
ch 6 [ Journey ]


Finally it was day he will start to explore and will not be under glacia's supervision ( it mean to go after other girls . lol ) .

after somehow ditching the reluctant family members he went to the villa to to say goodbye to glacia only to get dragged into the bedroom **ahem** . he wasn't able to leave till next day .

but with everything done he was finally onto his journey. first he did was going start toward the deep forest. which he planned to explore and after crossing it he will go to the airport to take a flight to kanto .

with there were only his 2 matang's, 2 vibrava, his 3 bagons and his starter pokemon ralts .

now he was allowed to carry 8 pokemons as novice trainer instead of normal 6 pokemons is his privilege as a basic level breeder allowed him to carry 2 more extra pokemons. For his eevee as it was still a baby he left it at his mom's & aunt's care and his feebas was left with glacia to look after.


[[Deep in the great forest 500km away from mossdeep city]]

a lone teenager on top of a floating metang could be seen traversing the forest . It have already been 1 week from the day he started his journey. on the way he found various rare resources which he collected in his bag . he even found few rare pokemons but he didn't catch they as they were all part of some of pokemon species herds .

Deep forest is a different world on its own as its different ecosystem as a whole . he have seen pokemon hunting & eating other pokemon. a fucking massive venusaur which he know as it's a high class lineage it is atleast fucking elite class pokemon.

now no matter how much a peaceful a pokemon is but you don't fucking wander around a elite class pokemon much less when it is a fucking wild one at that .

now the greater wild forests , deserts , frozen tundra, massive ocean etc are very fascinating. it contains innumerable powerful pokemons, legendary pokemons capable of destroying a region by itselves , remote kingdoms of ancient time when the pokemon league wasn't even established , herds or colony or nest of pseudo legendaries , ancient ruins , abandoned cities ,various ancient clans ancestral homes , secret hideouts of terrorist organizations and underworld powers like auction houses or assassin guild etc .

it is said in pokemon world that for those who dare explore greater unexplored or uninhabited parts of the world will get all they want but that is if they survive .

due to all this tan is ensured again that pokemon world is a magnificent world it got everything from his previous world on top of having this magnificent creatures , which there help u could even become something transcending a normal human .

now tan plan's to experiment on human and pokemon both to just reach the almost impossible stage of behemoths.

now it may be seen as though tan is a genius due to his mature though process but all this was the only advantage he got from his previous life and he know that he isn't fucking genius or something.

all he planned to do was use all resources available to him and manipulate others to his advantage.

like for instance his image of a potion genius also isnt real . all the potions almost 40 types of potions that he discovered was from the knowledge he earn as a biology major Tokyo university student and previous downgraded formulas worked as reference. he just substituted the ingredients with the most suitable ones to make them or potent or create a new one .

And only for that he always searches ingredients in wild .

and also him yielding to glacia's demand to marry her was also beneficial for him so he didnt reject . only acted reluctant. As from what he learnt in a region there are at least 20 above elite level trainers and being part of elite four almost all the time means the 4 strongest ones . and having one under your manipulation is massive success as it means you got a political top class free pawn for yourself. and for that if it means to get deprived of own wealth ( bloody scammer?) for sometimes than its totally worth it . on top of that your getting free top class management of his wealth totally free with his wealth expanding massively due to it .

In short tan is aware that he isn't some genius jackshit like pokemon league's seeded next generations. hell he isnt even as talented as a gym assistant but with his some of future knowledge , expirements & manipulation he plans to fucking reach the behemoth or EX class .

pokemon world is massive world with 10× times earth size with 65 % of whole planet's surface unexplored or under great wilderness. even with that it have 10× times more total population than his previous world . the total population estimated in pokenet previous year was around 72 billion people .

too many or more than enough people to get lost among and have fun & utilize his plan without getting exposed .

now the main target of tan coming deep into the deep 500 km inside the deep forest is a single piece of information that he got is that it is rumored that there is peak name meteor peak deep inside the forest .

Now for other it maybe a random name or information for maximum ignorant people but for tan it isnt . as from whatever he knows it's the nest of fucking salamence , there sacred ground. and from there he could get his fucking all the resources for raising the 3 bagons of his .

now from resources he doesn't mean the resources he could buy from any sources. here by resources he means the remains of old salamences or eggs etc .

In short he plans to rob the salamence nest .


A huge cliff beside a waterfall and a cave behind the waterfall .

few large young and old salamence could be seen roaming or sleeping.

shelgon and bagons playing around . and some of the bagons doing there usually attempt to fly .

In short a peaceful scene.

If only it was tan cursed internally seeing the scene. as every fucking salamence there is fucking champion class monsters. let alone an old salamence even a new recently evolved salamence could RIP him into pieces .

And his metang's psychic power aren't still close enough to influence there mind .

hell if he released his 3 bagon's into the nest infront. guaranteed they will be ripped apart and eaten in few seconds. as they are hostile to anything living not from there nest .

due to this he could only risk his life and implement the slow long term risky plan.

the plan is to just fucking setup a camaflouged treehouse on top a old large tree 5 km away from the salamence nest . he plans to make his 2 metangs and 1 ralts practice there psychic power to hide there setup house or lab that he plants to setup . also to make it more Camouflaged he plans to cover it with vines and leaves .


[[TAN'S POV]][[6 months later]]

Now if I didn't say it before then I will say it now pokemon world is fucking awesome. I mean they even have space compression technology. like his bag that he is using for travelling is fucking top class one which have enough space as a medium sized warehouse.

Due to it I even got a portable lab instruments , berries & rations enough to last few years and some high class energy stones .

he used the tactic of just fucking use a powerful sleeping gas on the sleeping salamence nest at night with using his 2 metang's use there psychic power to dull their senses even more .

upto now he did it 3 times and his spoil of robbing was 3 fucking complete skeletons of dead salamence plus some eggs and some dragon scales .

And damm he was proved correct to not rob the salamence nest directly. as every time from the day he started to rob the nest the next day the whole nest goes berserk killing other pokemons in surrounding places.


now at first it may come off as totally weird to collect the skeletons but it isnt .Also the reason he stole some salamence egg was also to not raise them but to rather use it in genetical supplements he plans to create with the skeletons .

As a it is a pokemon world you could see lots of high technologies legal or illegal.

with the skeletons he plan to make the S-class dragon genetical supplements for the 5 dragon types with him and psychic type A-rank supplements for his rest 3 psychic pokemons.

As these genetical supplements are illegal you cant even collect there formulas easily . much less just buying the supplements easily. Tan had to use almost all his secret money stash to just get the 2 formulas.

Also there is a reason this supplements which massively improves the pokemon which in turn improves the pokemon is illegal.

The main cause being the inhuman cruelty to just make them . now if it was only harming pokemons than it could have been reluctantly excepted by the league but this kinds of genetical supplements each have some fucked up ingredients like brain liquid of a human child or a purified blood crystals in most cases etc . now even a purified human/pokemon blood crystals will need atleast blood of 10+ living beings . and on top of that genetical supplements like this makes pokemon more vicious than even wild pokemons.....

guys comment pls . otherwise I can understand where should i improve and am i going in right direction?just comment

Also I will say it again only the photo of glacia given in the link ( look at the auxiliary volume) is valid ( as rest of the photos are garbage)

Rahitcreators' thoughts
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