
Long time no see

Getting closer, Will could make out exactly ten people attacking the three.

With the screeching of the wind suddenly stopping, Will and Cecily braced themselves when they landed on the ground.


A thunderous noise shook the surroundings as the earth cracked.

Apparently the treasure has no landing capabilities.

As soon as the treasure opened, Will dashed out with his body erupting in power, alerting the ten people.

Since the ten people had to have high levels of power, Cecily lent a hand causing every person Will attacked to temporarily freeze in place.

Although the pause in the enemies movements would only last seconds, in a fight a second can determine life or death.


The power that Will charged up was so immense, that as he moved the atmosphere trembled and the earth shook, the power rampaged in his body causing slight damage, further increasing the power he held.

At times his ability could act as a double edged blade.

Damage for power, power causing damage therefore granting even more power.

He could literally slay gods if he didn't care about his life, but that isn't important right now.

Cecily caused the enemy he was charging after to freeze slightly as Will targeted him, he was a big and burly guy with a scar down the side of his face, and red combat robes that fluttered in the wind.

"Look out!"

Seeing Will charge at their teammate, the others tried to warn him.


With a speed akin to a flash of lightning followed by the sound of thunder cracking, Will arrived right in front of the big burly guy right as he froze, landing a fist right in his temple.


The big burly guy's teammates were just starting to rush over as Will's fist landed on his temple, causing a sound like shattering coconuts, and smashing watermelons.

The big burly guy's eyes had an expression of immense fear, and unwillingness as his teammates looked on with sorrow and rage.

"You dare kill our teammate!"

"Courting death!"

As he unfroze, he collapsed onto the ground kicking up dust as he landed, blood and bits of white brain matter flowed out of his seven orifices.

His skull was half crushed, seemingly as if a terrifying beast trampled on him.

Cecily looked at him wide eyed, she wasn't feeling fear, she has already killed before.

Her father made sure that she could take a life if need be and made her slaughter a group of rapists, murderers, and human traffickers.

So she is used to seeing bloodshed, she was wide eyed at how fast Will was able to finish the big burly guy.

She was also wide eyed at the sight of his body letting off an even more powerful aura as his fist crushed his skull.

The bone shards piercing his fist caused him to gain more power, although not as much as she noticed when he suffers from blunt force.

Although she was surprised, it didn't distract her from her role, locking on to the next target that Will was running after, she unleashed another wave of her power.

Having had Cecily use her power on him before, he was able to tell when she used it, charging at the next target, who was a slender woman with nice curves and a red dress, her dark eyes letting off a lofty and arrogant aura.

She sneered at him, as she prepared for his arrival.

Will felt no mercy seeing his enemy was a woman, she is an enemy, and all enemies need to be taken care of permanently.

At least he'll avoid hitting her face so she can die looking as good as she was when alive.

The woman opened her mouth in an attempt to speak as her arrogant expression grew stronger, but with a flash of surprise she realized she couldn't move anymore.

After the secluded cultivation, Cecily became a level four melee fighter and a peak level three mage.

As long as she combined those strengths together, she could easily suppress anyone in the fourth level melee fighter, if she exerted her all, then someone who just entered the sacred level.

Although suppression time differs depending on the individual, it turns out this woman was at least a level two mage.

She could only suppress her for three seconds.

Will arrived in one.

Surrounded by the roars of the other eight teammates, Will arrived in front of the woman with a blur, her eyes filled with impatience and vanishing arrogance quickly turned into a pleading expression as Will's fist explosively landed on her solar plexus.

"D*mn you!!"

The other eight let out roars of anger as their eyes turned red, some even had tears running down their faces.

Looking closely, some of the teammates had some similarities with the woman he just attacked.

'Three siblings? I have to kill a brother and a sister?'

As a sound like that of bags of fluid exploding came out of the woman's body, her mouth flew open as blood spurted outwards with pieces of her internal organs, she flew several meters from Will's fist and landed on the ground never to move again.

The eyes of her teammates became even redder as one of the men in the group went into a frenzy.


He had spiky hair and wore a dark red battle robe as a ring of red glowed in his eyes, a fierce energy gathered on his fists as he charged at Will, causing the roars of thunder to echo from the heavens.

Will couldn't help but panic internally, although he can keep building up power at the cost of his life, there is no chance he could survive those fists, especially since he is already suffering internal injuries because of his previous attacks.

One might think he is in peak condition until the look at the split flesh on his arms, and look at the fragments of bone coming from his flesh.

Not ignoring the stream of blood coming from his mouth.

The only reason he can stand as if he isn't injured is because of his ability, he can generate power equal to the impact he suffers, less effective for sharp or piercing damage, but as long as there is a force generated from his body making contact with something, he can use that impact to generate more power.

Theoretically, if his body isn't destroyed, as long as he keeps receiving damage, he won't die.

Will's panic reduced tremendously when he felt a familiar wave of power fly past his shoulder, causing him to sigh in relief as the ground cracked once again beneath his feet.


A shockwave was generated as this time he broke the sound barrier with his speed, the impact on his body from breaking the sound barrier caused him to generate even more power as his bones started to crack and his muscles started to tear.

The man who charged at Will happened to freeze slightly, his freeze only lasted half a second as Will's fist collided with his weapon that was raised to guard himself.

Along with a spray of blood, the man that Will attacked flew through the air as the sound of impact and the sound of his weapon shattering followed after a second delay.

This was Will's third one hit kill.

The other seven, who's eyes tuned a deeper shade of red, took a few steps back as they let out even more saddened and mournful cries.

They were obviously afraid of Will's constantly growing power, even though they can see his injuries increasing whenever he attacks, the blood and injuries act as a form of greater intimidation.

"Will, let me handle them, you need to recover"

Stepping in front of Will, Cecily handed him a round pill of sorts and approached the remaining seven.

A bright hazy aura erupted from her body as her hair started to sway back and forth, her mana from being a melee fighter caused her body to radiate immense power, as the mana she cultivated as a peak level three mage, started to gather outside her body and turned into adamantium arrows that where covered in runes and many other mystical carvings.

Seeing Cecily approach made their mentality crumble as they lost all reason, charging at Cecily.

As Will sat down to recover after taking the medicine, he noticed his wounds rapidly closing, and his organs returning to peak shape.

When it comes to enemies, you need to get rid of the source of the trouble.

Although they weren't his enemies to begin with, the three they were attacking saved his life before, so why would he allow them to die?

Will watched intently hoping he could gain something from watching someone who combined the power of a mage and melee fighter together fight.

Before he could even focus his eyes on Cecily's movements, a flash of white light erupted from her body as it swallowed her and the remaining seven.

Screams of agony could be heard from the white light as Will closed his eyes to avoid the stinging pain.

It was only after a couple minutes passed that the blinding light faded and an unconscious and pale Cecily could be seen on the ground with her silver hair strewn bout on her face.

She was surrounded by seven dismembered bodies covered in holes from the arrows she created, and not even a trace of blood could be seen on the ground or on their bodies.

The bodies where severely withered, as if they lost all their moisture.

That was when he remembered Cecily is from a sect that can cultivate using blood, and now that he was paying attention, it did seem as if the aura Cecily let off was many times stronger than before.

"What is that?"

looking at the bodies, Will realized that on the ground there was a dark rust like color, he went over to the bodies and checked.

It was dehydrated blood.

"She must have absorbed the vital energy from the blood, as well as the blood qi… I must remember not to get her angry in the future"

Will looked at Cecily as he wiped cold sweat off of his forehead, letting a slight wince escape his mouth, he turned to look at the two injured elderly individuals guarding a child..

'Long time no see'

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