Shi was starting to understand the system and how it works, he had read about things like this in manhua and webtoons.
"How do I see my status?"
[Say Status Window and it will appear in front of you]
"Status Window." In less than a second a window appeared in front of him."Can other people see my status window?"
[No Your Status Window Cannot Be Seen By Others Unless They Are Granted Permission From You]
"Why did I get this system?"
[Information Locked, Raise System Level For Access] Shi was surprised the system had given him all the info he asked for but not this "How do I raise the system level?"
[You Can Use Power Points To Raise The level But It Takes Huge Amounts, While You Can Also Do Missions And Raise The System Level By Completing Them, Depending On Mission Difficulty You Will Get More User Experience And More Power Points Along With System Experience]
"Can you specify huge amounts of power points?"
[Huge Amounts Can be specified As 1 Million Or More Depending On The Current System Level] Shi was startled the moment he heard 1 million he thought it was closer to the hundreds range.
"Okay put all 3 skill points into my healing technique." The moment he said that a prompter came up asking if he was sure about wanting to do this transaction, he pressed the green yes button and knowledge about the technique started flowing directly into his mind he was almost over whelmed but he had to power through, when it was over he passed out and fell to the ground.
When Shi woke up he had a massive headache he grabed his head and started to massage his temples, he could hear his heart beating, but it quickly vanished like it was never there.
"What was that?" Shi said has he started to get off the floor and sit in his bead
[That Was The After Effect Of To Much Knowledge Going Directly Inside Your Head]
"How did the pain suddenly stop?" He was wondering because in one moment he was in a lot of pain and in the next it felt as if it never happened.
[Because You Leveled Up Your Skill You Subconsciously Healed Yourself And Never Realized It Was Happening]
"Okay, Status" He had seen something that had worried him.
"Swoosh" the status screen flew in front of him and he read.
[User- Shi Jing]
[Health [100/100]
[Stamina [100/100]
[Magic Power-Incalculable]
[Magic Skill Affinity-Necromancy]
"Why does it say incalculable?"
[Its Incalculable Because The Stat Is To High]
"Whats the highest number it can calculate?"
[The Highest Number I Can Calculate To Is 1 Million By Upgrading Me You Can See The Actual Numbers Depending On The Amount Total Next Upgrade Calculation Amount Will Be 1 Billion]
Shi almost passed out when he had heard the number, if 1 million is the highest what could his number be he would have to find out once he upgraded the system.
"Can I learn any magic skills without knowing what the number actually is?"
[You Can Only Learn The Stage One Basic Skills Of Magic Any Higher I can't Process Without Knowing Your Exact Number]
"What are the stages of magic skills?"
"Magic Skills Are Divided Into 9 Ranks, Rank 1 Basic Magic, Rank 2 Uncommon Magic, Rank 3 Rare Magic, Rank 4 Legendary Magic, Rank 5 World Magic, Rank 6 Universal Magic, Rank 7 Heavenly Magic, Rank 8 Godly Magic, Rank 9 Creation Magic, Their Is Only 1 Person Who Was Able To Use Creation Magic And That Was The First Person To Ever Use Magic, Other Than Him The Highest Anyone Has Ever Used Is Universal Magic, The Rank Of Magic Skill Someone Can Use Defines Their Rank, Ex If Someone Could Use World Magic Their Rank Would be World Magician]
"OK I have something else I need to ask why does my magic affinity say necromancer?"
[Your Magic Affinity Is Necromancer So You Can Raise The Dead But The Reason You Have It I Can't Say Because It All Depends On The Person But I Can Say One Thing, That Affinity Doesn't Exist In Anyone Besides You Because It Shouldn't Be Real]
"What does that mean?" Shi was confused what do the system mean it shouldn't be real?
[I meant What I Said That Should Only Be Real In Fiction It Isn't real]
"What kind of skills can I use in this class"
[In This Class You Can Raise The Dead, Or Put Souls In Other Body's]
"Is their a limit to how many I can raise or can I make an army?"
[Their Is No Limit Except The Amount Of Mana You Have]
"System is their such thing as monsters and can I raise them to if so?"
[Their Are Monsters And You Can Raise Them From The Dead But They Don't Come Out Often especially In City's But Their Are Skills To Find Them And They Have To Be Weaker That You]
"What kind of skill?"
[The Skill Is Search, Depending On The Level It Will Find Anything You Want As Long As Its Within A Certain Distance, You Just Type Into The search Bar And You Can Find Anything]
"How many power stones do I have to have to buy the skill?" Shi was exited because he always liked army building games.
[Because I'm So Interested In The Skill You Got Ill Give It To You For Free]
"Why are you interested in my Affinity?"
[Because Like I Said, In My Database Their Is No Knowledge About The Affinity You Have Nor The Power It Can Contain]
"What missions can I do to get stronger fast so that I can test my ability once I obtain them?"
[Your Missions Are]
[1. Do 100 Push Ups]
[2. Do 100 Sit Ups]
[3. Run 10k]
"Okay ill start the work out"
[2 Hours Later]
Shi was practically drenched in sweat by the time he finished the work out.
[Work Out Complete]
[2 Skill Points And The Necromancy skill]
[+2 Strength, +2 Endurance]
[+3 Skill Points, +10 Power Points]
[Level Up +3 Now Level 5]
"That was the biggest workout I've had in a while. Shi went home and took a shower then he had to go to work before he could learn the necromancy skill.
"Finally I'm home!" He was tired he had worked all day and had done that big workout in the morning, he set an alarm to 5 AM so that he could learn the necromancy skill.
"Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring"
Shi woke up and stretched, the sun was barely rising but he woke himself up despite the urge to fallback asleep.
"System how do I learn the skill?"
[Say System Inventory]
" System inventory."
In a few seconds he was looking at the inventory it reminded him of a game inventory, In the first box their was a book called "Rank One Necromancy" he pressed on the skill and it came to an info page about the book that said, "Only Read If You Are A Necromancer Or Have A sort Of An Affinity Or You Will Go Insane!" Then a prompt came up saying, "Are You Sure You Wanna Learn This Skill." underneath it said yes or no in green and red he then presumed to press yes and once again the pain occurred but it was much worse, after he got through it he ran to the bathroom threw up and passed out.
When he had woken up it was already night time. "Crap I have to call my boss!" He got up and ran to grab his phone he then called his boss.
"Where were you today Shi we were worried?"
"Sorry I was sick and slept all day."
"Dont worry about it weve all been friends for a while take the week off till you feel better.
Shi and his coworkers had all been childhood friends so it was nice because they never loss touch, his boss is his friend Shana she is the closest to him because they knew each other the longest, she has black hair blue eyes and a mature body so everyone was always foning over her.
Shi hung up the phone and started looking at the skill he had gotten.
[Skill Necromancer]
[Abilitys Level 1 Ressurection - Raises The Dead]
[Other Info Locked]
[Next Ability Level 5]
Shi then layed down in his bed and thought about how his life would be from now on.
[User- Shi Jing]
[Health [100/100]
[Stamina [100/100]
[Magic Power-Incalculable]
[Magic Skill Affinity-Necromancy]
[Skills Learned Level 1 Necromancer]