
Pokemon: The Beginning of an Unlikely Journey

On the crucial morning of their Pokémon Trainer ceremony, brothers Ash and Blaze Ketchum oversleep, racing to Professor Oak's lab in their pajamas. They arrive just in time to see their rival, Gary Oak, flaunting his newly-received Pokémon. Disheartened to find that all the starter Pokémon have been taken, Ash pleads for any available Pokémon while Blaze asserts his own demand. Professor Oak reluctantly hands Ash an electric-type Pikachu, who shocks him upon being picked up, and presents Blaze with a Riolu named Tempest, a gift from their father. Along with their Pokédex and six Poké Balls, the brothers set out on their journey. As Ash struggles to bond with Pikachu, Blaze and Tempest quickly demonstrate their prowess. Tempest’s disciplined focus and sharp abilities become evident as Blaze and his Pokémon effortlessly capture a Pidgeotto, a feat Ash could not manage with his own struggling Pikachu. Blaze’s Riolu showcases impressive techniques like Swords Dance and Stone Edge, while Ash remains frustrated by Pikachu’s stubborn independence. Their adventure takes a dangerous turn when Ash and Pikachu unwittingly provoke a flock of aggressive Spearow. Tempest, wielding his Stone Edge with precision, helps protect them from the relentless bird Pokémon. Blaze and Tempest's strategic partnership is key in fending off the initial attacks, but the situation escalates as the flock intensifies its assault. In a dramatic escape, Ash grabs Pikachu, and Blaze, with Tempest, dives into a waterfall. They are rescued by a young girl who advises them to head to Viridian City's Pokémon Center. Ash commandeers the girl’s bike, but loses control, crashing down a hill. With Pikachu’s condition deteriorating, Ash desperately begs him to enter his Poké Ball. Witnessing Ash’s dedication, Pikachu unleashes a powerful Thunder attack, scattering the remaining Spearow and destroying the bike in the process. Blaze and Tempest also confront and defeat the remaining Spearow, proving their strength and teamwork. As Ash and Blaze recover, they catch sight of a mysterious golden bird across a rainbow, an enigmatic Pokémon not listed in their Pokédex. With Pikachu's trust earned and Tempest’s loyalty unwavering, the brothers, with their Pokémon, head into Viridian City, ready to face the challenges that await them on their quest to become the greatest Pokémon trainers. **Only Blaze Katchum, and Rio Character is mine.**

Vivid_Horizons · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 3: Sparks of Destiny

Professor Oak's laboratory hums with a low, persistent energy, the air filled with the scent of ozone and freshly polished metal. The room is lined with shelves of vials and Poké Balls, the equipment blinking with soft, green lights. Oak's face is a mask of anticipation and concern as he leads Ash and Blaze into the back room, where a single Poké Ball rests on a charging station.

Oak's fingers tremble slightly as he picks up the Poké Ball, his eyes reflecting a mixture of nostalgia and gravity. He holds it out to Ash, his voice steady but laden with unspoken history. "There is one Pokémon left," he says, his gaze flicking between the two brothers. "But it's not what you might expect. It's a Pikachu."

Ash's eyes widen with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. Blaze's face, however, tightens into a frown, his competitive mind already assessing the situation. Oak presses the release button, and a burst of light reveals a small, yellow mouse-like Pokémon with red cheeks and a lightning-bolt tail. Pikachu blinks sleepily, rubbing its eyes as it adjusts to the sudden change.

Blaze's excitement dwindles, replaced by a palpable disappointment. "A Pikachu?" he mutters, the words barely concealing his frustration. His strategic mind races—Pikachu isn't the powerhouse he'd envisioned. With a determined step back, he turns to Oak. "Professor, give Pikachu to Ash. He needs it more."

Ash's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and he looks at his brother with wide eyes. Blaze's selflessness in the face of such a lackluster choice is unexpected. Oak's face softens, his usual stern demeanor giving way to a touch of emotion. "Blaze, you're more like your father than you know," he says, his voice catching slightly. He places a hand on Blaze's shoulder. "But there's something else. Something I've been holding onto for you."

Oak retrieves a small, dust-covered Poké Ball from a locked cabinet, his expression shifting to one of reverent nostalgia. "This isn't a starter Pokémon, but it's special. It's a gift from your father, Leo Ketchum. He wanted you to have it when the time was right."

Blaze's fingers close around the Poké Ball, his heart pounding in his chest. With a deep breath, he releases the Pokémon inside. A flash of light reveals a small, blue-and-black canine-like Pokémon with piercing eyes. Riolu's gaze meets Blaze's, and an instant bond forms between them. Oak's voice, filled with warmth, breaks the silence. "This is Tempest. He's been waiting for you."

Blaze kneels down, his intense gaze softening as he reaches out to Tempest. The Pokémon's eyes are filled with a mix of curiosity and recognition. "Tempest, huh?" Blaze murmurs, a rare smile tugging at his lips. Tempest steps forward, pressing its paw against Blaze's hand. The connection is immediate and profound—Tempest isn't just any partner; it's a link to his father's legacy. Blaze glances at Ash, who meets his eyes with a supportive nod. The brothers understand that their paths, though separate, are bound by a shared destiny.

Turning to Ash, Oak's tone becomes serious. "Ash, I have to warn you," he begins, his voice dropping to a confidential whisper. "Pikachu can be a bit… difficult. He's not like the others. He might not listen to you at first." Ash, ever the optimist, grins and shrugs off the warning. "Don't worry, Professor. Pikachu and I will be best friends in no time!" Pikachu's eyes narrow, and sparks dance across its cheeks, clearly unimpressed.

Before Ash can react, Pikachu unleashes a sudden burst of electricity. The jolt catches Ash off guard, sending him stumbling backward, his hair standing on end. "Ow! Pikachu, what was that for?!" Ash yelps, rubbing his head. Blaze stifles a laugh, while Oak sighs, shaking his head with a hint of amusement. "I did warn you," Oak mutters, though his eyes twinkle with a suppressed chuckle.

Despite Pikachu's defiant display, Oak hands Ash and Blaze their Pokédexes and a set of Poké Balls. "These will help you on your journey," Oak says, his tone returning to its usual authoritative manner. Blaze clips his Poké Balls to his belt, feeling the weight of the journey ahead. Tempest stands by his side, ready for whatever challenges come their way. Ash, still recovering from Pikachu's shock, takes his Poké Balls with a determined grin, resolved to turn Pikachu into a reliable partner.

As the brothers prepare to leave, Pikachu gives one last act of defiance, this time catching both Ash and Professor Oak in an electric field. The resulting shock sends them sprawling, their hair frizzing and smoke rising from their clothes. "Pikachu, what's your problem?!" Ash cries out in frustration. Oak, brushing off the sparks, chuckles despite himself. "You've got your work cut out for you, Ash," he says, still laughing. Blaze smirks, grateful that Tempest seems far more agreeable.

Stepping outside the lab, Ash and Blaze are greeted by their mother, Delia Ketchum, and the supportive townsfolk of Pallet Town. Delia's eyes light up with pride as she sees Ash with Pikachu and Blaze with Tempest. "Oh, my boys, I'm so proud of you both!" Delia exclaims, pulling them into a tight hug. Blaze, slightly embarrassed by the attention, exchanges a sheepish glance with Ash. The crowd cheers, celebrating the brothers' departure.

But before the celebration can continue, Pikachu sparks up again. Without warning, it unleashes another burst of electricity, catching Delia, the townsfolk, and even Tempest in its shocking spree. Delia lets out a startled yelp, her hair frizzing as she stumbles back, while the townsfolk scatter, laughing nervously. Tempest shakes off the sparks with a determined growl. Blaze steps in front of his mother, his protective instincts flaring. "Ash, control that Pikachu!" Blaze shouts, while Ash frantically tries to calm Pikachu down.

After the chaos subsides, Delia hands Ash and Blaze their backpacks, filled with supplies for the journey ahead. "Take care of yourselves, and remember, I'm always here if you need anything," Delia says, her voice full of love and concern. Blaze shoulders his pack, feeling the weight of responsibility and excitement. Ash ties a rope around Pikachu's waist, securing it to his pack while donning a pair of rubber gloves for protection. Pikachu glares at Ash but begrudgingly allows itself to be pulled along.

With a final wave and determined smiles, Blaze and Ash set off down the road leading away from Pallet Town. The landscape stretches out before them, a mix of open fields and the promise of unknown adventures. As they walk, Blaze feels the familiar rush of excitement and anticipation, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with Tempest by his side and Pikachu's unpredictable energy guiding them into the unknown.

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