
Chapter 25 - Gift for Whitebeard.

(A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for the late upload, but as I said last chapter, I've returned to work so probably all updates from now on will be later than usual. I might even miss some days, so sorry in advance. Hope you can all understand. Thank you for the reading and for the support! God bless you all!!!)

[3109 words not counting all of this. im tired.]


It had been 1 hour and 25 minutes since we caught Blackbeard and his crew. Issho and Mihawk were still sparring with Dave while he gave them some pointers on how they could improve. Just from this training alone, they already refined and enhanced their techniques by leaps and bounds.

While all of that was going on, Robin was still getting tanned far away from them while reading a book.

Since we would be reaching Whitebeard's location in a few minutes, I asked them all if they wanted to go with me to meet him. Issho and Mihawk were interested, but Robin decided to stay on the ship.

'Mihawk probably just wants to test his strenght agains Whitebeard...' I thought while looking at Moby Dick, Whitebeard's ship, which was a few miles ahead of ours.


As the Black Pearl closed in on Whitebeard's ship, Dave returned to his dimension while Issho and Mihawk stayed by my side to board the Moby Dick.

I had already gone to the storage room to retrive Blackbeard and I gotta say, the smell on that room was so disgusting that I had to ask Rhea to remove my sense of smell for a few minutes or else I would throw up right then and there and just add to the sickening smell.

I healed him to his previous conditions, since he still had his vocal cords cut and his stomach open to the world. The cuffs and ropes were still on him though, didn't want him to try to escape and embarrass me in front of Whitebeard. I don't think he would even try, since, for him and his crew, they stayed on that room for 3 weeks. 21 days of suffering can turn a man upside down. Blackbeard didn't even say anything the entire time I removed him from there and brought him outside.

I went ahead and teleported the other members of the Blackbeard Pirates to the mannequin fleet-admiral so that he could decide what to do with them because I didn't want to.

Stepping on the Moby Dick with Mihawk and Issho pulling Blackbeard through a rope, I was greeted by Whitebeard himself.

"My savior! What can I do for you?" He said in his naturally intimidating voice.

"Newgate! I've come bearing gifts! But first, let me introduce you to my crewmates. This one here you should already know, The Strongest Swordsman in the World, Dracule Mihawk!" I said while pointing my thumb behind me.

Mihawk's face twitched as I introduced him with his title that now belonged to me, so he corrected my sentence.

"That title belongs to you, Cain." He said while looking at me and continued by greeting Whitebeard, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Edward Newgate. I did expect you to be older though."

"GAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the pleasure is all mine, Dracule Mihawk. And well, due to your captain, I've returned to my youth!" Whitebeard told Mihawk with an energetic smile.

I smiled at his positivity and continued by introducing Issho, "And this my friend, is Issho. The newest addition to our small crew, but already part of the family."

"It's an honor to meet you, Whitebeard." Issho said while doing a little bow to Whitebeard.

"There's no need for formalities! My savior's friends are my friends as well! The honor is all mine to meet the rest of the Black Dragon Pirates." Whitebeard replied to Issho's greeting.

"Now, to more important matters. You probably already noticed the man behind us, the fat mountain over there." I said while poiting to Blackbeard, "I've brought you your crew's traitor, the despicable Marshall D. Teach. I know exactly what he did to you and your sons, so when I had the opportunity to attack and imprision him, I did just that. I hope that in giving him to you and your family, you can pass on his punishment and move on with one less problem on your life. And if It's alright with you and your crew, I'd like to watch your judgment."

Whitebeard's face instantly turned dark and cold. Blackbeard had done something unforgivable. He murdered one of his crewmates, one of Whitebeard's son, just to get the devil-fruit that he wanted so much. Every pirate in the world knows that that's the one rule that can never be broken, but he did, and now he would suffer the consequences.

"Teach... you bastard!" Whitebeard was fuming with anger and went to attack the almost catatonic Blackbeard.

I jumped on the way and managed to hold him with little effort. "Wait, Newgate. Let's bring him in front of everyone and he'll confess to everything he did. Think about your family. They need this just as much as you do. After you hear everything from his own mouth, you can decide on what to do with him."

He calmed down a little bit thanks to my words that made him think of his deceased son, Thatch, the one that Blackbeard killed.

"Go. Let your sons know that I brought Blackbeard here. I'll wait a few minutes for them all to level their heads a bit so they don't try to kill him the moment I get there." I said to him and he just nodded and followed my words.

Blackbeard didn't have a reaction to anything that was happening. Mostly because his mind had probably already broken down from the insane pain and condition that he was in for weeks. I'd fix that when he was in front of everyone though.


A few minutes later, I heard Whitebeard call for me to bring Blackbeard in front of them all.

'I hope they can contain themselves and not attack him straight away...' I thought while nodding at both Issho and Mihawk to come with me.

As we reached the humongous deck of Whitebeard's ship, all that could be felt in the air was anger and rage. They all hated Blackbeard with all they could due to his actions, and I don't blame them at all. Honestly, if I hadn't befriend Whitebeard before, I'd have already sent Blackbeard to burn on the sun forever.

Mihawk and Issho set all of the Blackbeard Pirates in front of Whitebeard and his entire crew. You could see that if their father hadn't told them to not attack, they would have already massacred Blackbeard. I then went to Whitebeard's side and both of my crewmates followed me.

I made his mind go back to normal by manipulating time, but he would still remember everything that had happened, and activated my Geass.

"Confess everything regarding Whitebeard and your plan." I said while looking directly as his eyes. Instantly, he was under my power and started talking without being able to restrain himself.

"At age 12, I encountered Whitebeard and his crew and asked to join them to have a home, which Whitebeard accepted and took me in as his son. I joined him with the sole purpose of acquiring the Yami-Yami no Mi, and I knew that riding with him would give me the best chance of finding it, which it did. Eventually, I became a member of the second division and encouraged Ace to become the commander, a position that I had refused by saying that I didn't have that kind of ambition. I did this so I would stay under the radar, and under Whitebeard's shadow because I didn't want to attract attention to me before I executed my plan.

One day, the commander of the Fourth Division, Thatch, found the Yami-Yami no Mi, the entire reason why I had joined Whitebeard's crew in the first place. I knew this was the perfect time to start my plan, so I killed Thatch and fled the Whitebeard Pirates with the devil-fruit. I then adopted the name of Blackbeard and started to form my own crew, the Blackbeard Pirates. I had planned on capturing Ace after Whitebeard eventually sent him to capture me, because I knew that Ace would be the most inclined to volunteer to find me since I was a member of his division.

I would then become one of the Warlords of the Sea and defeat Ace, sending him to the Marines so that they could execute him in public, inciting a war between the Marines and Whitebeard. When the war started, Whitebeard would call all of his allies to help him on his mission, and so the Marines would be prepared for this by having all of the Warlords and Admirals there. After a lot of battle, Whitebeard would in the end suffer too much damage and sucumb to his wounds due to his old age and sickness. After this, I would take this opportunity to show myself at the war and would use my unique devil-fruit abilities to steal his own devil-fruit powers, becoming the first person in history to have 2 devil-fruit powers at the same time and also becoming the most dangerous man in the world. Then I would continue my voyage until I became the Pirate King." Blackbeard said for 2 minutes straight. Due to him explaining his whole plan, everyone including Whitebeard were shocked. To think that he would have made such a complex and thought out plan starting way back on his childhood.

(A/N: Their memories from the World Government have been replaced by the new government's one but it's not like the new one is completely different from the WG. It just doesn't have all the bitches like the Celestial Dragons and shit. They still have the Marines, Marineford and all of that, though they don't have CP-9 and CP-0.)

That shock was soon replaced by the purest form of anger though. Teach was really a rotten man, down to the very core of his soul.

"TEACH, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Yelled Ace as he transformed his fist into fire and ran to attack Blackbeard. This time I didn't stop the attack, they had already heard everything so what they did with him from now on was their problem.

Marco, Jozu, Vista and a lot more soon followed by launching their own attacks at Blackbeard and beating him to a pulp. I asked Rhea to make him immortal for the next hour, just so that they could have their time fucking him up but not killing him straight away. Also, I removed his devil-fruit and stored it in my inventory and made it so that he would feel more pain than normal, so even a pinch would feel a lot worse than being burned, cut and shot at the same time.

Whitebeard was watching all of his sons gang up on Blackbeard with no mercy. Even though he heard the entire plan coming straight from Blackbeard's mouth, he just couldn't bring himself to kill his own son. He was just too compassionate about his family, and for a father, killing their own son was worse than killing the whole world. In Whitebeard's case at least...

"Will you kill him?" I asked Whitebeard.

He stood there silent for a while, but replied.

"I don't know."

"Do what you think is right. I'll be going back to my ship now. Take care my friend." I said to him while calling Mihawk and Issho who were ALSO attacking Blackbeard. They got pissed as they heard Blackbeard's story so they joined in on the beating.

"Oh, and don't worry about killing him for the next hour or so. Just know that no matter how much you attack him, he won't die until an hour passes so, go wild." I said a little louder than usual so that all of the Whitebeard Pirates could hear.

"YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" They stopped, yelled for a moment, and continued the beating.

Mihawk and Issho were already at my side by then so we started to head back for the ship.

"CAIN!" Shouted Whitebeard.

"What's up?" I replied while turning around.

"I can't just let you leave without payment. You've done so much for me already and all I gave you in return were some measly devil-fruits. Tell me anything you want that I'll do whatever it takes to get it for you." He said to me with a variety of emotions present on his face. He was sad, but also happy. Angry, but calm. He was a mess to simplify.

"HAHAHAHA. It's all good, Newgate. There's nothing I need that I don't have already. If you really want to repay me, just make Teach suffer as much as you can. See you later." And I moved faster than he could react just so that he couldn't reply to me. Mihawk and Issho were still there so...

"Uhh... can I fight you?" Asked Mihawk awkwardly.

Whitebeard almost laughed hearing this, but his emotions were too conflicted at the moment.

"I'm sorry, but now I need to take care of my family." He replied.

"Alright. Take care." Said Mihawk while turning his back and heading for the Blackpearl.

"Hope everything goes well. It's been an honor." Issho respectfully bowed and followed Mihawk back to the ship.


As we all went back to the ship, I told what happened to Robin and went to my room to think about what we could do now.

'This world is getting a little boring... there's no one who can give me a good fight. Don't know why but ever since I first fought Mihawk, I awakened this side of me that just LOVES fighting.' I thought while sitting down on a chair on my bedroom.

"Rhea, what universe do you think I should go next?" I asked her because I had some doubts.

{Based on how you are feeling, you should go to the Marvel Multiverse. There are plenty of strong entities for you to fight there, such as Galactus, The Living Tribunal, Eternity, Infinity, Owen Reece, Franklin Richards, the Beyonder and the Beyonders, the Celestials, Death and many, many more.}

"Yeah, I agree. I'm sure I can beat Galactus and a few Celestials if I unrestrict my 'Absolute Condition', but those insane reality warpers like Franklin Richards I can't... going to have to use my brain to fight him. Or I could just stop time for him and shoot him in the head since he wouldn't be able to warp reality if he's stopped in time, but that's not fun and I don't want to kill him. Actually, will my 'Meta Space-Time Manipulation' even work for these multiversal beings?"

{Yes. Your space-time ability is of the highest level possible in the omniverse. Not even the personification of space like Infinity can escape your powers, and the same goes for Eternity. If you wanted to, you could simply erase them from existence right now, from this world.}

"Holy shit.... is there anyone else with a higher manipulation of time and space besides me in the omniverse?"

{There are those with the same ability but other than God, no one exceeds you.}

"Oh damn, I'll go meet them someday then. And to think I've had this ability since day 1 almost.... what the fuck. I should use it WAY more. Oh and Rhea, will someone like the One-Above-All be able to seal or erase me someway? I know I can't be killed but can I be erased from existence?"

{Someone with the power of the One-Above-All no, but those with the same ability as you can give you a run for your money. Neither will be able to harm the other, or erase the other, or seal the other, or do anything to each other regarding space and time, which is basically regarding everything since everything exists at a certain space and at a certain time. If you were to fight someone with the same ability as you, the fight would be an eternal stalemate, and the only ones able to do something to you or the other would be God or someone else who completely transcends space and time. Someone that exists outside of everything will also be able to stop you.}

"Well, that's interesting. I'll go meet someone that has the same space-time ability as me someday, but for now I'll stay here and go to Marvel later. Thank you, Rhea." I said to her after she answered all of my questions.

{Your welcome.} She kindly replied.

"OH I KNOW! I'll take Issho to fight Godzilla! That'll be fun... Let me go talk to him." I said to myself and made my way to Issho's room.


"Yes?" I heard Issho's hoarse voice from inside.

"Can I talk to you real quick?" I said from outside his room.

"Sure, come in."

Entering his room, I saw him sitting on the floor while levitating his bed in front of him.

"Oh nice. Made some improvements huh."

"Yes. Dave helped me a lot." Issho replied.

"That's good. Now, how would you feel about fighting a 300 meters tall monster?" I excitedly asked him.

From this question, it seemed that Issho's brain malfunctioned for a few seconds but got back to work again.

"Can you elaborate?" He asked while trying to hide his surprise. Why does this guy get shocked when I say this but no when I say that I'm a fucking god?

"Sure. So there's this massive void in the universe and I created a solar system there. I created a gigantictly massive beast there called Godzilla and fought him. We almost destroyed the planet and blah blah blah... so, wanna fight him?" I quickly told him a small summary of everything.

"If your fight with him destroyed the planet, won't I die if I fight him?" Issho asked a valid question.

"Nonsense. I'll make you immortal so that you can fight him for a few hours. Remember Issho, no pain, no gain! I can guarantee that this fight with him will help you a lot. Maybe by the end of the fight you'll even be able to levitate him, who knows? So, you in or out? This is a one-time only deal..." It wasn't. I just wanted to see how he would handle himself against Godzilla.

"OK." He replied.

"Awesome! I'll even give you a little bonus my friend, I'll make you unable to feel pain and you'll also be immortal for the duration of the fight, so you will be able to improve a lot and not feel pain at all!"

"Didn't you just say 'no pain, no gain'?" Issho seemed a little confused.

"Do you want to feel pain?" I quickly asked him.


"Then its 'no pain, yes gain' now. Ready to go?" I inquired.


So I teleported us both to Godzilla's planet that was now full of Kaijus roaming the world. Maybe Godzilla has already gotten stronger due to the constant fighting... I'll have a little match with him after Issho. I didn't forget to stop time on the One Piece solar system so that when we returned, Mihawk and Robin wouldn't even notice our absence.




VERY USEFUL FUN FACT: A tsunami can travel almost or even as fast as a jet plane.

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