
Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

On the first of his Pokemon journey, Ash/Satoshi awakened the memory of his past life and obtained A system will generate tasks and give all Pokemon related items. Knowing the trajectory of his future life, he decisively chose to make up for the regrets of his past life. Pokemon releaser? [You refused to release the pidgeot and received the reward: Potential Evolution Ribbon] [You refused to send the primape and received the reward: MewtwoX Mega Evolution Stone] Change the Region level and clear it? [You use Champion Pikachu to defeat Rookie Trip. The opponent doubts his life and gets the reward: full Mastery of Aura] Region competition companion runner? [You defeat the mystrious trainer Tobias and get the reward: One of three creation dragons dragon of antimatter giratina; title: Dragon Lord] Will you remain single* forever? [You have obtained the "harem protagonist aura", and the harmony of the harem +10] *Robbing Pokémon? [You break paul's leg and send him to a juvenile detention center and get the reward: "One ball into the soul" title (throwing a Poké Ball has a probability of directly recovering the mythical Pokémon) ] ... This is a Chinese translation fanfic I removed all the Chinese elements as mush as I can I fully rewrite the chapters with my own style if you like it please support

stromerthaha · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 10: Using Potential Enhancing Ribbon (Iron), Elements Of An Excellent Trainer

[System Space: Potential Enhancement Ribbon*1 (Iron): After using a Pokémon with a pseudo-Elite potential or below, the potential will be +1.

Elementary Rare Candy*3, after using Pokémon below level 30, level +1. ]

Ash checked his system space, and when no one was paying attention, he took out the potential enhancement Ribbon (iron) obtained from defeating Team Rocket for the first time after completing the mission.

The Ribbon is iron-gray in color and has an exquisite Poké Ball shape. It looks like an expensive craft with two slender ribbons underneath.

"Use Potential Enhancement Ribbon (Iron) on Catterpie"

Ash thought silently in his heart, and then the potential-enhancing Ribbon (iron) in his hand disappeared.

It turned into little stars that no one else could see and fell on Catterpie's red and white Poké Ball, sinking into it.

[Pokémon: Catterpie.

Level: LV6.

Potential: pesudo-Elite level.

Ability: scale powder.

Skills: Tackle, String Shot.

Intimacy: 235 (full value 255). ]

After using the Potential Enhancement Ribbon (Iron), Catterpie's original gym-level potential was upgraded to a pseudo-Elite level.

In addition, there is an unexpected surprise.

The original intimacy level of 140 points suddenly increased to the same level as Pikachu before.

Presumably, in a while, it will become the second Pokémon in Ash's hands with full intimacy.

Ash was very satisfied with the effect of potential enhancement Ribbon (iron).

Sure enough, it is produced by the system and must be a high-quality product.

He has a pseudo-Elite potential Pokemon and it can join the second team no matter how bad he is in the future.

If I have another chance to improve my potential, I might be able to advance to the Elite level.

Moreover, there is a hidden benefit after Catterpie's potential is raised to the pseudo-Elite level.

That is, the vitality has been greatly improved, and the life span is far longer than the original ten years or so.

Most Bug Type Pokémon evolve quickly, require few resources, and are very easy to catch.

The reason why it failed to become a mainstream Pokémon for high-end trainers.

Even trainers with a few qualifications will not choose the main starters as Bug Type Pokémon unless they are particularly passionate about it like bugsy from azalea town or Aaron one of the elite four of sinnoh region.

Except for the scarcity of high-potential insect Pokémon, Breeder difficulty and excessive resource consumption (such as Scyther, etc.).

There is another very important factor, that is, the lifespan of Bug Type Pokémon is generally not long.

Other Pokémon, such as Dragonite or something.

Breeder's is ready and can be passed down to the family.

One Pokémon can send away Trainers for generations.

As for insect Pokémon, Trainer can send them away for several generations.

Just imagine, Trainer worked hard to train a main insect Pokémon, but it didn't last long after reaching its peak.

In addition to the loss of energy and money, Trainer also has to bear the emotional loss.

The truth is unacceptable.

Not all common bug Pokémon are like Team Rocket boss Giovanni's Beedrill.

Butterfree now uses the potential-enhancing Ribbon (iron). While the potential is enhanced, it also enhances vitality and increases lifespan.

Due to this ash can train with a peace of mind.

.................... ....

Ash suppressed his thoughts temporarily and released Catterpie from the Poké Ball.


Thanks to the high degree of intimacy, Catterpie rubbed Ash's trouser legs as soon as he came out of the Poké Ball.

Misty, who was afraid of bugs, jumped three feet high and hurriedly distanced herself from Ash, maintaining a safe position.

With Ash, a super intimate master, Catterpie didn't get close to Misty like in the original plot, which frightened her so much that she turned pale.

Strangely enough, Misty, who is so afraid of bugs, would actually be loved by bug Pokémon.

I don't know what those persistent insect-catching teenagers should think.

Seeing Misty's exaggerated reaction, Ash just shook his head and did not try to persuade Misty to overcome her fear.

Overcoming this thing takes time and cannot be accomplished in a short time.

Just like some people are afraid of snakes. No matter how hard they try, they will still be afraid.

What's more, if you're afraid of bugs, just be scared of bugs, it's not a big deal.

He doesn't like to impose his will on to others.

Squatting down, his eyes were level with Catterpie's, who was pulling up his trousers, and he poked the red tentacles on Catterpie's head.

"Catterpie, my name is Ash, and I will be your Trainer from now on. Welcome to the team buddy "


Catterpie suppressed the instinctive reaction of releasing the stench from the red tentacles and responded to Ash very enthusiastically.

When it was in the Pokémon ball just now, it could feel a mysterious force transforming its body.

Make it stronger, smarter, and healthier, all of which seem to be brought about by the Trainer in front of you.

Therefore, Catterpie is particularly close to Ash.

"Okay, Catterpie, just stay still and I'll give you some medicine."

Ash comforted him again, found Super Potion from his backpack, and applied it on Catterpie's minor wounds.

Although Pikachu didn't use much force during the battle, just within the range of just enough to defeat Catterpie, he was still injured in the end.

However, there is no need to go to the hospital for this kind of minor injury, it can be completely cured by using the Super Potion carried.

Unlike the fragility of people on his previous life , Pokémon and people in the Pokémon world are immune to serious injuries.

Most injuries can be healed by using various Potions, and may even heal themselves over time.

Of course, you still need to go to the hospital for some minor injuries.

Otherwise, long-term accumulation will damage the Pokémon's body, making it difficult for it to fully realize its potential.

.................... ....

After Catterpie joined the team, Ash and his team continued to move forward.

The high-level wild Pokémon encountered on the way are given to Pikachu for experience packs while the low-level ones become the packs for Catterpie's growth.

After winning several battles in succession, Catterpie successfully upgraded from lv6 to lv7.

"Is this? Catterpie is going to evolve!"

"Then its original level is very high!"

Misty looked at Catterpie with a face full of surprise as its whole body was covered with a dazzling white light of evolution.

In addition to his high level, Catterpie's combat prowess made her more recognized by people who are afraid of insect Pokémon.

Catterpie's String Shot is different from Normal in terms of speed, power, and hit rate, and his fighting will is also good.

Compared with other timid Catterpies, there is a huge difference.

Huh I am hesitant when it's about bug type Pokemon.

Although I feel a little ashamed, the trainer who has been trained in the gym since I was a child is still inferior to Ash,the Rookie Trainer who just debuted.

But Misty also has to admit Ash's excellence way of training his Pokemons.

Judging from his eyesight, love for Pokémon and battle command, Ash has initially possessed the elements to become an excellent Trainer and maybe one day he can reach the pinnacle of being a Pokemon master.