
Chapter 19 - Suffering from success.

[2432 words not counting this]


< 3rd POV >


After just a little over 6 hours of sleep, Cain woke up in his bed with a lazy expression painted on his face.

"uaaaAAHAAAUuaaA" He yelled as he stretched his body in bed and got up.

'Good morning, Rhea.' He thought. It had become a habit to greet Rhea everytime he woke up and went to sleep.

{Good morning to you too, Cain.} She replied.

Right now it was 6:12am, so Cain cleaned himself using his powers and put on his clothes. He would be training for a couple hours with Mihawk and Dave and then he would go to meet Issho and try to recruit him.

Mihawk had started training with Cain and Dave everyday since he joined the Black Dragon Pirates, seeing as he wasn't the Strongest Swordsman in the World anymore, he now had a reason to better himself.

One of the things that Mihawk suffered a lot from was utter boredom. There was no one in the world who could challenge him, and the only one who could give him a fun fight had lost an arm so Mihawk lost interest in him.

The others who tried to challenge him were always delusional and couldn't withstand even one of his weakest attacks.

You could say that he was truly suffering from success...

But now that Cain had spectacularly defeated him, his fighting spirit and determination rose up to new heights. He found in himself the need to get a deeper undestanding in the way of the sword and to increase his abilities.

Ever since they started their training, none could defeat Dave. Even when they teamed up Dave would just destroy them.

Of course Cain wasn't using his abilities or else Dave would have just disappeared from existence. Cain only used his physical prowess along with his sword to train, or else what would be the reason for training?


After a good 2 hours of sparring and fighting, Mihawk and Cain went to the kitchen and found Robin there reading the newspaper that the News Coo had dropped when they were both training.

The newspaper read:

< The Rising Dragon strikes again! Disorder and confusion reign!

At 9:30pm last night, the captain of the Black Dragon Pirates, Smith D. Cain, attacked and destroyed the Holy Land of Marie Jois, home to the World Nobles.

Reports say that he, along with his crewmate Dracule 'Hawk-Eyes' Mihawk, appeared on top of the Red Line and proceeded to wreck the entirety of the capital of the World Government.

One of our trusted sources said that Smith D. Cain appeared on top of The Holy Land as a massive dragon and continued to wreak havoc together with Dracule Mihawk.

He continued to say that they both massacred 5 unknown elder men.

All of the World Nobles have disappeared and are nowhere to be found. The only thing left is complete and utter destruction.

Due to this, the World Government has completely collapsed and the whole world has fallen into chaos. The Marines have not said anything yet. >

As they walked past Robin, they both greeted her with a good morning and Cain started cooking some breakfast for the 3 of them as Mihawk sat down on the dinner table besides Robin. He couldn't just create food out of nothing in front of them since they didn't know about his powers and would find it very weird.

Cain was cooking some scrambled eggs with a pinch of garlic, dried parsley, rosemary and oregano. He also added a couple of whole-wheat toasts for each of them and added salt at the end.

After Cain finished cooking everything, he set the table and gave them each their breakfast and they all dug in because they loved Cain's food. That's when Robin spoke up.

"Have you read the newspaper?" She asked Mihawk and Cain at the same time.

"Nope." "No." Replied Cain and Mihawk.

She then slid the newspaper to the middle of the table so that it could be read by the both of them and continued eating.

Cain and Mihawk then read the paper and weren't surprised at all.

"Nice." Cain said while nodding while Mihawk just nodded along with him.

"What will we do now? We certainly are the most wanted people in the world at the moment and the Marines will go to any lenghts to catch us." Robin replied.

"We'll do whatever we want to do, Robin. I already said that I wouldn't do something so foolish without a plan. I'll implement the new government later today so you can relax. It doesn't matter if we are the most wanted people in the world since me and Mihawk are enough to destroy anyone that comes after us. Even if the 3 admirals along with the Fleet Admiral fought together against us it wouldn't matter.

More importantly, you should both get ready because we will be meeting Issho soon. Just so you know, his strenght is equal to that of an Admiral's so if a fight breaks out you should be careful, but from what I know I doubt that we will have to fight him." Cain answered Robin's question as he finished devouring the breakfast and placed the plate on the sink to clean it.

"Just leave all your plates there and I'll clean them, you should go get ready." He said to Robin and Mihawk as they were about to get their plates. They thanked him and went to their respective rooms to take a shower and get ready.

Cain then used his abilities to perfectly clean everything and went outside to teleport the ship near Issho's location.

He expanded his aura to cover the entire world and instantly found Issho. He was at an island called Buraindo Island on the New World.

This island had a single country called Aclana. This country had a small population of around 583 people. Aclana itself is mainly covered in tall mountains and has a stable humid climate, which has lead to a localized population, which means most of them live in one big settlement.

The country's landscape is quite pleasant with terraced fields of green, relaxing natural hot springs and waterfalls. The people of Aclana are neutral against pirates, seeing that the majority of pirates who manage to find this island are good people. (ISLAND IMAGE HERE)

(A/N: Island and country are made up.)

The moment Cain felt Issho's aura, he teleported the ship a few miles away from the island, making them reach there in about half and hour, enough time for Robin and Mihawk to take a shower and do whatever they want.

"Perfect. Since everything's done I'll go take a shit." Said Cain to no one as he teleported to his bathroom.

His body didn't actually need to shit or pee but he did it anyways because he wanted to do at least something seeing as he didn't need to take a shower, brush his teeth, breath, eat, drink, sleep and etc. He only did some of these because he wanted to do something human once in a while.

'Hmmm I wonder what it would feel like to take a shit in space...' He thought as he started to undress himself, but before he sat down on the throne, he teleported himself to space and started to shit there, floating.

(☉_☉) 'This is surprisingly nice.' He thought.

After about 25 minutes, only 6 of those 25 spent on actually shiting and the other 19 spent on the phone, he cleaned his ass and created a new set of his usual clothes.

Yes, he had created a phone for when he was bored. It was a black iPhone 11 with an infinite amount of storage space. It also had his world's internet and he made it so that the phone would always have WiFi and this WiFi had a speed of 100Gbps so anything loaded instantly. (A/N: I wish I had a phone like this....)

As he was there floating in space, he had a genious thought.

'Maybe I should send my shit to fall on Sakazuki's head... Yeah, that seems alright.'

He then manipulated his turds and fused them to form one big poop and launched it towards Earth. He of course made it so that no matter what, it would fall on Sakazuki's head, even if he was indoors.

Following this, he teleported himself back to his ship and Mihawk went outside to meet him not long after.

"Excited to meet him?" Cain asked as Mihawk was approaching him.

"Very. I want to test my skills against someone that's not you or Dave to see how much I've progressed." Replied Mihawk with his usual monotone. Mihawk had a habit of not showing any emotions on his face and his voice, so it was nearly impossible to know what he was feeling.

"Why not us?" Cain asked as he looked at the island that they were approaching.

"Because the both of you are too powerful for my current self. But it's alright since it only motivates me to get stronger."

"That's good then. I know how it feels to be bored due to being too powerful so it's good that you've found a new objective." Replied Cain.

Mihawk just nodded his head and looked at the island that they were nearing.

"Go call Robin and tell her that we have arrived, please." Asked Cain.

2 minutes later Mihawk returned with Robin by his side and they made some small talk between the 3 of them.

"Alright, let's go." Said Cain as he jumped off the ship and landed on Buraindo Island while Mihawk and Robin followed.

"This island is beautiful." Muttered Robin as she looked at the magical landscape that was in front of them.

"It sure is... now come, climb on my back." Cain said as he transformed into a 25 meter long dragon.

Mihawk climbed on his back casually as he was already used to this but Robin was still on the ground with a shocked expression.

"What's up?" Asked Cain in his majestic draconic voice.

"M-Mihawk wasn't lying when he said that you can turn into a dragon? The newspaper was also not lying..." Replied Robin.

"Why would I lie about that?" Argued Mihawk.

"Yes, I can turn into a dragon. Now come on, climb on my back." Cain answered.

"Y-Yes." Uttered Robin as she hoppen on Cain's back.

As Cain started to fly away, he went too fast for Robin to hold on as she started to lose her balance and fall from Cain's back.

Mihawk instantly noticed this and at the last minute caught Robin in his arms.

"Careful." Said Mihawk as he held Robin in his arms princess style.

Robin couldn't help but blush a little and replied, "T-Thank you..." As Mihawk set her confortably on Cain's back and sat behind her. He didn't want her to fall again now did he?

'Now it's up to the both of them, I already did my part...' Thought Cain. The truth was that he had done this on purpose because he saw the way that Mihawk looked at Robin. Even if Mihawk maintained his poker face, nothing escaped Cain's eyes. So now he would only have to wait until Robin fell for Mihawk, and it seemed that it wouldn't take long...

(A/N: Yes, I'll make Robin and Mihawk a couple because why not? Don't worry, I won't focus on Mihawk and Robin more than on Cain but I thought that it would be nice if there was something more between the 2. MC will have his romance start later in the story.)

Cain then slowed down for a bit to let them both talk a bit on his back and they reached Issho's location after 5 minutes of flying.

Issho had already noticed the 3 of them flying towards him the moment they set foot on the island, but he let them be since he didn't feel any bad intentions coming from them.

His Observation Haki was special because it let him feel and 'hear' a person's thoughts and emotions, so he was able to instantly find out if someone had any bad intentions towards him or what type of emotion someone was feeling at that time.

At the moment, Issho was at the peak of the highest mountain present on the island. This mountain was so high that at the top you could even see the clouds beneath you. He was there because he wanted a quiet and peaceful place to think about life in general and what he would do in the future.

Cain descended from the air and landed a few meters behind Issho. Mihawk and Robin jumped out from his back with Mihawk helping Robin and Cain turned back into his human form seconds after.

"A pleasure to meet you, Issho." Cain said as he walked to the man sitting in front of him.

(Won't describe him, here's a picture of him if you don't know how he looks like)

"Why is the infamous Rising Dragon here?" Replied Issho with his incredibely deep and hoarse voice without turning to face Cain.

"I'll be blunt, I am here to invite you to my crew."

"Interesting... And why would you come all the way here for that?" Replied Issho now standing in front of Cain.

"Because I admire you, Issho. People like you are a rare breed nowadays. Your unique sense of justice is one that I share. I think that you will be a perfect fit for our crew, so what do you say?" Said Cain as he looked at Issho.

"Why did you destroy the World Government?" Asked Issho.

"Because I felt disgusted by their corruption, lies, manipulation, and laws that apply to some but not to others. By no means do I regret what I did, and if you want to I can tell you everything that they did that led me to erasing them." Answered Cain with a stern look on his face.

"....... You are a fascinating man, Smith D. Cain. I can feel the trust and admiration that your friends have towards you. You seem like a kind and caring person, so I'll accept your offer. It'll a pleasure to journey the seas with you and your friends." Muttered Issho with a kind smile on his face.

"Welcome aboard, Issho!" Cain said while putting a hand on his shoulder.

He then introduced Mihawk and Robin to their new crewmate and they all talked for a while, appreciating the beautiful view from the top of the mountain...


Marine's HQ...


His entire head was filled with a disgusting brown paste that had fallen on him out of nowhere...




VERY USEFUL FUN FACT: A British teen legally changed his name to "Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined."

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