
Prologue: The Elegy of Dawn

Not so long ago, in an era of burgeoning hope and boundless innovation, humanity engineered a marvel—a virus designed to vanquish all maladies, named 'Ambrosia' for the immortality it promised. Yet, within the sealed chambers of a world-class laboratory, the dream of Ambrosia mutated into a harrowing nightmare. The virus, once a beacon of salvation, became an agent of chaos, spiraling beyond control, its touch turning men into monsters, homes into hollow tombs.

Amidst this maelstrom stood Alex, a master of concrete jungles, whose creations once pierced the heavens. The world's descent into madness unfolded before his eyes as a brutal testament to nature's indomitable will. The sanctity of life, once held sacrosanct by the walls of his lovingly crafted home, was breached by the insidious tendrils of the plague. In one harrowing night, a night that stretched into eternity, Alex lost everything he held dear. His wife and children, the heart of his very universe, succumbed to Ambrosia's cruel embrace, leaving behind silence where once there was laughter and love.

In the aftermath, as the echoes of his family's departure lingered in the hollow spaces of the fortress that failed to protect them, Alex found himself alone. Alone, but not broken. Clad in the armor of grief, he packed the essentials—a map to a haven free from the grip of the undead, a water bottle from a past expedition, symbolizing life's resilience, and a crowbar, a silent companion ready to defend. The photograph of his family, now more precious than ever, became the beacon guiding him through the darkness.

The world outside the safety of his architectural masterpiece was unrecognizable, a canvas of desolation painted by the virus's unyielding brush. Yet, Alex stepped into the abyss, fueled not by hope of finding his family—they were beyond reach—but by the determination to reclaim a semblance of the world that once was, to honor the love that once filled his home. The journey ahead would be fraught with remnants of a humanity lost, but within Alex, a flame of defiance flickered, a resolve to carve a path through the darkness, to find others, to rebuild. This is his elegy, his path through the elegy of dawn, where the world weeps for what was lost, but one man marches onward, a solitary testament to the enduring human spirit.

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