
Chapter 1: The Mundane Pitch

The fluorescent lights flickered overhead as Bert Allen prepared for what felt like his millionth sales pitch. The scent of stale coffee and the hum of office chatter filled the air, creating the backdrop for another ordinary day at NutraHealth Solutions, the company where Bert peddled vitamins and supplements to disinterested office workers.

Dressed in a slightly worn suit, Bert stood before his final prospect of the day, Mr. Jenkins, a middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a perpetual frown etched on his face. The array of colorful vitamin bottles spread across the table seemed to do little to brighten Mr. Jenkins' mood.

"Look, Bert, I've heard it all before. Boost my energy, improve my focus, yada yada. What makes your supplements any different?" Mr. Jenkins grumbled, tapping his pen impatiently.

Summoning the last remnants of enthusiasm, Bert launched into his well-rehearsed pitch, weaving tales of increased productivity, boundless energy, more muscle mass and the promise of a healthier, happier life. However, Mr. Jenkins' eyes glazed over, and his skepticism remained unshaken.

As the clock ticked away, Bert felt the weight of his dead-end job pressing down on him. The monotony of his routine, the relentless rejection, it all seemed like a never-ending cycle. Little did he know that his life was about to take a drastic turn.

Just as he reached the closing line of his pitch, Bert consumed a handful of his vitamins and quickly chased them with a pre-workout energy drink, hoping to at least show Mr. Jenkins that he believed in the product enough to take them himself.

Immediately after consuming the vitamins and drink, Bert was blinded by an intense white light. The office surroundings disappeared, and the humdrum sounds of ringing phones and office banter were replaced by the distant echoes of a fantastical world.

Blinking in confusion, Bert found himself standing in the midst of a bustling medieval marketplace, surrounded by creatures that defied imagination. Giant mushrooms on display, warriors encased in majestic armor, and mysterious hooded figures roamed the cobblestone streets. Bert's suit and tie looked severely out of place in this magical realm.

"What in the world?" he muttered, realizing that he was far from the mundane pitch meetings of NutraHealth Solutions. As the reality of his situation sank in, Bert's eyes widened with a mix of astonishment and trepidation. Little did he know, his journey as a supplement salesman was about to transform into something beyond his wildest dreams—or nightmares.

A group of fairies fluttered past Bert, leaving trails of sparkling dust in their wake. The aroma of exotic spices and enchanted flowers filled the air, overwhelming his senses. Bert cautiously took a step forward, the cobblestones cool beneath his shoes as he tried to make sense of this surreal experience. Was he dreaming? Had the vitamins somehow transported him to this mystical realm?


Just then, a cloaked figure approached Bert, their face obscured by shadows. A sense of foreboding crept over him as the figure spoke in a voice that seemed to echo from the depths of the earth.


"Welcome, traveler," the figure intoned. "You have been chosen for a quest of great importance."


Bert's heart raced as he struggled to find his voice. "Me? But I'm just a salesman..."


The cloaked figure raised a hand, silencing him. "You possess the key to unlocking an ancient prophecy, one that will determine the fate of our world."


Bert's mind raced as he tried to process the gravity of the situation. A quest? An ancient prophecy? It all felt like a tale spun from the pages of a fantasy novel. Yet, here he stood, amidst the vibrant yet mysterious marketplace, facing a cloaked figure who spoke with an air of authority that sent shivers down his spine.


"I don't understand," Bert finally managed to stammer out. "What key do I possess? And how could I possibly be involved in something so monumental?"


The cloaked figure's gaze bore into Bert, seeming to penetrate his very soul. "You hold within you the essence of balance," they intoned. "The supplements you peddle in your world are imbued with the power to restore harmony and heal what has been broken."


Bert's mind whirled with disbelief. His sales pitch had always been about boosting performance and improving health, not about saving worlds or fulfilling prophecies.

But as he looked down at the empty vitamin bottles in his hands, a newfound sense of purpose stirred within him. Perhaps there was more to these supplements than met the eye. Maybe, just maybe, they held the key to his unexpected journey and the fate of this fantastical realm.


Taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders, Bert met the cloaked figure's gaze with a newfound resolve. "I may not fully understand what is happening or how I got here, but if my supplements truly possess such power, then I am willing to do whatever it takes to help."


A flicker of approval gleamed in the figure's eyes before they extended a hand towards Bert. "Then come, brave traveler. Your quest awai-"


"If you agree to purchase the first 500 bottles when I figure out how to manufacture more of these bad boys" Bert interjected holding out the vitamin bottle.

The cloaked figure paused mid-sentence, their hand still outstretched towards Bert. A look of bewilderment crossed their shadowed features as they stared at the vitamin bottle being offered to them by the determined supplement salesman. "High bioavailability" Bert added. It was a moment of utter disbelief, the weight of the situation momentarily overshadowed by Bert's unexpected business proposition.


"You seek to strike a deal in the face of destiny's call?" the figure finally spoke, their voice tinged with a mixture of amusement and incredulity. "You, who hold the key to an ancient prophecy, now wish to barter for the success of your sales pitch?"


Bert nodded earnestly, his gaze unwavering. "I may be new to all this questing and prophecy stuff, but I know a good opportunity when I see one. And if my vitamins can truly help your world, then why not make it a win-win situation?" he explained with a salesman's charm.


The cloaked figure paused, a mix of surprise and amusement flickering beneath the shadows of their hood. Slowly, they reached out and accepted the bottle from Bert's outstretched hand, their clawed skinny fingers wrapping around the plastic container.


"You drive a hard bargain, Bert Allen," the figure mused, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of their mouth showing rows of sharp teeth. "Very well, I shall agree to your terms. We shall prepay for the first 500 bottles that you manufacture if you aid us in our quest."


Bert couldn't believe his luck. Not only had he stumbled into a fantastical realm, but now he had a potential business deal on his hands as well.


At the closing of the deal he felt a surge of energy pass through him, a rush better than any sale had ever given him before. Noticing the change in Bert's demeanor the strange figure explained "ah, it seems that you have gained a level, very good Bert Allen you're progressing quite quickly!"


"A Level?" Bert asked


"Yes, here in Emoria you can gain things that are referred to as levels through using your skills and collecting different experiences. It seems that you have gained enough experience in your craft that you have gained a level."


"Wow, this is better than any commission plan!" Bert exclaimed


"Indeed Bert Allen, it is indeed".


Excited at the newfound prospect of leveling up in this mysterious world of Emoria, Bert couldn't contain his enthusiasm. The idea of gaining levels through his skills and experiences was a thrilling concept, one that far surpassed any mundane achievements he had in his previous life.


As he pondered the possibilities that leveling up could bring, a notification window appeared before Bert. It shimmered with ethereal light, displaying intricate symbols and text that seemed to dance before his eyes. With a sense of wonder, Bert tentatively reached out and tapped the glowing window.


A surge of information flooded his mind, detailing his current level, stats, and abilities. It was like delving into a virtual reality game, yet the stakes felt all too real in this fantastical realm. Bert's heart raced with excitement as he navigated through the menus, discovering new skills and attributes that were foreign yet strangely familiar.


The cloaked figure observed Bert's transformation with a sense of satisfaction. "You show promise, Bert Allen,"


they stated, their voice resonating with an air of approval. "It seems that fate has chosen wisely in bestowing this quest upon you. With your newfound abilities and determination, I have no doubt that you will succeed in unlocking the ancient prophecy."

Bert beamed with pride at the figure's words, his confidence bolstered by the discovery of his leveling system and the potential it held. He was no longer just a humble salesman from NutraHealth Solutions; he was a player in a grand adventure that spanned beyond the boundaries of his wildest imagination.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Bert turned to the cloaked figure, his eyes shining with determination. "well if we are gonna be business partners I am going to need a few things, your name, a lead on a way to start making these vitamins, and a firm handshake to seal the deal!," he declared, ready to embark on the quest that would not only test his skills but also unlock the true potential of the supplements he had once merely sold for profit.


The cloaked figure chuckled at Bert's continued boldness, a glint of amusement in their mysterious eyes. "Very well, Bert Allen," they began, their voice carrying a melodic tone that resonated through the bustling marketplace. "You may call me Elara, Guardian of Emoria and keeper of the ancient prophecy."

Bert felt a surge of excitement at finally knowing his companion's name, but his attention quickly turned to the matter of manufacturing the supplements that held such power in this world. "Elara, do you have any leads on how I can create more of these vitamins? I need to fulfill our agreement and provide aid to your world," he inquired eagerly, ready to dive headfirst into this unexpected business venture.

Elara's eyes sparkled with wisdom as she considered Bert's question. "In the heart of the Enchanted Forest lies the Garden of Alchemy, where the essence of nature intertwines with potent magic," she explained, her voice carrying a sense of reverence for the mystical place she described. "It is there that you will find the ingredients and knowledge needed to craft the supplements that have brought you to our realm. But be warned, Bert Allen, for the forest is not easily traversed, and many dangers lurk within its depths."

Bert nodded solemnly, his determination unwavering as he prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead. The prospect of journeying to the Garden of Alchemy filled him with a mix of excitement and trepidation, but he knew that fulfilling his end of the deal with Elara was crucial not only for their partnership but also for the fate of Emoria.

"I will make my way to the Enchanted Forest and seek out the Garden of Alchemy," Bert declared, his voice steady despite the uncertainty that lingered in his heart. "With your guidance, Elara, I will do whatever it takes to ensure that the supplements I create bring harmony and healing to your world."

Elara regarded Bert with a mixture of admiration and gratitude, her silvery eyes reflecting the flickering light of the marketplace around them. "Your determination and willingness to aid us in our time of need speaks volumes of your character, Bert Allen," she spoke with a gentle smile. "With your unique skills and newfound abilities, I have faith that you will succeed in this venture."

Feeling a swell of pride at Elara's words, Bert straightened his back and gathered his resolve. The thrum of excitement coursed through him as he mentally prepared for the journey ahead. The thought of venturing into the Enchanted Forest, a place steeped in magic and mystery, both thrilled and intimidated him. But he knew that he had come too far to turn back now.

As the bustling marketplace faded into the background, Bert turned towards Elara with a determined glint in his eyes. "Lead the way, Elara. Together, we shall make our mark on this fantastical realm.


"I cannot guide you Bert, for I am needed elsewhere, but fear not for I will be watching. In the meantime a group of adventurers from the local guild have been conscripted to guide your way, when you acquire the ingredients return here to the city of Trepin so we can begin. Good luck Bert, and godsspeed to you.


In a flash of white light Elara was gone and I was suddenly alone in a city that I had just only learned the name of, in a world that I was foreign to.

Feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension, I scanned the bustling marketplace, searching for the group of adventurers Elara had mentioned. It didn't take long for them to catch my eye - a motley crew of individuals clad in various armor and carrying an assortment of weapons. They looked like they had seen their fair share of battles and quests, their faces weathered with experience and determination.


Approaching the group, I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Greetings, brave adventurers," I began, trying to sound as confident as possible despite the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. "I am Bert Allen, and I've been tasked with a quest to journey to the Garden of Alchemy in the Enchanted Forest. Elara, the Guardian of Emoria, has sent me to gather ingredients for a special project that will aid this realm."


The adventurers exchanged curious glances before their leader, a burly warrior with a scar running across his cheek, stepped forward. "You seek assistance in navigating the Enchanted Forest, do you?" he rumbled, his voice gruff yet tinged with a hint of curiosity. "Ain't no easy feat, lad. The forest be a treacherous place, filled with creatures and magic beyond your wildest dreams." He had no idea how right he is. I nodded, acknowledging the warrior's warning. "I understand the risks, but I am determined to fulfill my quest and aid Emoria as Elara has asked of me," I replied thinking about how sweet it was going to feel to complete my biggest sale to date, 500 units is nothing to sneeze at. The warrior eyed me for a moment before nodding in approval. "Well then, Bert Allen, if you're truly set on this path, we'll be your guides through the forest," he declared, his companions nodding in agreement. "But make no mistake, we'll expect you to pull your weight and watch our backs when danger comes knocking." Grateful for their willingness to assist me on this daunting journey, I extended my hand to seal the deal.

The warrior clasped my hand in a firm grip, sealing our unspoken agreement. "We leave at dawn," he announced, his voice carrying the weight of imminent adventure. As the group dispersed to make preparations for the journey ahead, I felt a feeling like the one that I had felt earlier when I gained my first level, only weaker and less exhilarating than before, I opened my menu and checked my experience bar on my persuasion skill, and to my surprise, I had gained experience just for getting the group to agree to travel with me to the forest! I could get used to these incentives, at Nutrahealth the most I ever got was a halfhearted atta-boy from my boss if I scored a big sale. Things were really looking up. The garden awaited, with its mysteries and dangers waiting to be unraveled.


As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, I stood at the edge of the forest alongside my newfound companions. The adventurers stood ready, weapons gleaming in the early light, their faces set in expressions of grim determination. "So, is anyone going to introduce themselves or are we going to enter the forest as strangers?" I said in the direction of the adventurers, half joking half serious.

The group shared a collective chuckle at my remark, the tension of the impending journey momentarily lifted by the camaraderie that was beginning to form among us. The burly warrior who had initially spoken stepped forward once more, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Names are not necessary in the face of danger, lad," he replied with a wry grin. "But if it eases your mind, you may call me Thorne. And these are my companions - Riona the quick-fingered rogue, Garret the wise mage, and Kael the steadfast cleric." Each member of the group nodded in turn as their names were spoken, their expressions ranging from stoic to playful.

I studied each of them with newfound appreciation, realizing that we were truly a motley crew brought together by fate and circumstance. "Well met, Thorne, Riona, Garret, and Kael," I greeted them with a smile, feeling a sense of unity forming between us.

With one last glance back at the city of Trepin, I took a deep breath and stepped forward into the shadowed embrace of the Enchanted Forest following behind my new companions. The air was thick with magic, a palpable energy that seemed to hum beneath my skin as we ventured deeper into the heart of the forest. Ancient trees loomed overhead. It was truly amazing the energy so electric that it willed the hair on the back of my neck to rise.

The path ahead twisted and turned, leading us deeper into the heart of the Enchanted Forest. Shadows danced among the ancient trees, and the air grew thick with the scent of moss and earth. Every step we took seemed to echo with a weighty significance as if the very ground beneath our feet held secrets untold.


As we journeyed further into the forest, the trees seemed to grow taller, their gnarled branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. The sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. Strange whispers floated on the breeze, carrying with them a sense of foreboding that made my skin prickle with unease.


The adventurers walked ahead of me, their footsteps steady and resolute. Each one seemed to exude an aura of confidence born from countless battles fought and won. I couldn't help but feel a pang of inadequacy at my lack of combat experience, but I pushed the doubt aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. With every step, I felt a sense of growth, as if each footfall was propelling me forward not only physically but also mentally. The forest seemed to pulse with a peculiar energy that felt like it ran right through me. I am not sure if it was the energy or just the new experience but I think I gained another level. I peeked at my stats screen and…yes! This time I gained a level of survival. It seems that the first level of things goes by quickly.


Thorne, the warrior, Without a word, seemingly sensing something fell back to walk by my side. "You're doing well, Bert," Thorne spoke in a low voice, his tone gruff yet comforting. "The Enchanted Forest tests not only your physical prowess but also your inner strength. That must be why I gained a level of survival, maybe I was in more danger out here than I realized. I suddenly felt nervous and ill-prepared, "So you have all completed a lot of quests? Protected a lot of people in a lot of enchanted forests or…? Ahaha."


I could feel sweat beading up on my brow, I think the initial shock of waking in this strange world was starting to wear off, what happens to me if I die in here!? Sensing my stress Thorne took my shoulder. "Just Remember, the true test of a hero lies not in their sword arm but in their heart." His words momentarily struck a chord within me, resonating with a truth that I had often overlooked in my mundane life back in Nutrahealth… I turned to him, "that should be embroidered on a t-shirt man, now that would sell!" Thorne chuckled, a deep, hearty sound that echoed through the forest. "Ah, a merchant at heart, even in the face of danger," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Perhaps once we make it out of this forest alive, you can pursue your dream of hero-themed apparel." His easy humor helped to ease some of the tension coiling in my chest, and I found myself relaxing slightly despite the ominous surroundings. "I look forward to seeing those designs," Thorne added with a grin.

As we continued deeper into the Enchanted Forest, the air grew even thicker with magic, making it almost tangible. I could feel the energy crackling in the air, setting my nerves on edge but also filling me with a strange sense of exhilaration. Arcana Level.


Our banter was suddenly interrupted by a low, guttural growl that echoed through the trees, sending shivers down my spine. Thorne's hand tightened on my shoulder, his expression turning serious as he raised a hand to signal the group to halt. The other adventurers immediately fell into a defensive formation, their weapons at the ready, eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.


I felt a surge of fear grip my heart as I strained my ears, trying to pinpoint the source of the ominous sound. The undergrowth rustled nearby, and a pair of glowing eyes emerged from the darkness, fixated on us with predatory intent. A massive wolf-like creature stepped into view, its fur bristling with aggression as it bared its sharp teeth in a menacing snarl.


Thorne's voice cut through the tense silence like a blade. "Prepare yourselves, it seems we have company," he growled, drawing his sword with practiced ease. Riona notched an arrow in her bow, her eyes narrowed in concentration. Garret began to chant softly under his breath, a faint glow emanating from his outstretched hands. Kael murmured a prayer, his voice calm and unwavering despite the looming threat.


As the wolf creature lunged towards us with a fierce growl, Thorne stepped forward to meet it head-on, his sword flashing in the dappled sunlight. The clash of steel on fur echoed through the forest as the warrior and the beast engaged in a deadly dance of blades and fangs. Riona's arrow flew true, finding its mark in the creature's flank and causing it to howl in pain.


I stood frozen for a moment, unsure of what to do in the face of such ferocity. But as I watched my companions fight with skill and determination, a fire ignited within me. I couldn't let them face this danger alone. With a deep breath, I focused on the surge of energy that pulsed through me and channeled it into a burst of courage. Without fully understanding why, my hand instinctively reached for my pocket that held my favorite pen, I had written up every contract I had ever scored with this silver colored fountain pen, I knew it like the back of my hand. As I gripped the pen and pulled it out from my pocket its grip seemed to form into the hilt of a sword, a silver blade soon followed in its materialization. A thick-edged blade that seemed to be made of a strange silver-colored alloy. The weight of the weapon felt foreign in my grip, but as I faced the snarling beast, determination filled my heart.


With a primal yell that surprised even myself, I charged toward the wolf creature, swinging my sword with a newfound sense of purpose. The blade connected with a resounding clang against the creature's hide, causing it to stagger back with a pained yelp. Emboldened by the success of my strike, I pressed on, joining Thorne in his fierce battle against our foe continuing to follow his lead. Everything is going great- I feel so alive! Every strike I attempted with my new blade increased with fluidity, that is until the wolflike beast shrugged Thorne off of its flank, turned and with a swift motion it lunged toward me with a snarl that shook me to my core. I barely managed to raise my sword in time to deflect its razor-sharp fangs, the impact sending a jolt of pain shooting up my arm. The creature's eyes glinted with malice as it pushed against me, its strength far greater than I had anticipated. Before I could recover I found myself in the jaws of the beast

, its hot breath washing over me as I struggled in its vice-like grip. I could hear the frantic shouts of my companions, their voices a distant cacophony against the thundering of my heart in my ears. In that moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl, every detail etched vividly in my mind - the creature's fetid breath, the glint of its menacing eyes, the taste of fear on my tongue.


But amidst the chaos and terror, a newfound resolve blossomed within me like a beacon of light in the darkness. I couldn't let fear paralyze me; I had to fight with everything I had. With a surge of determination, I drove my feet into the ground and pushed back against the creature's jaws, straining with every ounce of strength I possessed.


As Thorne and the others continued to engage the beast, their attacks becoming more desperate and fierce, I summoned all the strength I could muster and focused on freeing myself from the creature's grasp. Then everything went black.


Next chapter