
Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too.

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter 66 Mission No. 19789170519


"Roggenrola, Confine it with quicksand hell; Pidgeot, Double Team, and then use Air Slash to harass; Combusken, Flamethrower, attack under its pattern!"

In the mountain range all over the Rock, an open land was filled with fierce fire. battle sound.

It is surrounded by a lot of giant Rock.

Looking into it, it's Tyson and his three Pokémons fighting a Pokémon that looks like a giant purple cobra.

This Pokémon has a huge body, and it is more than six meters long just by visual inspection. One person and three pets are like a baby Normal in front of it.

The sturdy and powerful body is matched with the terrifying venom that can kill you. This is the Pokémon, Arbok, who has almost no natural enemies in the wild.

Arbok's most striking feature is the pattern on its neck. According to the latest research, this Pokémon has more than 20 different patterns.

But the most common is this in front of Tyson, similar to an angry face – Black's "eye sockets", red and Yellow's "glasses", Black's "mouth corners" raised up "Mouth" and Black's down-arrow "eyebrows".

He had been watching this Arbok for some time before, and it had just finished preying.

This is one of the reasons why it is chosen, even for Pokémon, snakes are relatively weak when they have eaten and digested.

The pattern on its abdomen has no peculiar ability, and its regeneration ability is not extremely good, it belongs to Normal's Arbok.

At least according to research, very few Arboks also have a very strong regeneration ability, as long as the head is not severely damaged and other parts are cut off, they can regenerate, this one does not.

Otherwise, if you catch it, you can still buy it at a good price. As for the current one, it just has elite strength and considering its ferocious nature, the value will be much lower.

Tyson's next long-term mission, officially numbered 19789170519, is to collect fresh Arbok sloughs.

He had wanted to take on such a mission for a long time, but because Pidgeot's strength was still insufficient at the time, and Combusken had just been born, he chose a more suitable cleaning mission.

Now he has three Pokémons, the probability of winning against such ordinary Arbok in the wild is quite high, and the profit is very good, quite considerable.

After all, even old snake sloughs have good medicinal value, not to say that only the freshest snake sloughs are valuable.

But there is also a problem.

Arbok has a very stubborn personality, and once he has decided on a target, he will pursue it wherever his prey goes.

So once you get into the huge monster in front of you, the best way is to solve it completely, either by killing it or capturing it and selling it.

Otherwise the injured Arbok might come to you while you're on an adventure in the wild and hit you from behind.

They are very patient hunters.

Of course, if you really encounter an Arbok that can change patterns and has super regeneration ability, it is also very powerful to use as your own Pokémon. For details, please refer to Agatha's mother-in-law's Arbok.

"Chaba cool~" Arbok called coldly, and kept getting closer.

As Roggenrola's quicksand hell appeared under Arbok, the other party was also limited by a lot of speed.

Although after only a momentary delay, it broke free with great strength, but there was still another piece of quicksand.

At the same time, the harassment of Pidgeot and Double Team ensued, and the physical Air Slash was mixed in the phantom, hitting its huge body.

Combusken also Spit Up one after another Flamethrower blocking its progress.

Arbok erects his body high, revealing the pattern of his abdomen, which is Glare, which can effectively make the enemy fear.

But Pidgeot and Combusken's attacks didn't stop at all, only Roggenrola's quicksand hell slowed down, or even stopped for a while.

"Don't be afraid, Roggenrola, use Mud Slap to its eyes!"

Tyson hurriedly directs Roggenrola to interfere with Arbok.

This situation is because of Level and strength.

Pidgeot Level is far above Arbok, and Combusken is not inferior to it, not to mention the strength of both should actually be stronger than this Arbok who has just stepped into the elite.

The effect of Glare doesn't really show on either.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that it is too toxic, Pidgeot alone can solve it with a Pokémon.

The main reason is that it is inconvenient after being poisoned. The antidote you carry with you can only slow down the effect of the launch. The real cure still needs to return to the Pokémon Center and hand it over to Nurse Joy.

Otherwise, the residual toxins in the Pokémon's body will damage the health, and it is not conducive to the improvement of the Pokémon's strength.

So I still choose the way of playing three Pokémon together, and solve it without worries.

Even if Roggenrola was assisting on the side, because the difference in Level was too large, Glare's intimidating effect made Roggenrola scared to stop using Ability.

But it doesn't matter, this has been known for a long time.

The main attack in this battle is still Pidgeot and Combusken.

Arbok moved towards Combusken while screaming, serpentine forward as far as possible to avoid damage.

No way, it consumed a part of its venom when it just preyed on it, and it can't use Acid for the time being.

What's more, the most commonly used method is to quickly restrain the opponent with the body after the opponent Flinch, and wait for the opponent's heartbeat to stop.

It's so powerful that it can squeeze even an iron bucket, and once it gets entangled, it can't escape.

Just make it close to the opposite Pokémon. . .

Looking at Arbok's location, "Roggenrola." Tyson yelled.

"Dangoro!" Roggenrola understood.

A patch of land in the path of Arbok's charge suddenly disappeared, revealing a large, deep hole.

Arbok castrated forward and fell straight into the hole.

"Combusken Fire Blast, Pidgeot uses Hurricane!"

Not happy, Tyson hurriedly got his two Pokémons to speed up their attacks.

"Roggenrola, gravitate to it, don't let him crawl out so quickly." "Dangoro!"

As Fire Blast and Hurricane poured into the hole, fire borrowed The wind became stronger, and Arbok, who was about to climb up against gravity, completely lost his combat capability.

Tyson cautiously asked Pidgeot to refill the Whirlwind, only to see that there was no movement in the hole, and then he stepped forward and threw the Poké Ball.

Arbok only Struggle twice before being subdued.

Lock the Poké Ball to prevent Arbok from recovering a bit and running out, he's sighed.

No way, a Pokémon like Arbok is a natural predator, and no Trainer would be happy to run into it in the wild.

Not only vengeful, but also extremely poisonous, lethality and strength are not weak, poisoned Pokémon must go back for treatment immediately.

Of course, the greatest advantage of human beings is the use of tools, and Tyson just wasn't idle when he was watching Arbok and preying on it.


(end of this chapter)