
07- Fuck It We (Ka)bal.

Kabal POV:

I had woken up to a startling and horrific sight.

Instead of awakening in some sort of makeshift hospital bed, or out on the streets like I had assumed… I found myself in some sort of butcher's shop.

But instead of taking apart animals, they were ripping into the flesh of the contestants who had lost their fights, and the sound of music was blaring from a speaker system, drowning out the sound of the victim's screams.

I had found myself bound to a ratty old bed on a metal frame via leather straps that constricted my movement, completely naked without any of my clothing, and had to watch as they ripped apart the man who I fought previously, Yrral.

He wasn't a bad fighter, even if he was rather unassuming… and there were several men wearing surgical outfits with face masks, dissecting his still living body.

They took his organs out as he screamed in pain, begging for mercy… and the fact that I could hear him screaming even with the music, meant they would be able to hear me. I'd have to keep quiet, unless I wanted them to notice that I woke up.

I couldn't do anything but watch as they tore him apart, as I attempted to get out of my bindings. Having been a member of the Black Dragon Clan, I knew quite a bit about getting out of tricky situations.

But I knew that the restraints wouldn't give by just thrashing around, and it slowly dawned on me that my hand was going to have to go instead.

While the individuals in white coats were preoccupied with their helpless subject, I deliberately dislocated one of my hands by bashing it against the metallic bed frame as hard as I could, suppressing a scream amid the excruciating agony.

Slowly and torturously, I managed to free my hand from the confines of the tight leather restraints, utilizing it to unlock the first binding.

My hand shook from the pain of the dislocation as I freed my other arm and quickly unbound myself from the other straps, before silently escaping my bed.

I then saw that there was a small metal tray that had an array of surgical equipment, so I grabbed a scalpel and snuck behind the 'surgeons'.

They were all focused on 'harvesting' Yrral, so it was easy to take them by surprise with a swift slice to the first man's throat.

I then grabbed the bloodied scalpel that he was holding, and threw it into the eye of another surgeon sending him stumbling backwards, clutching the blade in his pupil, before kicking the third one in the head, knocking him out.

Looking down at Yrral, I saw that I was too late… he was already dead, either from blood loss or from several of his vital organs being taken out of him.

I sighed slightly upon seeing that… It was a damn shame seeing him dead. But there's nothing I can do about that now.

So I then grabbed the scalpel out of the second man's eye, and as he was screaming in pain, I jammed it into his skull. Then I made sure to snap the neck of the unconscious one.

With that done, I started to do what I was practically raised to do… loot and burn everything in my path.

I found a small hamper that contained Yrral's clothing… and his wallet. Opening it, I saw that his name was Yrral Htims… at least he wouldn't just be another John Doe, and his family could have some semblance of closure.

Thankfully I was also able to find my own clothes and my radio, and even though there was a bit of blood on them… it was better than just going around with my dick swinging around acting as an easy target. So, I quickly reclothed myself and grabbed a few scalpels to use as improvised weapons as I walked out the door and found myself in a bare hallway.

I looked at my radio but found that it was jammed due to… something interfering with it. Damn, that makes this quite a bit harder.

So I looked around and saw that there was a row of steel doors throughout the hall, and I decided to open the one next to the one I was currently in… and I saw a man tearing the still beating heart out of a sobbing and screaming large and fat man, whose hands were encased in stone.

He locked eyes with me, as he was screaming bloody murder. And I decided to give him mercy, by throwing a scalpel into his skull, killing him instantly but causing the 'surgeon' to look back at me in shock.

The man was unable to do anything, as I quickly went in and bashed his skull against the dead man's stone fists… I now recognized him as Stone, the man who I had fought and beaten earlier.

I gathered more scalpels and found a small pistol on the waist of the 'surgeon', before going through the other rooms.

The sights I saw in those rooms were sickening, with various corpses in different states of disrepair… Some seemed to have been flayed alive, while others were swiftly killed and their organs harvested.

But no matter how 'humane' their deaths were… the ones who killed them, were all killed in turn. Whether that be from a scalpel to a vital area, a snapped neck or a bullet to the skull. All were killed and none were spared.

I went into the final room, expecting to see yet more dead bodies, but instead was met with a pair of men who had managed to kill their maddened 'doctors'.

The first was a thin tanned man with a long mane of black hair, he had several cuts along his body but for the most part he seemed fine, even if his breathing was labored.

The second man, on the other hand, was quite a bit younger looking, seeming to still be a teenager. He had long silver hair and was wielding a bloodied scalpel… but the most noticeable part of him was the gouged out left eye.

I looked at the restraints which were sliced through and the corpse that was in front of the 'bed'.

Examining it, I quickly figured out what happened… one of the surgeons must have dropped their scalpel while 'working' on the first man, falling directly into his hands.

He must have quickly sliced through his bindings and killed his 'surgeon' before attacking the second one who was in the middle of gouging out the younger man's eyeball.

"You… you a part of this… this shit?" The silver haired man asked, as he aimed his scalpel towards me, the other man had tensed up as well, prepared for a fight.

"No. My name's Labak, and I'm getting the fuck out of here, do you two need help?" I asked, looking at the two men, they didn't look like they could even walk a great distance, let alone fight me.

"Somaht and yes, some help would be appreciated" The first man, Somaht said with a pained nod, as the second man looked at him for a moment before nodding.

"I'm Sylver. And I'm going to burn this motherfucker to the ground" The second younger man, Sylver said with a look of rage in his remaining eye, "Fuckers took my goddamn eye so I'm gonna take their entire lives!"

I looked at him for a moment, before shaking my head.

"No. We're getting out of here. I don't want to risk dying, after all" I said, causing Sylver to scoff.

"Coward. If you don't have the balls, then I'll go and burn this fucker down myself!" Sylver said with a disgruntled look on his face, as he attempted to walk out of the room.

I stopped him with a quick chop to the neck, knocking him out in an instant, before looking toward Somaht.

"Take him and get out of here, alright? The two of you are liabilities at the moment, and the faster we get the fuck out of here, the faster we can tell the world what's going on here" I said, causing him to nod fearfully as he picked up the unconscious form of Sylver before the three of us left the room.

I made sure to take point, dispatching any of the guards that littered the hallways, with swift gunshots to their heads, when they crumpled to the floor dead, I would grab their ammunition and continue onwards.

Unfortunately, one of the guards managed to get a lucky shot in and got me in the side… but I wasn't one to go down due to a single bullet, and took him out right after he'd shot me.

Eventually, we got to a rickety old elevator and got on it, pressing a button to go to the top floor.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the top floor, returning to the front of the business, 'The Scorching Torch'.

I looked to the bartender, and upon seeing him reaching for a double barreled shotgun that was behind the bar, I put three shots into the elderly man.

The other patrons of the bar stood up in shock, before noticing the three of us, and the gun that I was wielding.

"Alright motherfuckers. You'd best head on out right now, or you'll be tasting lead for the rest of your lives" I said, as I waved the gun around before gesturing to the front door.

One of the men cautiously walked towards the door, before I nodded allowing him to leave.

With that, nearly everyone else scrambled to leave the bar, a couple of people screaming as they fled… leaving only a few patrons of the bar behind.

These men and women were tough looking sons of bitches, and quite a few had weapons on them.

"Somaht, take Sylver and get out of here. I'll deal with the rabble" I said, causing the man to nod gratefully before fleeing outside with the unconscious younger man getting dragged along.

A man attempted to stop them, but was stopped due to a swift shot taking his ear off,.

As he clutched his severed ear in pain, the other patrons quickly surrounded me and were just as quickly dealt with.

One of them had his head dragged through the bar, smashing his head into several bottles and even the bar tap, before being flung into the wall.

Another man had an entire bottle shoved down his throat, before I punched the bottle further down, breaking it and causing glass to come out of his neck.

Then there was a woman who attempted to stab me from behind, only to get her knife redirected into her chin, and another man who attempted to bind me with a metal chain, only for me to tug on it and send him stumbling towards me.

He looked at me in fear, before I smiled kindly, causing him to visibly calm down… before I put my gun under his chin and pulled the trigger, sending blood and brain matter everywhere around the bar.

The man who lost his ear charged at me in a blind rage, as I was behind the bar, only to find himself getting a corkscrew to the eye killing him instantly.

There were only a couple of people left, and they looked scared shitless, as I cracked my neck and got to work on taking them out.

I had no love for people who would so willingly carve another open and sell their organs… and hey, this was as guilt free as possible. These fuckers were the scum of the earth after all, and this was so cathartic.

And so, I grabbed the closest man by the head and threw him at another pair of men, before grabbing a nearby stool and breaking it on the back of another man.

Now with a broken, jagged stool in my hands… I quickly ran at another man, impaling him with my improvised weapon, before grabbing the knife that he was holding and throwing it into the hand of a man who was going for my gun.

A man threw a fucking Molotov Cocktail into my face, burning me quite a bit and momentarily blinding me, causing him and his friends to attempt to gang up on me… but they were quickly taken out after I dunked my head into a dirty bucket that was presumably used for cleaning.

The pain was intense, but I couldn't focus on it right now… even if it more than likely disfigured me beyond recognition.

With that, I only had three men left, and I felt that it would be rather easy to take them out, even with my injuries.

The three men attempted to surround me, all three were wielding knives and looked somewhat similar to each other. Not enough to be brothers, but cousins maybe?

Anyway, one man quickly rushed towards me, screaming as he did so, and was met with a punch to the face.

"Gah fuck!" I shouted out, as I hit the man in the face with my dislocated hand. That hurt like a motherfucker.

"He's hurt! Get 'im!" One of the men shouted as he attempted to stab me, only for me to trip him and cause his knife to land in his own mouth.

He wasn't dead… at least, until I stomped on the back of his head, sending the knife straight through his skull.

"JIMMY! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" The man I had punched shouted as he tried to slash at me, only for me to grab the knife and send it into his cousin's skull, killing the man instantly, "OH GOD NOT TIMMY TOO!"

I looked at the man in front of me, he was filled with rage and fear… and it felt so good to lord this over him.

But as I was about to put the fear of God into him, I thought back to my partner. Back to Stryker and how he'd disapprove of what I'd be doing…

"You're lucky, you know that?" I said with a sneer, as I pulled my stolen pistol out and shot him in the head, "At least your death was quick"

I then looked into a mirror and saw that… while I did have burns, they weren't too major. If I get a bit of surgery done in time, I should be fine.

With that, I had gotten away from Hornbuckle's Arena and found that my radio was no longer jammed… so I quickly got into contact with the NYPD.

"This is Officer Kabal, and I need as much backup as possible" I said into the radio, getting a slight crackle before someone answered from the other end.

"Understood, Officer Kabal. Reinforcements are enroute" The woman on the other end said, as I heard the sound of sirens drawing nearer.

Good… good… at least Stryker will be able to get help.

With that, I collapsed in the middle of the street, from a mixture of sheer stress and the injuries that I'd accumulated.


Alright, hope you guys enjoyed this 'little' interlude.

Oh yeah, just so you guys know this interlude was taking place during the hour that Stryker and Kira were eating and discussing.