
Pokemon : The Force Of Chaos

There’s something more robust than friendship, something more substantial than hope and love. Pain and Fear. A duplet that corrupts people daily. Drugs, prostitution, and the cycle of pain that haunts those who can’t claw their way out of the grasp of poverty. Why does the Alliance have a reason to step in when faced with endless profit? But sometimes, those corrupted become something more, ascend to their purpose, and become... A monster.

MilfHunter1 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 40 : Rise Of The Fall ; Part 3

"Impressive." Janine didn't look scared, as her figure only disappeared.

Eli took a deep breath before he clutched his head. His body was writhing in pain, and he couldn't think rationally. Trying to compose himself and failing, Eli glanced at Zubat falling from the sky before looking up.

A storm of kunai appeared in front of Eli, 30.. no! 50.

Eli felt his mind start to go loose before he gritted his teeth. The tail-like appendage blocked the kunai, and Eli noticed something. She was holding back. The kunai was all aimed at his head instead of scattered around.

Eli ran his hands through his midnight black hair before gritting his teeth harder. It felt like his flesh was melting but reconstructing itself.

"I...g-give up," Eli said, but laughter only came in his direction.

"There is no giving up; giving up is dying in a real battle." Janine's flickered right in front of him, a Kunai in her hand and a bloodthirsty smile on her face. Swinging the kunai in front of Eli's face, he rapidly put his head back, the kunai trimming some hair off his face.

Eli regained his composure as he stepped backward before using his feet and attempting to shin kick her, of which she jumped up gracefully, her smile intensifying as five more Kunai came reigning down.

Using his tail once more, Eli felt his body scream for no more, as he had lost too much blood. But he couldn't stop... not here, not now.

Watching Janine flicker again, Eli rapidly sent his tail behind him, blocking the backstab that Janine was attempting.

"You adapt fast. But let's finish this. Shall we?" Janine's smile faded as her purple eyes and hair shone in the light. Eli felt something in his arm solidify before looking down at his arm, where a bulge could be seen.

"Once you get infected by a toxic-energy user, you are practically dead. This is why... if I condense it-" Janine shifted her head to the side as a tail flew by her head. She once more regained her smile as she clenched her fist.

Eli could feel the bulge slowly move before it began to press against his skin and slowly tear through it. Janine's smile grew once she saw the ball of solidified poison tear through Eli, but her smile quickly faded once she saw no expression of pain go through Eli's face, just two crimson eyes staring through her soul.

Her clenched fist's loosened once she saw the eyes, a reign of fear swelling in her eyes. What... what was this feeling? Her mind flashed through her darkest memories, her father and her mother... the pressure of the clan... her slow and painful death-

She bit her lip, the pain giving her some composure as she felt a palm on her shoulder.

"You seemed to have pushed yourself. Not even your father could blink that many times when he was younger."

Janine gave a snicker before she swept Giovanni's palm off her shoulder and started to walk towards the exit. "Yeah. Well, my father isn't on a timer that will kill him, isn't he?"

Giovanni stayed silent, watching her disperse into the hallway before looking towards the unconscious Eli, who turned around and looked towards Arianna.

"You are not lying...right?" Arianna felt something block her throat as she looked towards Giovanni, her eyes complex. Warmth but coldness contrasted in the fiery eye.

Giovanni held up his hand as medical staff flooded the room and put Eli on a stretcher; the sturdy man smiled at the unconscious boy before looking towards the round middle-aged man.

"Dr. Swoiker, I expect a full report and any findings. Heal the boy, nothing else."

"You got it, boss." The round middle-aged man gave a bow before walking out with his team. As the door closed, Giovanni looked towards Arianna, his eyes cold and fierce. "Do you think I am the one to jest?"

Arianna frowned as her fear for Giovanni raised but was quickly subdued by her pride. "I have been let down multiple times, trusted people, and I am here because of that! You think you are incapable of lying because you are the boss?"

Giovanni's frown was replaced with a smile.

"Indeed. But who picked you up in your time of need? Gave you a hand to redemption. You wear the white as a show of purity.. who gave you that?"

Arianna clicked her tongue as her face showed a hesitant expression.

"Is..is it possible."

"Why, of course." Giovanni nodded his head, not breaking eye contact with her. She looked at his gaze before looking away.

"Can i... can I have a child?"

Giovanni sighed at the repetition as his face quickly grew stale. He looked towards the exit before opening the door, Arianna following him.

"What do you think about him?" Arianna shifted the conversation away from her, knowing that her arguing would result in her losing.

"Hm. Potential. Janine tried to hide it, but she was exhausted. Giovanni gave a gentle smile as he re-adjusted his suit before wiping off his shoulder.

"Have you thought of occupation for him? It would be best if you had him do missions. Otherwise, the directors will have their way with him. Dr. Swoiker has been pressuring us, psycho fuck.

"I do."


Giovanni shook his head as Arianna frowned.

"He would be useless in politics."


Giovanni once more shook his head as he stared Arianna in the eyes.


Arianna's eyes opened as she quickly put her palm on her head, releasing an audible sigh that made Giovanni's smile widen.

"He has deep-rooted trauma, has unknown power, Dr. Swoiker's report described things like a state of permanent psychosis, and his dopamine and serotonin receptors are fucked as well.. why a spy?"

"You should know better than to question me."

Arianna rolled her eyes before muttering. "That is a risk that we can't afford, Giovanni."

"It's simple... he has talents in fighting, he managed to disrupt Zubat's echolocation with mist, his Pokémon were forged from nothing, and his energy is powerful. He has good control over his emotions, as his father isn't mentioned, and the final point... he wouldn't be complacent with anything else. We need his loyalty, and do you think him fighting common alliance folk would do it? He's a pawn that can be refined into a bishop... and what is his greatest goal?"

"His father."

"Indeed." Giovanni's watch, which was disguised as a simple golden watch, rang out as Giovanni accepted the call.

"Giovanni." Dr. Swoiker appeared and gave a small bow. "The kid's being marked."

Arianna looked visibly confused as Giovanni hung up the call, a creepy smile etched on his face as he looked towards Arianna.

"Not a bishop... a king."