
Pokemon With a system

Kj5513 · Others
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23 Chs

Spirit Pokémon

Opening the door I saw a child trapped to the wall.

Bound by ghostly restraints that prevented him from even bulging a muscle.

Walking further to try to free the kid. I saw a look in his eye that was telling me not to take a step closer.

Watching his eyes move to an object in the corner I got confused. It was a oddly shaped rock.

The rock is trapezoidal in shape and has two small dots. There is a crack running down the middle, splitting in two near the bottom. The crack in combination with the two dots appears to form a frowning face.

Hearing a sound pop up in my head. I heard the system voice talking to me.

Bzzzz...Bzzzz Host quest is about to start would host like to see the details.

Yes show me the details system.



Defeat the haunted Pokémon: reward- 200 pokedollars, aura charm

Alright can you give me a vivid description of what this Pokémon is supposed to look like system. It hard enough to find it on my own.


I can't provide you with that information host. Even if I wanted to I still can't due to my creator programming me to only provide with a certain amount of information.

Dang this is really gone to make this mission longer. Let me calm down and analyze the situation.

Remembering something from a few minutes ago. I realized the kid was trying to point me out to the object for a reason.

Going back to the spot. I threw out and espeon and told her to use shadow ball on it.

A dark sphere built up in front of espeon face. Getting to quite a large size.

Upon my command espeon released the ball of darkness. It hit the artifact straight on kicking up dust.

Once the dust cleared I saw a undamaged artifact with a ghostly barrier surrounding it. Suddenly

the room became silent as the object began to rise up.

A ghostly figure began to rise out of it. The figure was purple in color and its eyes I guess had a green tint to it.

Charging up a attack in its mouth I recognized as darksphere. I braced for the incoming danger and told espeon to use protect.

The result of the attack connecting with protect left a giant hole in the barrier as it sent espeon flying through the air into a wall.

Espeon I called out seeing my Pokémon hurt. Getting a nod telling me that it was okay.

I got ready to attack again. Espeon use shadow ball followed up by hyperbeam.

A shadowy sphere was launched out of its mouth as it impacted with the mysterious Pokémon but that wasn't it.

A whitish bean fired from espeon mouth as it launched toward the Pokémon straight on. Sending it flying into the wall.

Before I could call out another command. The Pokémon body began to take on a whitish glow as it split into many.

Watching the forms begin to take off in my directions. I began to get frustrated due to me having to find which is the real one.

Asking espeon to use psychic to find out which was the real Pokémon. But espeon senses got jammed every time she tried to find out.

Finally giving up on that method I left espeon in the room to watch over the child and to report if she finds the Pokémon.

Walking out the room I released riolu to stay by my side as I searched the area. Coming across a door I twisted it open.

To find nothing but fluttering curtains. Thinking that the Pokémon could be behind the curtains I told riolu to use aura sphere.

A bluish orb charged up in riolu palm. As he shot it out towards the curtains. Upon impact the orb was bounced back towards us.

Thinking quickly I told riolu to put up a aura shield. That was close if I were one second late that attack would hit us.

Inspecting the building as I walked around. I determined that the Pokémon who did this has used a move to make the house reflect attacks off of it.

Walking around further I came across another door. Bracing myself as I opened the door.

I was greeted to a single painting hanging on the wall in front of me. Walking to the painting I inspected to find out any clues as to what could be making this all happen.

My hand accidentally slipped as the painting was pushed to the left a little. Showing me a whole in the wall that holds a document and a pokeball inside of it.


Side quest legacy left behind has been complete

Reward 2000 poke dollars.

Opening up the document I couldn't make out any of the letters that were on their. They looked as if they were encrypted with ancient text.

Trying to find out a way to decipher this information I came up with an idea. System can you scan the document and decipher the language for me.


5 min until completion....4min...3min.....2min....1min download complete.

Waiting for the system to translate. I saw a blue screen pop up in the air which I guess was the message.

To whoever is reading this note I pass on to you the deed to this house. I know as you can tell by now it comes with a few problems. Such as the ghost Pokémon haunting this place. The Pokémon is known as spiritomb the spirit Pokémon. This Pokémon is a ghost and dark type that inhabits artifacts. It is a very tough Pokémon that can stand toe to toe with legendaries. I already know what your thinking how am I gone to defeat this Pokémon. Well the key to that is with this pokeball. It is a specially designed pokeball that allows you to have a guaranteed success rate of catching a Pokémon. The only problem is you have to get close to the Pokémon to catch it. You have to figure out some way to get the Pokémon stuck in place to achieve this goal. Well anyway good luck with your journey.

Steeling my resolve I grabbed the pokeball and the deed then exited the area. Espeon sent me an alert telling me that spirittomb has returned to the room.

Asking espeon to teleport me there I received a mental nod. A few seconds later I was back in the beginning room with spirittomb.

Throwing out ariados and charmeleon. I started off the battle by telling ariados to use sticky web.

A string like substance was spat out of ariados mouth as it launched on to spirit tomb buying us a few seconds. Then charmeleon followed up by using flamethrower.

A stream of fire was released from charmeleon mouth hitting spirittomb head on. The attack wasn't that effective though only damaging spirittomb a little in the process.

Realizing that there was no way of beating this monster I came up with an idea I was going to get charmeleon to get in close and distract him while ariados sneaks in and traps him with his ult.

Charmeleon rush and use thunder punch. Electricity began to crackle off of charmeleon hand as he rushed at spirittomb dodging incoming shadow balls every few seconds.

One managed to knock him on the shoulder but he continued on. Closing the distance charmeleon struck spirit tomb with a thunder punch leaving him dazed for a few seconds.

But that few seconds was enough time for ariados to use his final move. Webs spewed out of ariados mouth as they started to form a cage around spirit tomb.

Spirit tomb helpless to do anything as he was surrounded by webs in a matter of seconds. The stun finally wearing off.

Spirit tomb became filled with rage as he launched multiple shadow balls through the air. Each brimming with enough power to knock out each of Pokémon in one hit.

But fortunately not strong enough to break out of ariados barrier. The shadow began to deflect back at spirit tomb once they bounced off the wall of webs.

Hitting him with two times the amount of power he sent it out with. As each shadow ball hit him he began to lose strength at a rapid pace.

Watching the spirit tomb begin to become woozy I knew it was the right moment. Taking out the pokeball I was entrusted with.

I thrusted the pokeball at a fast pace towards spirit tomb. Watching it sail across the air as I prayed that it hit the Pokémon head on.

As if my prayer was answered spirit tomb got hit head on. Watching the ball shake I was extremely nervous to see if it would work.

1...2...3 click the menacing spirit tomb was caught. Storing the Pokémon on my belt.

I wrote myself a mental note to make sure I sent this Pokémon back to professor Rowan when I get to a near by pokemon center. At my current level I can't handle a Pokémon of such power.

Walking to the corner to help the boy back to his feet. I told him I was sent by his grandpa to retrieve him.

Your grandpa has been worried sick about you kid. Let's get out of this place.

Taking a 30 min walk to get the kid back to grandpa house. Upon arriving there the grandpa awarded me with a key chain and a stone.

He told me that it will become very useful later with my charmeleon. He thought that we had an unbreakable bond.

To be continued