
My Origin

This is a true life story of my life... I was born into the family of Mr and Mrs Francis Nwana in the Eastern part of Nigeria, my mom Mrs Juliana is the second wife of my father. My father married her when she was 17 years old, my mom never knew he had already married because he sent the first wife away before he married my mom. After my mom first child my mom then realized that he is already married, by then it's too late for her to go back due to according to the tradition of my people once you are married with children most especially a male child there is no need for you to go back to your father's house because they value male children more than female children. Back to my story we're six in number 3 boys, 3 girls that's what my mother gave birth to, starting from the day my mother found out my dad had already married he started maltreating her with the support of his mother. My dad hits my mom in any slight provocation, after some time my dad decided to bring back the first wife.

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