
Shooting star

The day is December the 31, 2021. Tonight was a cold windy night. Snow fell silently on the quite streets below.

All seemed peaceful as everyone prepared for the New Years that has yet to come. You could see families coming together as they celebrated with their loved ones.

However happiness can't happen for everyone. On the streets If you looked into one lone alley you could see our main character lying on the ground shivering.

"All I could think in my head was how cold it was right now. Rubbing my hands together I tried to generate some warmth to me."

"But it was all to no avail my hands gained a touch of warmth but left the next second like everything else in my life."

"You see my life wasn't always like this. I grew up like any other normal child. Laughing and playing while socializing with others my age."

"But my life hit a turning point at 17. My parents fell into a horrible car accident leaving my mother dead."

"I could still remember my dad face that day. I can honestly say that was the first time I seen a grown man reach his breaking point."

"I tried to help my dad get over my mom death but it was to no avail. My dad started to turn for the worst."

"He began to become a alcoholic often coming home late at night reeking strongly of liquor. I tried to stop him but it only made things worse."

"My life became a living hell I was constantly beat. Often leaving bruises and scars scattered over my body."

"I suffered for a full year until today. His anger reached even a new height as he tried to kill his own offspring."

"I can still feel his hand marks around my neck. I struggled for a good few minutes until I was able to reach for a knife and stabbed him the arm."

"He howled in agony as he clutched his arms in pain. He gave me a look of anger as if he couldn't believe his eyes."

"Seeing this as my chance to run I took off out the door. Ending up where I'm at now."

"I'm sure I'm starve to death or even die to the coldness outside."

Looking into the night sky I seen a shooting star.

Putting my hands together I silently made a wish on this snowy night for my way of life to change.

After what seemed like a eternity I looked down in sadness I guess wishes don't come true. Beginning to accept my faith I slumped down in sadness.

That was until I saw magical words.

…. Loading system…..

Rubbing my eyes to see if I was hallucinating I looked in shock.

….Countdown begging...











….. Now beginning Pokemon system…..

"Huh what is a pokemon system. The only pokemon I could think of was the games that I played as a kid."

"I could still remember the cute little charmander I was such a big fan of. Imagining myself as a powerful pokemon trainer I became excited."

"Umm hello system what is your function and use."

…. My function is to help the host bring the creature known as pokemon to this planet called earth...

"Is their anything more that you can do system."

… yes there is more host but currently do to your lvl being to low your are not allowed to know further knowledge….

"I was suprised at the fact that the system has different levels of knowledge to be accessed.

"Well what functions are currently available system?"

… The current functions are…..

Random Summon



"Can we start with task system."

…. Yes host your first task is to open up a store…..

"Well how am I supposed to raise money for a store."

The system became quite for a second until it came up with an answer.

...The system will give you a starter pack. Just think of it and it will open...

Doing what the system said I waited until the message popped up in front of me.

…..Do you want to open up gift pack...

Obviously clicking yes the system showed me the reward.

….. small sized store for host...

Opening up the store the system asked me where I want to place the store. It showed a map of my location and the current spots open.

Clicking on the alley way I was in the next few seconds in place of the alley was a small sized store.

Surprised I began to ask the system questions.

"What if someone sees the store suddenly pop up or ask about legal rights."

….. Don't worry host with the system powers all of that is taken care of...

…..With the opening of the store I will grant you one extra summon token and pokeball...

With that said I walked inside the store and was surprised to see the store was much bigger on the inside then what appeared on the outside.

The store was two stories high on the inside with a giant area. Which I assumed was for the pokemon.

Inside the shop was neatly decorated with a clerk desk and everything.

"System can you show me the next task."

…. The next task is to sell a total of one pokemon...

... Reward one free gacha summon…..

….. Your time limit is one week if host fails punishment will be death …..

"Hmmm one week should be simple enough to sell a pokemon."

Now let me see the next function summon.

The system guided me to a space on the second floor where I saw a machine with a giant button.

Assuming the machine was the gacha I walked up and pressed the button.

The first pokemon to come out was a big shaped pokemon that was green in shape and resembled a worm.

I recognized this pokemon as caterpie. The little worm pokemon squirmed it's way over to me as it touched my leg.

I was a little creeped out at first but also surprised at the fact I'm seeing and touching a real life pokemon.

Getting over my shock I pressed the machine once again and received another pokemon.

Another familiar kanto pokemon came out the bird type pokemon Pidgey came out.

Giving out a bird noise the pidgey flew around before landing on my shoulder.

"I sure am in for a ride with this wish that I made."