This book is just for fun. It is to satisfy my funny bone so do not take it seriously.
"Here we are, you know how this goes, right?" an old man told a teenage boy who nodded. "Alright, let it rip. You have three wishes, make 'em count."
"Alright, I want to have all powers and abilities of Popeye the sailor man," the teenager said, making the old man do a spit take.
"Wait, what? Why would you want that?" he asked.
"Don't know, just that I want it," the teenager answered with a shrug. The old man was quite stunned hearing this. Popeye might seem simple but he is broken, like absolutely broken, like God made physics and Popeye bitch slapped it broken!
"Well, okay then," the old man relented with a sigh.
"My second wish is I want infinite can of spinach in a subspace that is connected to a tattoo on my right hand," the teenager said, making the old man feel like he was going to have a heart attack. Spinach to Popeye was like giving an already overpowered character even more overpowered powers!
"O...Of course," the old man stammered.
"My third wish is that I want to have teeth," he said with a little uncertainty.
"Well, your wishes have been met and now time for us to choose the world you will be going to," the old man said. A giant spinning wheel appeared with names of different animes written on them. "Now, pull."
The teenager walked up to it then with all his might made it spin. The wheel was so fast he could not see the words written on them until it came to a stop suddenly. The triangular block was pointing right at One Punch Man.
"Well, the die has been cast and it is time for you to leave," the old man said and the teenager was gone. "Glad he won't be my problem for a long time."
Popeye appeared on a harbour, in the middle of the night. Looking around, he realized that he was in a world where everything seemed to be in an animation form, more like 3D animation.
"This looks a little freaky," he said to himself. Then, he looked at his reflection in the water and his eyes opened wide in shock. "Damn son, Popeye looking ripped."
He was a 6'4 buff guy wearing a black, tight fighting sailor's shirt that showed his muscles, his black sailor pants were tight showing he never skipped leg day and the most impressive thing were his giant hands from the elbow down! Flexing a little bit, he felt the power they held and he was impressed. His face was a little on the ugly side but that was not important at the moment. Also, there was a tobacco pipe in his mouth that was like part of him, inseparable to him.
"Aakyakyakyakya," he laughed out loud before covering his mouth. "That was a freaky One Piece laugh right there."