
I'm a player now?

*Beep!* *Beep!*

A beeping sound continuously came at a constant speed. I didn't know where the hell I was. The last thing I remember is falling into the slimeball. Wait, slimeball! I was still in the forest right? Opening my eyes I tried to find where I was. A white room with a few medical machines, a hospital. I see that PA had found me. Some of them will probably come in a few minutes once they know I'm awake. I was the only one in my team who had survived the Irregular.

The door opened, startling me a little. A nurse came into the room with the cart she was pushing. She looked at me then looked back at the cart, then seemingly startled she turned back to me with a surprised expression. (A/N: I feel like this was an add somewhere. Can't remember.)

Adam: "Hello there." I raised my hand as I greeted her. She was still surprised as she stared at me for a little more. Snapping back into reality she went towards one of the tables in the room which had a tablet with a single button on it. She pressed the button and then started to talk.

Nurse: "Room 77s patient has awoken! Call in the visitors." Hmm, I have never seen such a weird phone. Anyways, she said I had visitors. That 's' was very important as other than my sister, I had no acquaintances who would have come to see me. I guess my guess about the PA turned out to be true.

The nurse left the room after she finished talking on the communication device. A few moments later, 2 men came in. They both wore black suits with black glasses and a white plate on top of their heart. There were letters on the plates, PA '1788' and PA '10768'. If I remember correctly the PA gave their workers numbers based on the number of workers before the said person, meaning the first black-suited guy was probably of high standing since he had been in the association for a long time.

PA 1788: "Hello Adam Griffin, I am a representative of the PA who would like to ask you a few questions. I would really appreciate your cooperation." He seemed calm and professional as he talked. His words were said in a way as if I could refuse, seems they don't want to intimidate me. Or they were like this to everyone.

Adam: "I would be honored to answer any question the PA may ask. I presume it is about the Irregular."

PA 1788: "That would be correct. Now comes the questions. While hunting in the rifts territory, did you or your team members notice any irregularities before the Irregular appeared?" Seemingly pleased with my manners, he talked with a small smile.

Adam: "Now that you mention it, the territory was quiet, too quiet. It is common for monsters to fight each other for dominance which normally causes a ruckus. There was no such thing going on at the time. Other than that, I got nothing. The Irregular came out of the rift at a very random point in time without any prior signs."

PA 1788: "I see, thank you for your cooperation, we can do the rest. Ah, also I have one last question for you." The PA member said as he started to walk towards the door with the second person following him.

Adam: "And what might that be?" I was curious as to what might he ask as the PA had a very wide network they could gain information from.

PA 1788: "When will you be taking your Player license exam?"

Adam: 'The what?' I thought with a stupefied expression on my face.

PA 1788: "Perhaps you aren't aware, you seemed to have awakened. My guess is that the strain caused on you by the incident and the fact that you were near a much more powerful enemy caused you to be awakened. Try saying status and abilities when you have a lot of free time like now. You can figure out the rest. I will be going now. Have a nice day." With that, the PA workers left through the door as I thought about what to do. The PA person didn't seem bad in any way, even if he was, how could saying two words cause me any harm.

Adam: "Status?" My voice came out doubtful and unsure.

Unexpectedly, something did happen. A light purple hologram appeared in front of me. It had numbers and letters on it. What I've read was.


Name: Adam Griffin

Age: 16

Lvl: 1

Hp: 100

Mp: 180

Str: 14

End: 10

Dex: 17

Int: 18

Wis: 16

( The average Person status is: 12~14)

Ability: None

Tokens: 0

Note: Voice command "Guide" to learn more.


This was weird to say the least. I was a Player now? But why did I not have any abilities? Did I awaken as a useless Player? There must be a reason for this. I have to get to the bottom of this.

Adam: "Guide." With that, several screens pooped up in front of me.


Functions: What the system can do

Inventory: A limited space within the system that expands with level

Voice/thought command: 'inventory'

Status: A numerical expression of one's limits

Voice/thought command: 'status'

Abilities: A power that allows one to do certain actions easier and more effectively

Unique Function: A function not possessed by others

Ability Shop: Using tokens you can buy abilities. Tokens can be gained by killing intelligent beings.

Voice/thought command: 'Shop'

Ranks: Classification of strength

There are 8 ranks in total starting from E then A to S, SS, SSS.

Power levels of Ranks:

E: Household chores at best

D: Destroy walls

C: A House

B: A dozen houses

A: A City

S: Cities

SS: Small country

SSS: Country

The rank of an ability can be raised through training

Tiers: Classification of the potential of abilities

There are a total of 6 tiers:

Tier-1 can become a C-Rank

Tier-2 can become a B-Rank

Tier-3 can become an A-Rank

Tier-4 can become an S-Rank

Tier-5 can become an SS-Rank

A Tier-6 can become an SSS-Rank

There are ways to increase the tier of one's ability.


That was a steep rise in power. The current strongest player is Keith Di Armani, also known as the 'Crimson Blade'. He is a former peak SS-Rank Player who retired after his grandchildren were born. He should be becoming 79 this year, he might be old but he is still at least an S-Rank in terms of power.

Adam: 'Now, let's get to the more important things; my shop. Let's open it by thinking this time since it said thought the command was a thing. Shop'. A screen popped up once again.


As this is the owners first time getting an ability, it is free as long as it is under SS grade


A free bite, nice. I think instead of an ability that will increase my fighting power, I need something that would increase my potential.


Create ability:





So I don't buy abilities but design abilities? The names kinda misleading. Anyways, I pressed the passive button.


Write desired effect:



'A skill that lets you get more starts from leveling up. S rank'


Ability created:

Base Stat Booster (S) (Tierless): +50 to all stats per level instead of +5 (A/N: I was tempted to name it; Stats steroids)


That's a very nice skill to have since it would mean that I can fight those of higher levels. I wish I could have bought a flashy and cool ability but that will just drain my mana faster, not to mention how much attention I would get. I need to lay low for a while so I can gain enough strength to protect myself and my sister. The system called its tier 'Tiearless', I think it means this skill cannot be upgraded. Annoying but fair.

Adam: 'I'll need to make plans for my future.' I thought as I laid on my hospital bed. 'My next goal is to buy a skill that will boost my leveling speed, like double exp. But for now, let's rest.'

Looking out the window that I had been laying next to I realized something very important.

Adam: 'Ava's gonna kill me, then bring me back to life only to kill me again.' Sighing I decided to worry about my sister later and instead rest and recuperate. After all, my life was about to become very chaotic from now on.

I am drowning in school projects. Please! Someone, send help!!

Leo_Valdez996creators' thoughts