
Pokemon: Trainer's Story

Tye Septem is a new up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer that starts his Kanto Journey by going to the prestigious Pokemon Technical Institute. --------- Updates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. English first language, but I can barely speak it, First Fanfiction as well. Never played any Pokemon games before.

Alcem · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

The holographic disk opened up and showed a widescreen with an aged man standing in a white room.

Director Simon - Head of Pokemon Technical Institute, there was a subtitle to the bottom left of the holographic screen.

The white room's walls showed an overhead picture of the Kanto region, Mt. Silver separating a lot of the land between Kanto and Johto.

"Kanto is a sprawling region bursting with lush nature and magnificent landscapes, It is also, of course, home to the mysterious creatures known to us as Pokemon."

The Director held a Pokeball in his hand and it opened letting out a doglike creature.

"Evue!" it let out a cry walking about the room.

The Director continued to speak, "Pokemon can be found living all over, in the seas, in the skies, on the ground, and even in our cities and towns, We humans coexist with Pokemon, as we both help one another to live and thrive."

"Pokemon Technical Institute is here to help you learn about these wonderful creatures, within our halls, people from all around the region gather to study together and as Pokemon Trainers, they have their Pokemon do battle, growing alongside them, while our robust curriculum of coursework helps our students draw forth their full potential."

"We, the faculty and staff at Pokemon Technical Institute can't wait to welcome you with open arms."

As the director finished talking, the hologram screen hades to black as the device closed back into its disk-like source.

Once it finished, Tye breathed out a deep breath before standing up from his chair, he already had on his uniform.

A pastel yellow undershirt, blue khaki pants, a blue khaki jacket along with a red tie, he didn't quite like the uniform, nor did it look good on him although he spent multiple weeks picking out hundreds of them, the school rules were strict with the uniform and allowed no adjustments.

The school day started at 8:15, but it was 5:30 currently, so he had time to do everything, the school was a 10-minute walk or a 2-minute bicycle ride from where he lived.

After heading out of his room and going downstairs, he saw his mother in the kitchen drinking coffee while breakfast seems to have already been made.

"Morning," Tye said,

"Good Morning," She replied and placed down the mug.

"You ready for today, you're going to the most prestigious Pokemon school in Kanto, not many have that chance."

"Yes, yes not many have the chance, but I would much prefer going on the journey, where I could wear something that would suit me, and doesn't feel like I'm wearing cardboard."

She dismissed his complaints as she was used to him complaining about anything he didn't like.

"You are just not used to wearing it, after some time you would love wearing it like the suit you bought some time ago."

"And you know how the region is right now, Dark town is in a civil war, Cinnabar is an active volcano and still figuring out what to do with the 7th gym, and Saffron's gym leader is literally crazy, I'm not even going to mention Gringey City or Celadon, you can go on a journey in another region, but not Kanto nowadays."

She finished the mini-lecture with an irritated expression on her face as she sipped her coffee.

Tye let a light smile as he poured himself a cup of Alolan Peppermint tea, "When you put it like that, I understand what you mean."

She continued to drink her coffee before she stopped mid-action, seemingly remembering something," Did you pick your starter from the registration list?"

Tye nodded as he said, "I did, but not from the list."

Her eyes widened as she said," Not from the list? what did you pick then?'

"I mean, the list instructions said that this a recommended list of starter Pokemon, I didn't like the choices, it had choices like Cubone, Bellspruot, Starmie, Geodude, Pokemon you can find anywhere, or need a special item like a Waterstone or Grassstone, there was Piddgey in the list as well."

"The line where you put the name of the starter, you can write anything there, only limited to Pokemon though, so I wrote Riolu, a Pokemon that is rare, not found in Kanto, and need a large amount of money to get one from within Kanto."

She looked at him for a couple of seconds before she sighed, "Alright, alright, you will get the Pokemon this morning, at home, by shipment in a Pokeball registered as yours."

"Alright then, I wanted to look around the campus before school started, but I'll wait."

Tye sat down at the table with tea and breakfast in hand.

"Wasn't Professor Oak handing out 3 starter Pokemon today, what were the Pokemon again?"

She replied as she washed the mug," Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle, a fantastic trio of starters for new trainers,"

"Yes, but I wonder how he got the Charmander, You can find Bulbasaur in Viridian rarely and Squirtle on Blastoise island and on the beach of Vermillion city, but Charmander you can only find in the Cinnabar islands, and even then it's pretty dangerous there."

"It is Professor Oak, I'm sure he has a few trainers that could do it for him."

"Yeah, that must be it."

As the Mother and Son talked, two hours passed by a knock on the door called for their attention.

Tye opened the door, and the one who was knocking was wearing red pants and a white shirt with the company logo of PPS, Pokemon Postal Service.

In their hands was a box with the Pokemon Technical Institute name on it.

"A package for Tye Septem." They said with light smiles on their face.

"That's me," Tye answered as he went to sign for the package, after waving goodbye, he went back inside to his mom.

"Mom, it's here, or at least I think it is."

"Opened it already then," she said as she continued watching her favorite show on the TV.

"Don't open it in here, open it outside if it is your starter."

"Alright, mom."

Heading outside to the backyard, it was full of mist as usual, but Tye had grown so used to it that it looked no different than the clear outdoors of another town.

Opening the box, there was heavy safety packaging, protective foam, and bubble wrap.

There was Pokemon Food, A normal Pokeball, a Pamphlet on your new starter, and Tye's trainer card.

Tye held the Pokeball in his hand, he blankly stared at it for at least a minute, the feeling of pure excitement vibrating through his entire body, a wide giddy smile plastered on his face.

After a couple of minutes, he pressed the button of the Pokeball and it opened and lit out a red light on the ground.