

Walking to the gate I was greeted to a beautiful site many dragon Pokémon flying in the air.

Watching dratini and dragonair basking in the sunshine that illuminated in the air.

Seeing a dragonite I looked on in curiosity. A orange beam built up in dragonite's mouth as it shot out and fired toward a Pokémon.

Looking at the creature I saw it had a blue and red dragon like Pokémon with huge red wings and red eyebrows. It has large blue ears and its front.

It gave out a roar of its name. Salamance!!!!

The salamance was sent flying into a nearby mountain. Salamance getting back up roared in anger as it's body took on a purple aura.

The aura began to build up into salamance mouth as it was shot into the air. Bursting into many balls raining down.

Looking I almost let the peace get to me. I forgot that dragons are still dangerous creatures.

Running as fast as my could carry me I jumped under a sturdy looking tree.

Just in time to because as the balls rained down many things were destroyed even the place I originally stood at.

Deciding to leave this part I continued on the hunt for my perfect Pokémon.

Crawling through the grass I spotted a wild baby axew walking around.

Seeing it was by itself I threw a poke ball at it.

Watching the ball shake


Come on



Sadly my calls weren't answered as the axew popped back out the ball.

But that wasn't just it an haxours I assumed as the axew parent began to charge up a powerful dragon rage as it started to rush towards my area.

Sensing the danger I ran for cover. Seeing a large cave I ran inside without a second thought.

Getting inside the cave I look behind me to see if the haxorus was still following.

Seeing the haxorus not there anymore I gave out a sigh of relief. Looking at the night sky I have clearly have been gone for a while.

The wind began to pick up as I hear thunder strike down onto the area.

Deciding to venture further into the cave I begun to pick up onto weird noises.

Being more cautious I creep down until I came upon the most beautiful frozen lake.

The lake was so clear that you could see inside of it.

Hearing a noise I got down and hid behind a rock. Peeking out from behind the rock a little bit

I saw the creature that were making the noises. It was a bird with brown eyes, blue plumage, a bluish-white-feathered chest, a three feathered crest adorning its head and a gray beak with matching legs.

Looking over at the majestic creature I couldn't help but marvel at the site of this Pokémon.

Giving out a weak cry the creature stated it's name.


'Seeing that the Pokémon was injured I ran over to it. Are you alright Articuno'.

Giving out a cry Articuno flinched at my hand reaching to caress its body.

'It's gone to be alright Articuno I just want to get you the help you need.'

Seeing the Articuno let me touch it I took out my poke ball.

'Listen Articuno I need to put you in this poke ball for you to get the proper help you need.'

Seeing Articuno nod his head in understanding I took out my poke ball and tapped it lightly on Articuno body.

Seeing that I caught Articuno I cheered silently. Finding a good spot in the cave I rested for the night waiting for the storm to pass over.

Waking up the next morning I rushed out the cave and arrived back to the start of the zone.

Being the only person there I rushed to the base. Looking in dire need I called out for assistance.

A face that was quite familiar to me rushed In.

Monty:Leo I need your help with something. I have a Pokémon that is heavily injured.

Leo:Alright kid calm down. Just follow me to the medic room.

I sure do hope your Pokémon is special for you to be capturing it while it is injured.

Walking into the medic room Leo instructed member to throw out my Pokémon to show it to nurse joy.

Throw out my Pokémon Leo and nurse joy gasped.

Leo giving a glance towards nurse joy. She picked up on it and replied by locking the whole room.

Leo: Do you know what Pokémon you have caught Monty. Many people don't even get the chance to see this Pokémon.

Monty:Umm no I have no clue what this Pokémon is I thought it was just a regular Pokémon. All I know is the name of the Pokémon is Articuno.

Leo:This pokemon is stated in the ancient tablets as one of the bird trio named articuno.

I have to make a call to league officials right quick. This is a contradicting matter that is far beyond my jurisdiction.

Monty:Are you gone to let them take my Pokémon away. Cause if so I'm not going down without a fight.

Leo:Kid I never said anyone was gone to take your Pokémon away we are not that cruel. Not late nurse joy take a look at your Pokémon to heal it.

Watching then take articuno to the back I couldn't help but give out a sigh of relief.

Leo:Well kid you should rest up the other kids are not going to be back for a while.

To be continued