

In a dark void,

"Where am I?" a young man asked himself in a trembling voice.

He was Axel, an orphan from a city somewhere in the Philippines. He had no family, no friends, no dreams. He worked as a delivery boy for a shady company, barely earning enough to survive. He had nothing to look forward to, except for the occasional entertainment he got from his phone. He was watching some funny videos on social media after a long and exhausting night of work, when suddenly everything went black. He felt a jolt of pain in his head, and then he found himself in an empty space of pure darkness.

He felt a cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart was pounding in his chest. He tried to move, but he couldn't. He tried to scream, but no one heard him. He was alone, scared, and confused.

As he was processing his current plight, a cheerful voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Congratulations, Axel! Your race has gained entrance to 'Eternal', the infinite world where countless possibilities await you!"

The voice was loud and clear, as if it was coming from inside his head. It sounded like a female voice, but it had a strange accent and tone. It was too happy and enthusiastic for the situation.

"You will be thrown to a random world and manage your own territory! You can explore, conquer, create, and enjoy the wonders of 'Eternal' as you wish! But beware, you are not the only one who seeks to claim the glory of this world. You will face many challenges and enemies, as well as allies and friends. Your fate depends on your actions and decisions. Are you ready to embark on this epic adventure?"

The voice continued, as if it was reading from a script. It gave Axel no time to ask questions or protest. It presented him with two options:

╰┈➤ Yes? ╰┈➤ No?

Axel felt a surge of adrenaline and curiosity coursing through his veins. He couldn't believe this opportunity. He had been given a chance to escape his mundane and miserable life and enter a world of endless possibilities. A world where he could be someone else, someone better, someone stronger. A world where he could have fun, adventure, and freedom. A world where he could make his own destiny.

Axel, with no second thoughts, quickly chose 'Yes' , then the voice suddenly rang again.

" You've chosen to partake in this endeavor, now choose your power system (Note: Your chosen power system will be adopted by your territory in another world)"

'Superpowers? ' Axel's eyes lit up as he heard the voice, then glanced at the options presented in front of him.

╰┈➤ Magic

You have the ability to manipulate the natural elements and forces of the world with your will and arcane knowledge. You can cast spells, enchant items, summon creatures, and create wonders. However, magic is not without its risks and limitations. You need to learn and memorize complex formulas and rituals, and use rare and expensive materials. You also have to deal with the backlash of magic, such as mana depletion, corruption, and instability. Magic is a powerful and versatile system, but it requires a lot of study, practice, and resources.

╰┈➤ Cultivation

You have the ability to cultivate your inner energy and spirit, and achieve higher realms of existence. You can enhance your physical and mental abilities, extend your lifespan, and unlock supernatural powers. However, cultivation is not easy or simple. You need to follow strict rules and disciplines, and overcome various trials and tribulations. You also have to face the competition and hostility of other cultivators, and the dangers of the mysterious and vast world. Cultivation is a profound and mysterious system, but it requires a lot of dedication, perseverance, and luck.

╰┈➤ Technology

You have the ability to use advanced science and engineering to create and control various devices and machines. You can invent and upgrade gadgets, weapons, vehicles, and robots. You can also access and manipulate information, networks, and artificial intelligence. However, technology is not flawless or unlimited. You need to have sufficient knowledge and skills, and use reliable and compatible components. You also have to deal with the problems and threats of technology, such as malfunction, hacking, and pollution. Technology is a practical and innovative system, but it requires a lot of intelligence, creativity, and resources.

Axel's eyes darted from one option to another, weighing the pros and cons of each power system. He knew this was a crucial decision that would shape his destiny in 'Eternal'. He felt a knot in his stomach as he tried to make up his mind. He was about to click on one of the choices when …


The words in front of him became distorted and glitched, and the voice kept saying "Error!" over and over again in a loud and annoying tone. Axel felt a jolt of electricity run through his body, and his vision blurred. He tried to close his eyes, but he couldn't. He tried to cover his ears, but he couldn't. He was trapped in a nightmare of noise and chaos.

Axel suddenly felt a surge of panic and confusion as he didn't know what to do. He wanted to scream, but he had no voice. He wanted to escape, but he had no power. He wondered if this was a prank, a glitch, or a trap. He wondered if he was going to die.

But after a few seconds, the chaos suddenly stopped, making him breathe a sigh of relief. He opened his eyes and saw that the words had disappeared, and the voice had gone silent. He felt a wave of calm wash over him, and he hoped that everything was back to normal.

But …

"Good luck on your journey in 'Eternal' ! " the cheerful voice said, as if nothing had happened.

Then Axel was enveloped by a light of myriad colors, dazzling his eyes and blinding his senses. He felt a sensation of weightlessness, as if he was floating in space. He had a dumbfounded look on his face, as he realized that he hadn't been given a chance to choose.

"I haven't chosen my power ye-! " Axel shouted, but was cut off as he was transported to a random world in 'Eternal' . He had no idea what awaited him there, what dangers he would face, what enemies he would meet, or what powers he would have. He had been thrown into the unknown, without any choice or control.


In a place full of towering trees and surrounded by soaring mountains, an area devoid of human civilization with occasional roars and screeches of beasts, a young man suddenly materialized.

'Where am I?' Alex asked to himself, as he surveyed the surroundings.

He seemed to be in a forest with weird-looking flora, with colossal trees towering over him like skyscrapers. The air was thick with humidity and the scent of exotic plants. But it was eerily silent for a scene like this. Alex felt something was off.

He scrambled to his feet, ready to run. But a dark shadow plunged from the sky, aiming for his throat. Golden claws glinted in his eyes. He froze, feeling a cold sweat on his brow.

This was it. He was going to die.

He braced for the impact, but it never came. A flash of light blinded him, followed by a loud boom. The ground shook under him. He opened his eyes and saw a transparent wall between him and the beast. It snarled and clawed at the barrier, but it held firm.

What the hell was that?

This gave Alex the chance to see the creature's appearance. It was a large falcon with a wingspan of four meters, with large predatory eyes looking at him with malice.

Alex was scared shitless about his predicament,

Then the bird's details popped up in front of his eyes.



Rank 2 Monster


This was accompanied by a surge of information into his mind about the barrier.

This barrier was a safety precaution for the new lords in 'Eternal', and it would last for 3 days until he used the territory token which was on his inventory.

Axel thoughts was interrupted, as the Aurix resumed its attacks by clawing and scratching on the barrier, after seeing that the bird cannot break through it , Axel thanked his lucky self and pays no heed to its actions.

He directed his thought to the newly received information,

And after a few minutes , he is done reading through it, and looks at the bird that is clearly exhausted due to its unrelenting efforts to break through the barrier.

'Status' Axel said in his mind,

A screen appeared in front of him showing his details and features of the system.


Axel - Lord


Rank 0

Territory: None

Inventory +


'Inventory' Alex said in his mind,



Territory Token x1

???? Realm ???? x1


Axel was confused as there should only be a territory token in his inventory, wondering where this another item came from. It looked like a small crystal ball, with swirling colors inside. He felt a faint pulse from it, as if it was alive.

He then selected the item to study it when …

Binding 10%… 20 %… 50 %

Axel was caught off guard and then hoped that this is a good thing , as he is enveloped with an atmosphere of tension and fear.

Then he felt a strange sensation in his body, as if something was being implanted in his soul. He tried to cancel the binding, but it was too late. The item had already recognized him as its owner.

After several seconds, the percentage is nearing 100%, Axel is getting curious and somewhat afraid on what's gonna happen.

Binding 90%… 95%… 98%… 99%

He wondered what kind of thing this item would grant him, is it good or bad?, some ability or power?, or is it something novel. He hoped it was something useful and exciting not dangerous and boring.

Binding 100%

'Ding!' a melodious sound rang out, as Axel vanished on where he was standing, leaving a dumbfounded birb , wondering where its troublesome prey went.

As a new author, I am always eager to learn and improve from your feedback. Please kindly let me know if you have any suggestions or comments about my story. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it!

Crowwwcreators' thoughts