
chapter 1 the rise of Master

Our story starts at one of the most peaceful towns called pallet town in which our hero Ash ketchum can be seen travelling across the forest area to play with the wild Pokemon located in the near forests..... "Hey wait" said young Ash chasing a rattata while laughing but what he did not know is that while playing he has travel across way too Deep in the forest and thus getting lost, after hours of chasing his friends down he notice that he is currently way too deep inside and he does not know how to get away and thus he did the only reasonable thing what a 5 year old kid can do, he cried while desperately trying to get some attention from the nearby town but to no avail but what he did not pay attention to was that he currently is not alone when he pay attention to the snarl he was met with the very angry looking Pokemon looking at him with anger ,distrust and hate. After looking at the Pokemon which is a golem Ash ran but soon he tripped on a branch that has fallen from a tree looking at the Pokemon in front of him with fear he yelled 'HELP' and at that time something snapped the power l a y i n g within erupted, ungodly power released itself to protect its master and listen to his pleas and the power was so great that everything was destroyed within 2 metre radius Scorchmarks

, crator and smoke filled the entire area and the young boy went unconscious but this premature awakening of his power does not come without a cost. it took them three hours to find the young Ash but when they did they quickly took him to hospital the doctors were baffled by the result of Ash condition apparently the energy that has revealed itself was so great that his mind has opened to supernaturally levels it took him seven days to recover enough so that he can stay with his mother ,his mother was ecstatic to recognise that her baby boy is alright but when she sees that his lack of response and when the doctors told her about the new information she was all weeping and sobbing m e s s it has been 8 days since then and the results were unnatural he has scored brilliantly in his marks his body has greater stamina his intellectual has changed to a great degree and now he is very very fine but that is not what surprises and horrify his mother at the same time apparently the energy that was revealed itself in the time of need was Aura that initial energy has revealed to be a energy of a soul and as his energy was so great and so powerful that it has the annihilated everything in the nearby vicinity at such a premature level that it down right terrifies the person who revealed information to them, the aura Guardian in training,Riley,he even tried to take a look in his mind only to be blocked by the defences created by his mind to protect his mind from Invaders and he also invaded his mind to get the information on training of aura and as such which he was grateful as he did not kill him, from that day onwards he train regularly on aura powers stamina, knowledge ,intellectual and so on hell he even help professor oak on knowledge and other things related to Professor field. And thus it start the beginning of new master.

it has been 5 years since then 'the incident' as it has been referred by professor oak, his mother and him now a days it is always a sore topic to talk to, his training in aura has been coming along nicely he even started to practice Moves Like Aura sphere, Shield and other things ,his stamina ,his intellectual has also improved but because of this his social skills and other situations related to public dropped severely ,he does not talk much talk only when necessary and does not take kindly to those of insulting him it made him one of the only people in pallet town not to bully and he when stopped several b u l l i e s from picking on other people and his greatest rival is Gary Oak ,professor oak's grandson one of the biggest bully in pallet town and Archnemesis but that is not the biggest problem and hindrance in his life because of that incident his view in the world has also changes severely he does not see the world as all Rainbow and Sunshine but he sees the world as a Predator and Prey the weaker will not survive and the stronger will rule because of such mentality he is one of the few kids that people avoided for a while but when they see that his intellectual is the only thing it has changed and the way that the addresses people they started to warm up to him it take awhile for them to see and adjust to the new ashura satoshi ketchum his preferences has turned slightly darker he does not prefer the lighter clothes and was always seen wearing black, grey, red and other dark colours because of this he also get several admirers he is currently one of the top students in Pokemon Academy in viridans city along with Gary Oak in both acadamics and battle strategies. professor oak arranges chances for young Pokemon trainers to become Pokemon trainers by giving them their starter Pokemon to achieve that you need to pass a test of Pokemon which includes various habitats ,breeding, grooming, behaviour ,nutrients or vitamins other than that survival training and knowledge how to you properly take care of Pokemon and treat your Pokemon and wild Pokemon on different basis to attain a starter Pokemon you need to pass by 75% out of hundred luckily there were only 4 people that were passing this time in pallet town the starter Pokemon of kanto region are charmander fire type squirtle water type and bulbasaur grass type.


a pair of red eyes flicker open after a peaceful and happy sleep the same red eyes check the alarm clock which illuminates the entire room in its eerie red glow creating an omnius atmosphere which the person enjoy a lot ,the clock read 0530 a.m. indicating that the sun has yet to wake up ,mostly the people would have thought that they had woken up quite early but not this person ,quickly getting up he continued on his way quickly getting up he continued on his way to the washroom and after finishing up his work he quickly go brushes teeth and continued to March his way down words from the hallway passing through several Gates he step outside and was greeted with the morning cool refreshing air, after a light Jog to get his blood pumping he do several sit ups,push ups,Chin UPS, cardio exercise and several other yoga,swimming,running and so on after that it took Him 3 hours to finish the routine after that he arrives in his house and was greeted with the very heavenly Aroma of his mother cooking "I m home" stated the person."Good morning sweetie and go upstairs and take a bath you stink Ash". the now identified as Ash ketchum merely nodded and continued on his way upstairs before his mother said the forbidden lines"and don't forget to change your underwear" he thought to soon and then with a flushed face and embarrassed expression he ran the whole way not even bothering to comment because he knows that it won't work. after getting ready in his black jacket that reached down to his raised with golden zipper red undershirt dark blue skinny jeans that are baggy in the bottom dark blue running shoes with white laces and white sole and black cap with red Rim with a purple masterball symbol engraved in it he continued to March forward towards his mums living room,"hey mom"he states in his usual expressions and cold face. his mother Delia ketchum a sweet loving mother with an overprotective trait merely nodded amused by her son's way of greeting "I see you're doing good progress"she stated sarcastically.He chuckled.*shrug*"dunno" with that a blissful silence overcame the two it was not an uncomfortable silence it was a comforting silence between the two of them and the lunch took place no one speak a word because they both know that today their lives are going to change since today is their biggest day as Ash is going on a journey to become a Pokemon champion of kanto and she has to stay alone in the house since her family does not stay in kanto and her husband is out on a business most of the times it was very hard to cope but she know that she had to stay strong for her baby boy's sake after a while seeing that no one is speaking a word Ash decided to break the ice by a simple sentence" what are you going to do"." I don't know perhaps I will continue to Garden and b a professor oak's assistant for timepass what about you". "I am going to get a starter from oak and challenge the 8th main gyms of kanto and perhaps go and join the Indigo conference". after that no one said a word but after a while delia look that the clock and gasp in shock"honey you are going to late if you do not hurry up and reach to Professor oak's laboratory I will recommend you to go and get your started now so that you can pick up whatever you want as a starter" as Ash mother stated this Ash look at the clock which read 9:30 a m he nodded and with that he go upstairs pick up his bag which possess the same colour scheme as a clothes black and red and has time space technology in it which allow them to carry several things which has double checked over time after seeing that he has everything in needed till he reach viridian City he decided to go and left the house which we grow up from a toddler silently promising to reach Indigo conference and maybe winning it and making sure that he captures at least one Pokemon for his mother to keep company the walk to Professor oak's laboratory was a quite one he was not in a mood to listen or hear anything he merrily nodded or tipped his cap in a manner of greeting for acknowledgement, after arriving professor laboratory he quickly scan centre area to see anyone here but to his luck no one was present and thus he decided to just go inside after entering he stepped inside a particular room with professor was present looking at all the things in front of him like he is going crazy, snickering at the silent thought he quickly the thought of a plan and tiptoed his way to Professor Oak and then after he reach there he places his hand on the old man shoulder and watch as he got rigid'BOO' and with that you watch as the famed and esteemed professor jump and almost touches head from the ceiling with the startled Yelp which cause him to roll on the ground with laughter ,after getting control over his laugh and getting a good scolding from professor he state the sentence that professor was expecting not the almost Heart Attack scenario"I'm ready...for my journey"" very well my boy if you say so choose your starter Pokemon" and with that the old man showed him the three starters" first one is charmander the fire lizard Pokemon second in squirtle the Aqua Turtle Pokemon last but not the least is bulbasaur the plant Pokemon which one would you like to get choose wisely because they will be your partner for your lifetime until and unless you abandon them........ of course, that I do not believe can happen with you as a trainer of one of them" he hastily added the last part after seeing Ash a famed death glare. satisfied by this he quickly started to scan all three of them, all three of them has their own advantages and disadvantages but he wanted a partner that can set a them for the lives Harsh training,brutal Battles,Heartless demolition,unnecessary attacks,and complete control over the fields even when the battle will be already over.After a little while he finally come to his decision "professor Oak I choose....." sad professor Lean a little to check out one of his most famous and appreciated apprentice choice of partner would be........

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