

Ashito finally woke up. He was very confused as to what was happening. 'Am I dead? Am I alive? Where am I? Is this hell? Is this heaven? Why can't I move? What the hell is going on?!' were all the thoughts racing through Ashito's head, 'OK calm down. Remember what happened. What DID happen? Oh I remember… That box fell on me didn't it. So I'm dead… Right? Where am I?'

Ashito tried to understand what was happening. He tried to move his body but he couldn't. He wasn't sure he even had one. 'I can't feel my body. Am I a ghost?' he thought. Ashito tried to feel around. He understood that he was completely covered in something. Something soft, but at places hard. He then realized 'Wait… Am I buried alive. Oh God, Why? Somebody help me!' He tried screaming for help, but no sound was made.

Then, suddenly he felt his surroundings rumble and something grabbed him and took him out of the ground.

Then suddenly he saw what had grabbed him. It was an old man dressed like a farmer… Because he was one.

" Well look at this. This is one nice, big, yellow-" said the old man.

'Oh no! Have I been turned into a-' worryingly thought Ashito.

"-Potato! I can sell this for a higher price! Lucky me!" the old man unknowingly finished Ashito's sentence.

'Oh… I thought I was a cucumber…' felling dumb thought Ashito 'I do not know anything about vegetables do I…'

Ashito knew what's happening, but since he was a potato he couldn't move, say or do anything, so he just watched as the events occured.

The farmer later put Ashito in a box full of potatoes and continued getting potatoes. By the time he was finished the sun had already started setting. 'So this is where I'm sleeping, huh.' thought Ashito. After a while of staring off into space, he fell asleep.

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